Baghdad, the war and the thousand and one nights


The 17 January 1991 a multinational force led by the United States of America attacked militarily the State of Iraq, led by dictator Saddam Hussein. The root cause of the conflict was the invasion in August 1990 on the part of the Iraqis of the neighboring state of Kuwait to take advantage of the rich oil fields. The battle lasted little more than a month: the forces deployed by the two sides saw the victory of the Americans and their allies; the Iraqis retreated from Kuwait burning oil wells. The "Gulf war" was also the first conflict to be broadcast worldwide: How can we forget the images of the nights of Baghdad with daylight from American and Iraqi missiles. From that 17 January 1991, the nights of Baghdad were no longer the same. A second war, duration from 2003 until 2011, swept the entire Iraqi regime by causing the downfall and death of his dictator. Today in Iraq and chaos reigns in Baghdad: the past wars and the current infighting have erased all traces of one of the oldest and most historical countries of the Middle East, Nothing remains except its sky, perfect and unchanging over time, inspiration of the largest Oriental writers, of the "Arabian Nights".

Among all the reports about Baghdad of "Arabian Nights" carry this:

Story of Ali Cogia merchant of Bagdàd

In Bagdàd dwelt a merchant named Ali Dwarf, that he lived alone and in decent conditions. This man dreamed for three consecutive nights an old urged him to go on pilgrimage to Mecca. For the sake of conscience, Ali Dwarf decided to sell all his belongings and set off on a pilgrimage. Fearing that he would run out of money, hid a thousand gold coins in a jar, He held to the brim with olives. He delivered this vase to a friend of his merchant who assured him that he would have kept it shut in their warehouse. Ali Dwarf did brisk business in Mecca and he decided to continue his journey as a tourist, first in Cairo, then in Jerusalem, Damascus and, Finally, in India. So seven years went by and the friend forgot about it, until one day his wife expressed a desire to eat olives. The merchant wanted to open the jar and was astonished to find the gold coins on the bottom. To fill the vase, He added of fresh olives in those seven years old. Soon Wings Dwarf returned and paid a visit to his friend. Asked to retrieve his pot, but he noticed that the gold coins were gone. Believing in good faith of his friend, urged him to admit he borrowed, but the merchant affected not to have touched and questioned the existence of the treasure. Ali Dwarf, heartbroken, He quoted the man in court, but in court, There is no evidence of what he said, the cadi recognized innocent merchant. This process caused a stir in the city and the Caliph Harùn ar-Rashìd, on one of his nocturnal sorties under disguise, He saw some kids that typified the protagonists of the dispute: one of them, pretending to be the cadi, recognized with a series of irrefutable evidence the guilt of the merchant. The Caliph he remembered the fact, Since Ali Dwarf had sent a plea to get his speech. The next day Harùn ar-Rashìd did summon little boy, the merchant, Ali Dwarf, the cadi and two merchants of olives, which they judged that the friend had replaced the honey with fresh olives and obliged him to confess. After returning the stolen goods, the merchant was hanged and the Caliph thanked the boy for being more judicious and intelligent of the cadi and presented him with a gift of one hundred gold coins.


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Martin Luther King, Jr., the man who taught us to dream big


The 15 January 1929 Martin Luther King is born in Georgia. Son of Baptist Minister Marting Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams church organist. The 1929 was marked by great economic crisis which had destabilizing effects seriously and recessive worldwide. Were also the years in which it was stated forcefully the jazz that uniting under its flag black and white artists gave a significant jolt to America still deeply racist. The young Martin had the good fortune to study, and made him popular schools granted to blacks. At fourteen he was protagonist of an episode that marked deeply. He was forced to give way to white passengers, standing for 140 km. Despite the racist school successes had led him to earn some awards. Graduated in philosophy and in 1954 He became pastor as the father. In the years 50 attended a lecture on Gandhi and there made his ideal of non-violence. In those years the African American seamstress Rosa Parks made note of the famous refusal to allow room for a white passenger. The Parks was arrested and charged with violating laws on segregation. This incident sparked protests from Martin. This protest culminated in the famous boycott of public transport. A boycott that lasted 382 days. He trains in court, until the Supreme Court outlawed racial segregation on public transport as unconstitutional. He began his mission for the redemption of blacks. He founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference which brought together whole masses under the banner of non-violence. He managed to speak to the hearts of all the black people of America. His words rang consciences for the acknowledgement of the situation. Situation that required an effort by all. A peaceful reaction was possible but not easy. Suffered crashes with any pretext, suffered threats, attacks. He demanded the end of segregation in schools. In 1963 in Washington in front of the Lincoln Memorial gathered a crowd of over 200.000 people and for them he delivered the famous speech “I have a dream”. Started with the Kennedy brothers (at the time the President and Minister of Justice) that the promised legislative action in favour of the black masses. In 1964 He received the Nobel Peace Prize. When it was passed the Civil Rights Act. But what changed in the law had yet to change the mind of some. He was again the victim of threats and attacks. In 1966 was hit by a stone-throwing during a demonstration. In the following months he gave many speeches, He was invited to speak in front of so many people to encourage them, to see the promised land that he himself could see but that he feared not to approach it in life. It was after one of these speeches, After prophetic words expressing the fear of not getting to see the black and white brothers hold hands who was shot dead by James Earl Ray 4 April 1968.

Hector Parker

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Check to the King


Friday 15 January 1993

Hours 09:00 about, via Bernini, Palermo

From inside the rear compartment of a white Fiat Iveco van parked by the side of the road a man, Balduccio di Maggio, see out of the start gate one residence another man, sees him take a seat on the front passenger seat of a Citroen ax, and sees him leave accompanied by her driver, Salvatore Biondino. B see men who are by his side inside the van and with a simple movement of the head makes it clear that he recognized the man but these, not convinced, ask in person to see if it is safe of Balduccio; Balduccio once again with the Chief suggests Yes, but this time he adds that you should not trust necessarily because he is the only one who can recognize that man. The white van is set in motion and follows a short distance the Citroen ax, Meanwhile, After having turned, you enter in via Sicily: near the motel Agip the car is stopped by van from which they descend some hooded men with guns in hand, open the doors of the Ax, pick up the two men sat inside, Hood them and load them on the truck.

Hours 10:30 about, Police Headquarters in Palermo

The man recognized by Balduccio di Maggio is standing, He in handcuffs and hands intertwined fingers itchy, the scarf is open and falls on the jacket of a dark green dress, the head is high, dark and inscrutable eyes and teeth biting her lower lip as if to hold back the anger of the moment. The man reveals no emotion, no feeling, no anger, no fear, No distress, no pain, all is silent in him, except an organ, his brain. The man he's not thinking about who betrayed him, He knows who did it, you are struggling with figuring out how this other man could have betrayed, but especially as he doesn't notice. Did you know that you could not and had to trust anyone, He didn't expect his best friend, Corleone as he, He betrayed. Only dogs you can trust, She thought biting his lips again, they are the only ones who remain loyal to their master. It's a caged animal Salvatore Riina was Giovanni, that morning at police headquarters in Palermo. It is aware of two things while being photographed and filmed as suits with a trophy of war: one, that will never go out more, but you can also accept, COSA nostra can you rule even from inside the prison; two, that Falcone and Borsellino had begun to change society; When he was young he, ever no one would be allowed to take to the streets to cheer the cops to catching a boss, and this just do not could bear.


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Francesco Rosi, a filmmaker citizen


Francesco Rosi was filmmaker citizen. His cinema was an act of faith to law, a complaint, a cry of rage, a flight of hope. The search for truth was the stimulus that has accompanied him throughout his career. The representation of the true fact, real, irrefutable. His stories denouncing the malfeasance because he was the first to want things to be done well, even the bartender who prepared the coffee. Precise and specific earning it the title of Professor by friends like Ettore Scola. He was the first Director to deal with high level of material awkward as corruption, Mafia and war. Has raised questions, shocked consciences. His films besides being social surveys, are also pages of great cinema. Has been able to tell with great sense of story-telling true stories, une Éternité.. Hands over the city tells of speculation in a common Neapolitan, as the building permits were adjusted in order to arrive at a new building expansion. The sense of powerlessness in the face of the way of doing politics that for years has sullied our country. The Mattei affair tells the story of the Eni President Enrico Mattei and his tragic end. The way of working of Mattei unprejudiced but brilliant led him to offer the most advantageous conditions for the exploitation of oil resources Arab producers, they earned the enmity of the anglo-American countries which were outweighed by the Italian offer. The film does not explain the causes of death of Mattei, but it can be argued the assumptions. Years later you will find that the accident was not. Lucky Luciano will investigate the relationship between the mafia and business. Where businessmen do not hesitate to ask for help from cosa nostra to progress in their activities. Gian Maria will is the actor who lends body and soul for cinema by becoming himself a symbol of the kind of narrative. Even today directors such as Martin Scorsese considered the work of Raj as one of the most insightful worldwide. Films like The challenge and The magliari are a symbol of Italian cinema in the world and how the great filmmakers from overseas have admired and you will be inspired with the glorious works of directors such as Raj. The last movie was The truce from the book by Primo Levi. We can safely say that Raj left us high quality educational materials that could be used in schools to understand our country and promote what was more to heart “get things right”.

Hector Parker

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Ego Gaius Julius Caesar



The 10 January 49 b.c.. the Roman army, drop by the military campaign in Gaul, crossed armed the Rubicon: the River was the border between the Italian peninsula to the South and the barbarians to the North. This Act represented the end of the Roman Republic, and the beginning of the myth of the biggest character of Roman history: Gaius Julius Caesar. Born around 100 BC, in the Roman Republic, It belonged to the patrician nobility lapsed. As a young man came up to Cicero and Pompey, bonds that earned him election as pontifex maximus in 63 b.c.. and Consul 59 b.c..

In 60 b.c.. clasped, in the famous first triumvirate, an alliance with the two military commanders, Pompey and Crassus: private and secret friendship that was supposed to encourage the Division of their positions and actions. By console, Caesar promoted some agrarian laws for Pompey's Veterans, veterans from military campaigns in the East, and for the poor. Important democratic reforms that followed made him tougher anti bribery legislation and other measures in favor of Pompey and Crassus. From 58 b.c.. He began his campaign in Gaul, whose deeds were brought in De Bello Gallico, and that lasted until 50 b.c.: Caesar submitted all people residing in the current Central Europe. In that year, the 50 BC, ended the mandate of Caesar, who was invited by the Senate of Rome, also and especially intimidated by personal achievements and prestige achieved, back to laying the charge; the Roman orders, in contradiction with the provisions of the Republic, crossed the Rubicon: Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") It was his one sentence. That act done with the army in arms meant declaring war on Republican Rome: Caesar wanted to maintain power and crossing that river if you went and got. The clash with Pompey, representative of Rome, It was inevitable as inevitable was the defeat of the latter. Caesar conquered and ruled Rome and on all territories subject and gathered in what became the Roman Empire with great wisdom. His personal power was extended so much to provoke envy and fear, especially among senators, and to become the pretext for his death, occurred on the IDEs of March (15 March) of 44 b.c.. That morning when Caesar arrived in the Senate was encircled by conspirators, whom, each with a dagger, pierced him with 23 shots, No one mortal with the exception of the second. Et tu, Brute? ("You too, Brutus?”), It was the last sentence of the dictator, who died covering her face with the robes of the tunic, as a sign of modesty. Caesar was Pontifex Maximus, Quaestor, construction, praetor, Console, proconsul, dictator and finally God. Caesar was the ruler of the known world, It was the symbol of the power and greatness of Rome. With time you will forget his deeds, his laws, his reforms, but we cannot forget its myth. Conquered all: Terre, peoples, power, Fame and glory, but especially took a front row seat in our memory.

"Veni, I saw, Vici "

CIT. Gaius Julius Caesar

Roberto Rossetti

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