When to be born is a champ


Cristiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro, better known as Cristiano Ronaldo, is a Portuguese Footballer born on 5 February 1985, in a poor family, in Funchal, in Portugal.
Just seven years, Ronaldo is noted by some observers of Andorinha, What will be his first team. In 1995, Ronaldo moved to Nacional, but two years later he moved to Sporting Clube de Portugal in Exchange for 12.000 Euro becoming, so, the highest-paid kid across the country. The 13 August 2003 Ronaldo moved to Manchester United. Christian, He made his debut for the Red Devils on 16 August 2003, succeeding at the 66th minute. The 11 June 2009, Ronaldo moves back to Real Madrid, paid about 94 millions of euro. The 29 August 2009, CR7 debuts with Real scored his first goal from the penalty spot. In the season 2010-2011, is the change of bench, where Mourinho who won his first World Cup season, del Rey, Thanks to Ronaldo, that al 103′, He scored the winning goal. In the season 2011-2012, In addition, the Real win la Liga. We can still remember that 4 November 2011, Ronaldo wins his second European golden boot. The season 2013-2014 It was an extraordinary vintage, be for Real for Ronaldo. Real Madrid wins its 10th Champions League beating 4-1 Atletico Madrid in the final; Ronaldo, Instead, won his third Golden Ball. We can also mention that in season 2014-2015 Ronaldo wins his fourth Golden Boot topping, so, Lionel Messi. Finally, a few days ago, Ronaldo scored a hat trick again against Espanyol (the game ended, then, for 6 networks to 0 in favour of Real Madrid).

David Aimar (11 years)

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The Monuments men: recovered history



About trecentoquarantacinque people between men and women from thirteen different countries served, among the 1943 and the 1951, service at the section Mfaa (Monuments, Fine Arts and Archive Program): their task, approved by Roosevelt and Churchill, was to penetrate to the heart of Europe at the mercy of the Nazis and then the biggest treasure hunt ever: retrieve all artworks looted by Hitler. These heroes went down in history as the Monuments men, the men of monuments.
In 1943 Americans and British established the Mfaa; in the spring of the following year there was the first meeting in Britain, where at Shrivenham was established the base camp for military trainings: the heroes ofMfaa they were mostly intellectuals and artists, Museum Directors and art experts, without any military cognition.
After landing in Normandy with other troops in early June of ' 44, the Monuments men began to reach castles, churches and convents where hung the famous sign bearing the inscription "Off limits. To all military personnel: historic building!"and began a series of interviews involving pastors, Museum Directors and local people to understand where the works could have been transported and hidden.
Many of the works in the Louvre were taken by the Nazis in Bavarian Castle Neuschwanstein Castle; the structure contained so many artworks that Monuments men needed six weeks to recover all. The real surprise was however when in the salt mine of Altaussee, in Austria, were found in ' 45 well 6.500 paintings, statues and minor works. Among the artistic treasure was found even the Madonna and child by Michelangelo, the only sculpture of the Tuscan artist to have left Italy while he was still alive, in 1506. Were found in the same place also crates with unexploded bombs inside them, This is to facilitate the so-called Operation Nero: in the event of defeat, the order of Berlin was to blow up everything and deprive humanity of European artistic treasure.
All the recovered artworks were brought to the station set up by the allies in Munich: from here began a difficult task of locating owners and restitution, operation still in progress and far closer to the conclusion.
It is thanks to the work of these heroes that we can still appreciate masterpieces by great artists like Leonardo, Donatello, Vermeer and Rembrandt.


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Sunday Bloody Sunday


The 30 January 1972 in Derry, dell city’ Northern Ireland, the 1st Battalion of the parachute regiment of the British army fired against a crowd of demonstrators for civil rights, by attacking 26. Tredicidi died soon, the fourteenth died a few days later from his injuries. It was Sunday and this tragic event went down in history as Bloody Sunday. Behind this Act there is a bitter conflict between the two main dell’ Northern Ireland or the Unionists British and Protestant wire array on one side and the Republicans Irish and Catholic wire across. The first faction descended from British colonialists occupied the Irish soil from the 16th century and numerically were two-thirds of the Northern Irish space. They held political and economic control of that area. L’ the other faction was the remaining third of Northern Ireland, But even the majority of Ireland. In 1970 He was born an armed group called IRA, Irish Republic Army, which ran guerrilla Northern Irish police and British army. The latter defended the unionists while l’ IRA defending Catholics. In this land of bloody fight had sent police to arrest and hold in custody without trial those stained by acts rioters using a measure called Internment. This situation of refusal before the law did move the protest of Derry, a peaceful protest, but over in the blood due to the disproportionate response of the British paratroopers. For years the leaders of that’ Act remained unpunished. A first Board, chaired by Lord Widgery and wanted by the British Government, acquitted British army leaders involved. Then a second Commission of inquiry, chaired by Lord Saville, with the help of 900 witnesses and years of difficult investigations came to recognize the responsibility of the 1st Battalion of the parachute regiment of the British army, and that the victims were incapable of causing damage to the English military. Prime Minister Cameron said that it was an act of unfair and unjustifiable. Only in 2015 It was the first arrest of one of English military blamed for killing one of the victims. Bloody Sunday instead of quelling the protest he encouraged and strengthened the IRA and confrontations in later years. In 1983 U2 released the song "Sunday Bloody Sunday" to remind everyone that tragic Sunday and to ensure that the rhetoric of “Hopefully not happen again″ you face reality soon.

Hector Parker

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Lest we forget: talking is not enough, need to listen



In a contemporary time always moving, dominated by the word and the image, Today it is important to stop and listen to the echoes of history. We want to do with the poem written by Primo Levi, He opens his book “If this is a man”. And’ the story of a man locked up in concentration camps, who fought for survival. And’ the same story of millions of men, women and children.

You who live safe
In your warm homes
You who found coming night
Hot food and friendly faces:
Consider if this is a man,
Working in the mud
That knows no peace
Struggling through bread
Dying for a Yes or a no.
Consider if this is a woman,
Without hair and without name
No more strength to remember
Empty eyes and cold the womb
Like a frog in winter.
Meditate that this was:
I command these words.

Carve them in your heart
Standing in the House going to away,
Coricandovi rise:
Repeat them to your children.
Or face the House,
The illness prevent you from,
Your born children turn your face from you.

Roberto Rossetti


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Federico Fellini before becoming


Federico Fellini was born in Rimini at 21.30 of 20 January 1920, by urban and Ida Barbiani. His father was a salesman and housewife. He was a quiet child with a flair for design. In 1925 While in Italy he assumed the fascist dictatorship the young Frederick started the school elementara by the Sisters of St Vincent. He had to declare perhaps inspired by Charlie Chaplin, its landmark in cinema, as a child ran away from home to find refuge in a circus. In 1936, year of the Spanish civil war broke out and the proclamation of’ Empire by Mussolini, attended a State of the art camp and dabbled in cartooning. The following year with his friend the painter Demos Bonini created a portrait shop called Phoebus. The 1939 It was a tremendous year for the world, Hitler's troops invaded Poland and World War II broke out, the Franco regime, forces win the Spanish civil war, l’ Italy invaded’ Albania, Pius XI died and ascended to the papacy Cardinal Pacelli, Pius XII. In that’ year was the turning point in the life of Frederick, He moved to Rome with the pretext to enroll in the Faculty of law. In Rome, Fellini began frequenting that will influence all his later cinematography. Developed partnerships as an illustrator for magazines such as Cine Shows, Rugantino, Cinemagazzino, the small and the Marc’ Aurelius. In this latest tested met Ruggero Maccari and Stefano Vanzina (Steno) with whom he, not accredited, the first screenplays Lo vedi come sei? and Defendant stand up! directed by Mario Mattoli. In the early years 40 l’ Italy entered the war, the international situation was plunged into the depths more tragic. At that time was a decisive encounter for its entry into the world of theatre that is with Aldo Fabrizi. In 1942 managed to avoid the call to arms for a dramatic episode how lucky for him, a bomb exploded in the’ dell store’ Forlì hospital shortly before check-up. In 1943 He met a young Roman actress Giulietta Masina, who played Ball on the radio, a character invented by Fellini for the Marc’ Aurelius. After a brief engagement they were married he entered l’ year, the 30 October, staying together forever. That same year he recorded the first fall of Mussolini at the hands of the fascist Grand Council on 25 July, l’ Armistice signed by Badoglio and then the outbreak of the civil war in Italian. A’ other important meeting was with Roberto Rossellini. He participated in the writing of the screenplay Rome, Open City, Rossellini's Neorealist masterpiece of 1946. In 1945 He lived the tragedy of the loss of his son a few weeks after birth. In that’ year World War II ended and slowly l’ Italy began to rise from the rubble. In 1946 continued collaboration with Rossellini also writing the screenplay for Paisà. In 1950 began his directing career when he directed together with Laidlaw movie Variety lights. Fellini's youth is not easy to identify because he has always colored by his mystery, He elaborated in his films sometimes dreamlike character dilating and grotesque. However thanks to the tangle of personal lives intertwined with domestic ones were born Italian and world capavolavori that characterized the cinema for the next fifty years.

Hector Parker

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