A contemporary in "modern times"


The 5 February 1936 comes out in cinemas around the world Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin. It is the most important film produced by actor: is the first to Chaplin's sound and is the first feature film "engaged". Prior 1936, the public was accustomed to see short shorts with simple gag in which, through the character the tramp, stood out the genius and skill of the actor. You do not require any kind of mental commitment to the Viewer, which had to sit and wait for the first comic scene to start laughing. But the world in the 1920s and 30s was changing and Chaplin followed the world: nationalism and the winds of war derived therefrom, changes in society and the mechanization of the industrial sector were phenomena that were not indifferent to the plaintiff. After getting everything a comic actor could conquer: money, honor, Fame, Gloria, Chaplin had arrived the moment to get back in the game, This time putting foot into society and representing it. The modern factory not attributed more to man a prominent place in the productive cycle, the workman had become a part of that assembly line that made it possible to increase the production cycles by reducing production time. The modern factory worker would have to make the same "mechanics" gestures for several hours during the day. What then remained of man, his thinking being and living, of his feelings, passions, of his intelligence? According To Chaplin, nothing. From this concept part the representation of modern society, of those modern themes that carried Yes a progress, a form of evolution of society: the first cars, the first electric company, the first seats, the radios, but all this was obtained at what price? He was the man to be decommissioned and in favor of the machine, which became the main element. Achieve Modern Times it cost a lot to Chaplin, especially the fact that entering feet together in this society, considered distorted, wouldn't be without its criticisms in retrospect. Create laughter with a gag comedienne not engaged or create laughter highlighting how a worker is treated are two things are very different. The evolution also went into the movie business and Chaplin tried to resist her, in fact he wanted Modern Times It was entirely sound. The actor still resists the use of dialogues, but introduces the sound: the music is synchronized with the movement of the characters and conduct of actions. Also had the issue of giving voice to Charlot, as audiences around the world wondered what voice would have had, How would speak. The voice would match the figure of "tramp". Chaplin dares, for a single ciak, the dance of Titina, the actor does sing Charlot, It was one of the most important bets won by Chaplin. All this could not be enough to complete a film engaged, different from previous ones, He also had to change, or rather mature the same character of Charlot: If the first "tramp" could generate sympathy and tenderness into the public, the new Charlot mature as a man: now it is the worker who every day trying to survive and which reflects the working class around the world. Will be with The Great Dictator the character of the tramp will reach full maturity. The final scene of Modern Times where Chaplin calls on the young girl, Paulette Godard his future wife, smile to life is one of the most beautiful films ever made. The smile of the tramp is a hymn to life, love and happiness.

You always criticize, speak ill of you and it will be difficult dating someone to whom you can be fine as you are. Then: live like you think. Do what your heart tells you: what you want. The life is a’Opera of theater that has initial trials. Then: sings, RIDI, Bale, love and live intensely every now of your life, before the curtain drops and l’Opera finish without applause. (CIT. Chaplin)

Roberto Rossetti

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Democracy 2444 years ago


The Athenians had a very clear concept of democracy: participation of all citizens in the Government of Polis, that is, the city-state of Athens. Gathered in the Assembly ruled that laws were being proposed, debated and finally vote for simple show of hands. If the results of the vote wasn't clear, a second ballot was required. The method adopted by them was simple, direct, transparent. Not that you do not incur costs to keep the public office or public debt did not exist, simply had found an inexpensive way to express themselves and to govern themselves,. Their democracy was perfect, especially in the time of Pericles. The Athenian strategos, that it featured as the leader or rather the first citizen, He managed to secure in Athens years of splendour and domain: work on the Acropolis, remarkable still today, and the vast Empire is a tangible example. His secret? Curb the instincts of the people, aim for harmony among all citizens, make laws simple and easy to implement, be transparent with all citizens and take the same attitude from them, do not enlarge the Empire declaring war if not sure victory, finding the perfect balance between internal governance and control of the Empire. Here is his epitaph. After the death of Pericles in 429 BC, democracy in Athens fell twice, in 411 b.c.. and in 404 BC, because politicians were not as savvy generation Periclean age posts, forward-looking, cautious and honest intellectually than their predecessor: they sought the support of the people and to get it turned to demagoguery, they created inner circles of power, decided laws that favored their private interests and addressed appointments to public office to persons of their trust. The main difference between Pericles and his successors was the first looked at always the interests of polis bringing prosperity to the town, While the latter looked after their own private interests causing the ruin of Athens and transforming direct democracy in an indirect democracy, much more like a Government of the few, an oligarchy. The legacy that Pericles delivered to citizens allowed them, both in 411 b.c.. that in 404 BC, to rebel against these dishonest politicians and recover, After a few months, democracy and the City Government. They treasure the experiences and lessons of previous years and knew how to govern in peace and prosperity until the arrival of the Romans. Today, in our country we often witness to demagogic attempts by improvised politicians to seek the favor of the people to gain power, ERGO personal benefits; This is taken for granted and that is repeated in the history of democratic Nations. However, should be intelligence of citizens who understand, actually, grant the ability to govern, without giving credit to anyone proposes political bragging capacity that does not own or fake public interests. The collective interest of citizenship for "public affairs" should always be strong updated daily, by requiring those who was assigned the task of governing to give an account of their work, as happens in every workplace. This does not mean that citizens Athenians of the time were more cunning and capable than us today, simply, were more interested in their public interests, savvy and held firmly in the power that democracy granted them. I wonder if we will sooner or later, We too, to give shape to a modern democracy, enough to be remembered in the next duemilaquattrocentoquarantaquattro years, as the Greeks lived to the age of Pericles. Often instead of all UFO research solution unlikely and to improve our democracy, It would also read the epitaph of Pericles:

Freely we live in community relations, and in all regards suspect arises from mutual relations in daily habits, no get angry when we with your neighbor if he does something according to his pleasure and without inflict on each other harassment that, Yes, are not harmful, but our eyes are unpleasant. Without hurt us private and public life reports each other we reverence above all keeps us from violating the laws, in obedience to those who are in positions of command, and institutions, in particular those who suffer injustice or protection of that, Although not written, they bring to those who breach a disgrace by all recognized.

Roberto Rossetti

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The power of truth


New Delhi. 30 January 1948. During the morning prayer three gunshots fired by Nathuram Godse killed Mahatma Gandhi. Godse was configured as a Hindu extremist who don't fine l’ opening dialectic of Gandhi to the Muslim world. Today the Mahatma Gandhi we find in icons that represented the greats of the past, occasionally appears on his face with one of his phrases real or fake on social networks. But who was Gandhi? Born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, graduated in law in London, Gandhi was a convinced vegetarian diet and experienced to minimize his power. He had a great respect for animals that he felt like the man as God's creatures. Although he practiced as a lawyer and then had a chance to enjoy some ease I try to live in simplicity from the point of view of clothing. This decision was taken even in respect of the poorest. His purity of mind was also the guiding spirit with which he led his life, feeling his soul more important than its body. He defended the Indian immigrants in South Africa for twenty years, in which fought against apartheid. His political action was unexpected and promoted a new form of protest. The basic idea of his attitude was the Satyagraha. That is the power of truth. It manifested itself through the disobedience of laws deemed unfair, Nonviolent boycott, the non-violent picketing, non-violent strike, the marches and hunger strikes. Disobedience of the law of which he accepted administrative consequences, sometimes manifested through physical violence. This peaceful protest but clear and solemn fascinated people like Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi. Was repeating that conflicts are resolved by relying on the things that unite us with opponents. In 1930 He promoted the salt protest, a March of more than 350 km estrazone salt in violation that led to the actual directives. The dissidents met at a violent crackdown on English. Were arrested 60.000 people and many were even beaten. A year later the viceroy and Gandhi signed an agreement that allowed the Indians collecting salt for domestic use and the release of dissidents of the salt protest. A year before his death the work of Gandhi saw the light of his political objective: the independence of’ India, was the 15 August 1947. All that remains is to affirm its greatness by recalling that it was one of the very few politicians determined and living according to their own values. His biography exudes an unmatched consistency, his public figure adhered perfectly with her private life. Wasn't big on public speaking, Although his phrases remain engraved in history his best weapon was his example.

Hector Parker

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Only tears for Demis Roussos

demis roussos

In the days when Greece was about to take an important step forward for itself and its recent history with the electoral vote, one of his greatest talents has made it an orphan. This is Demis Roussos singer and bassist of Aphrodite's Child. Born in Alexandria, Egypt 15 June 1946. Along with the great Vangelis Papathanassiou had constituted one of the most famous groups of late years 60. Initially they were a formation of four elements. In 1968 they tried their luck in London. They had started in three from Greece for London, because the fourth member had to stay at home in order to fulfil its obligations by lever. The band's sound was mixed Greek-Mediterranean atmospheres and progressive rock with a substratum of classical music. They had an audition at Mercury Records where he liked to producer Pierre Sberro. At that time another band had achieved success with music very close to that of Aprhodite's Child, This is Procol Harum. So for the launch of the Greek group was a classical melody of the seventeenth century the Canone in d major Abbot Johann Pachelbel. We worked on and the result was the song Rain and Tears, characterized by the sound of’ hammond organ of Vangelis and the falsetto voice of Demis Roussos. The single becoming a massive success, released near the French may 1968 It also became a formidable soundtrack. In 1970 the song was born It's five o'clock another big hit sung by Franco Battiato. A song that brings sound of the Greek musical tradition with classical influences. In those years is measured with a cover of a hit by Sergio Endrigo Away from the eyes, recently restored to prominence by Gianna Nannini. In 1971 the group disbanded. Demis Roussos continued to have success as a solo artist and Vangelis became a great composer of soundtracks for films such as Blade Runner and Chariots of fire. In 1971 Roussos won the Festivalbar with We shall dance. Other successes were Forever and Ever, My Friend the Wind, My Reason and Lovely Lady of Arcadia. His inimitable voice broke forever. We just have to remember him with a verse of his greatest achievement

“When you cry
in winter time
You can pretend
It's nothing but the rain”

“When you cry in winter
You can pretend
It's nothing’ nothing but rain”

Hector Parker

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Holocaust Memorial Day, a lesson for today's world


Memorial Day has a date 27 January. Recurrence that is traced is the day when Soviet soldiers of the army of the first Ukrainian front, led by Marshal Koniev, entered the Auschwitz extermination camp. Were the 15. Found there still 7.000 prisoners, abandoned by fleeing Nazis considered sick. To erase traces Hitler's soldiers had blasted three crematoria the previous nights. This was the picture of that day. Behind the pictures you pararono before the eyes of Soviet soldiers there was something even more unheard of, This is the project of death that had led humanity to the abyss. The final solution was the name of the Nazi project in those fields full of horror and inhumanity, but mostly madness. Was the main result of the Nuremberg laws enacted in 1935. A complex project that swept across Europe and sinking its roots in anti-Semitism in the previous century, in theories of Arianism by Adolf Hitler, in rickety German World War I responsibilities interpretations made by the Fuhrer. First the Jews were “invited” to leave Germany, then things get more serious Government generally and venné realized the physical extermination. Jews were excluded from all public apparatus of German social life up to regard them not persons but pieces. They were joined by all social categories considered weak or not be constrained to Nazi parameters of’ Aryan man. The time that runs nonstop took several witnesses. The risk that the memory fade, that habituation to images of violence stemming from the cinema and literature can decrease the weight of historical and civic’ Holocaust is great. So this day was established. Because consciences can remain that feeling that produces respect among peoples. Recently they are propagated feelings of hatred in the world, which differently led to the death and destruction. As if the sacrifice of 6 millions of Jews and, more generally, 55 millions of people is just a statistic and belong to one of the many tragedies of the past. Educating the new generations to accept in the world others with respect is our daily task to decrease this risk. The lesson of 27 January is for everyone, bar none.

Hector Parker

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