I have a dream


The 28 August 1963 in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington in front of a crowd in March of 200.000 people Martin Luther King delivered his speech symbol. Words still relevant today that resonate among the cries of hope of a movement, the civil rights movement, that still hasn't fully harvest the results you wanted. The media today allow us to learn almost live scenes of intolerance and racial hatred, as if in these fifty years had not made any headway. The risk that our ears are deaf to the cries of hope of MLK and that our eyes normalise violence scenes as if they were a variant of a film is always very high turn pain. Just need the only outrage, gradually also serve these words unless you innervates in our society a culture of respect, Dell’ education, the highlight of every good thing that the other can bring. Deaf and blind prejudice and fear have always pushed the weak to jump in’ abyss of evil. Evil is the son of an inner weakness to which you can escape with the light of knowledge and culture. Culture that Martin Luther King he introduced in his speech drawing on Gandhi and Lincoln and the Bible. Over the years that speech was vivisected by many scholars from different academic disciplines. The rhythm, the choice, repetition of certain key words and l’ using the metrics as were applicable to the rules of music. It would make sense that in every classroom there were writings on the wall next to the Blackboard these words

“I have before me a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but for the quality of their character. I have a dream, today!

I have a dream, that one day every Valley shall be exalted, every hill and every mountain will be humiliated, the steep places will be made plans and places winding straightened and the glory of the Lord will show and all living beings, together, will see it. This is our hope. This is the faith that I'll take South.

With this faith we will be able to handle the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful Symphony of brotherhood.”

Hector Parker

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The yield of the President


Nothing evokes best the end of mandate of Obama as his gaze resigned and aged, a far cry from the image of strong man, dreamer and determined that gave new confidence to Americans by instilling in their hearts the idea of a new American dream. Barack Hussein Obama II was elected President of the United States of America in 44° 2008, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 and reelected to the same position as President in 2012. Not only: It was the first American President to talk about gay rights and to fight for them. Despite the difficulty in fulfill a task so delicate Obama was able to end the war in Afghanistan, exhausting as that of Viet Nam, to defeat the King of terror Osama Bin Laden, to guide the country through a difficult global economic crisis, to improve the living conditions of Americans launching a campaign that would remedy the problem of obesity. Obama succeeded in everything, or almost. It is said that a pessimist is a realist well aware of facts, and it's a very realistic Barack what admits that no, Unfortunately in the United States of America you cannot make a law against indiscriminate use of arms. And say we tried in all ways: from awareness to food and basic necessities in Exchange for weapons. The dreamer was convinced he could drive a country differently from its predecessor, that George W. Bush so bound and dependent on large power lobby, from weapons to oil. Awareness not to hold the power to make a simple law that may restrict and regulate the use of arms among individuals was a bitter and painful awakening. 2405 people died in America as a result of the massacres perpetrated in cinema, schools, shopping malls, private homes, streets, Piazza and other gathering places, Every tragic event of its kind following the public humiliation of a man posing in front of Americans apologizes, you look down and say "No, We can't ".


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An extraordinary woman: Mother Teresa


More than a century ago,, the 26 August 1910, Ricardo Anjëzë Bojaxhiu, better known as Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Nobel Peace Prize, is one of the most famous women in the world.
Originally from Albania, She was the daughter of a family wealthy enough. However, After his father's death, He found himself in financial straits. Thus began early to attend the parish and associations who helped poor people. In 1928 Decides to become a nun and that the place where would operate would be the India.
At the age of 27 He took his perpetual vows and his name became Mother Teresa. After more than ten years spent in the convents Indians, the nun was able to be accidentally came into contact with the poorest India, in the middle of the war of independence against England. The encounter with the most absolute poverty was fundamental in the life of Mother Teresa, as it was on that occasion that he received "the call" to be at the service of those most in need, the street people.
In 1948 obtained permission to go live among the poorest of Calcutta, where he devoted himself to the care of leprosy. After working for ten years on the outskirts of the Indian metropolis, Mother Teresa received approval from Pope Paul VI to open new houses for refugees abroad. This helped to raise the reputation of the small nun.
In 1979, as I mentioned earlier, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize. The woman refused the traditional banquet and donated the funds raised to the poor of Calcutta.
The 05 September 1997 Mother Teresa died, at the age of 87 years. His name however was not forgotten: Pope John Paul II opened the beatification process of the woman, which was concluded positively in 2003.
"We will never understand quite how well is capable of making a smile" said Mother Teresa. Fu, albeit small and often helpless, a revolutionary: a woman who has dedicated his entire life to that of the other, marginalized and less fortunate.


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Sacco and Vanzetti, the symbol of the’ Injustice

saccoevanzettiThe 27 August 1927 the prison in Charlestown were executed in the electric chair Nicola Sacco, Shoemaker, and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, fishmonger. At hours 00:19, the two men were killed seven minutes of each other (before it fell to Lot, then Vanzetti). The intent of this sentence was a robbery with double murder occurred on 15 April 1920 the shoe factory Slater and Morris to South Braintree, at the gates of Boston. An offence to which the two Italians were strangers and innocent. There were many evidences for them including the testimony of inmate Celestino Madeiros. But on of them weighed prejudice and adherence to the anarchist movement. They came to America in 1908, by making different crafts for living, regarded with contempt two WOPS i.e. without papers no papers, they did not speak any English or almost. They met in 1916, in that period were recognized and had participated in political activities of protest strikes against the war. They ended up on the list of subversives. The 3 may 1920 a friend of theirs who also on the list was killed by police. The 9 may the two wanted to hold a rally to shed light on that event, but they were arrested. A few days later were indicted for the robbery which took place in South Braintree, a few weeks before their arrest. On that occasion had been killed by gunshots, the cashier of the company Slater and Morrill and a security guard. The judge Webster Thayer did not let slip the opportunity to define them in the classroom two “anarchist bastards”. Became a case of international mobilization: London, Paris and some cities of Germany were the scene of demonstrations in favour of the release of the two Italians. Even some famous intellectuals rallied to that effect: Albert Einstein, Dorothy Parker, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Bertrand Russell, John Dewey, George Bernard Shaw, John Dos Passos, Upton Sinclair, H. G. Wells. All was in vain. But the 23 August 1977 the State of Massachusetts, in the person of Governor Michael Dukakis, officially recognized the errors made in the process and rehabilitated the memory of Sacco and Vanzetti.

Hector Parker

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The wife of a dictator: Nadja

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Last night I came across a documentary that talked about some great early-20th-century dictators. As I listened to the story of their most heinous crimes, I asked myself a question: How could these men women accept the actions taken by their mates? In fact, not all women criminals in power in the twentieth century they accepted silently decisions of their men.
Stalin, the man of steel, He was married to two women. His first wife died of tuberculosis in 1907, four years after their marriage. In 1919 the dictator he married Nadezhda Alliluyeva. Nadja was the daughter of a Russian revolutionary and had the opportunity to meet Stalin when he was just a kid. After the revolution, the girl became employed by the Secretariat of Lenin, work that gave her great satisfaction both from an economic point of view, both from a political point of view: Nadja was convinced advocate of Leninist ideology.
The woman had two children by Stalin: Vasily Dzhugashvili, died of alcoholism in 1962, and Svetlana Alliluyeva, d. 2011.
At the age of 31 years, after constant bickering with your spouse, the woman decided to take his own life with a gun shot to the heart: was the 09 November 1932.
Robert Conquest says that Nadja's death "was the only time they saw the eyes [the dictator] full of tears ". But it also seems that Stalin has said about the wife who "left by the enemy".
An ambivalent attitude then featured on Stalin's behavior against women, fact that distinguishes different totalitarian leader that all too often no longer able to distinguish between hate and love.
You do not know with certainty the reasons which prompted Nadja to commit suicide: Maybe he didn't want to be an accomplice of a man so wicked and did not want to have a guilty conscience of those who, with silence, become partner.
As Jerseys, Nadja "was removed from Monster, denying so shame to have loved ".


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