Birth of the Italian tricolour


A cloth which is used to symbolize a’ identity. In it one can find the colors that represent the values of a human agglomeration. There are various theories about the birth of the tricolour flying so far across the country. The most likely is traced back to the Napoleonic period. The 7 January 1797 Italian tricolor was born in Reggio Emilia. Before the drive d’ Italy. When all’ Parliament of the Cispadane Republic, the Deputy Giuseppe Compagnoni, He saw approved its proposal to “achieve universal the banner or Flag Cispadana three color Green, White, and Red, and that these three Colors you use also in Cispadane Cockade, which should bring all”. These three colors initially placed horizontally took inspiration from the flag of France. In the Italian territory 1796, in a context where the armies of Napoleon-era military campaign was victorious in l’ affirmation of individual republics of Jacobin inspiration who took tricolor pennants. Besides the departments “Italians” that joined the Napoleonic army took on green, Red and white. The Legion of Lombardy was the most fitting example. The three colours before mentioned were already present in the coat of arms of the city of Milan. Green was already present in the milanese civic guard uniforms. However even the soldiers of’ Emilia and Romagna assumed these colours in their flags and by this setting was the decision of the Cispadane Republic to confirm them in its flag. The coat of arms of the Republic lived the White Center of the banner, coat of arms which consisted of a UNS containing four arrows, surrounded by a wreath of Laurel and adorned by a trophy of arms. L’ 11 may 1798 the Cisalpine Republic assumed the three colors in vertical stripes format. After the second Napoleonic campaign around the 1814 the flag ceased to be perceived as dynastic or military flag but was first perceived as a symbol of the people, embodying the values of freedom and identity. The 7 January 1897 Giosué Carducci in a speech in Reggio Emilia had to celebrate the birth of the Italian tricolore giving this interpretation of the three colors “the White, faith serena to ideas that make the divine soul in constancy of the elders; the Green, the perpetual revival of hope in the result of fine young de’ Poets; the Red, the passion and the blood of the martyrs and heroes”.
He concluded his speech with the warning “L’ Italy has risen in the world for themselves and for the world, Ella, to live, must have ideas and his forces, must be an officio his human and civil, moral and political expansion. Return, or young, Science and conscience de’ fathers, and riponetevi in heart what was the feeling the rating on about those old greats who have made home; the Italy forward all! The Italy over everything!” . Hoping at least that it is an encouragement to make this country a place worthy of the culture that has characterized it since forever.

Hector Parker

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Humanity Fallahata



Today's article was ready since yesterday: a parody of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un on his 32nd birthday. But yesterday,, 7 January 2015, irony has given way to death. In Paris, a terrorist armed group broke into the newspaper Charlie Hebdo, decreeing the death of cartoonists and journalists, which at this time were working, guilty of having poorly managed satirical Islam. So it was, Twelve deaths.

Epurando as much as possible the occurrence from images shock appeared in amateur videos, from the clamor of the incident, remains the gesture of extremists who killed in the name of God. Trying to address the issue rationally, I think some clarifications are in order. No living person in this planet can know which ones are the will of God, whoever he may be and in whatever form or was it present. None. We can all venture, We can suppose, We can interpret or as more often happens between seven billion people currently living on earth we can believe that God makes us partakers of his knowledge. Venture, assume, interpret, believing is not know. Knowledge and wisdom are entitled only to God, whoever he is and whatever it is called and is manifested. We have no knowledge and do not have the wisdom or else we wouldn't be mortal beings, but we would be gods who would live in the Olympus of eternity. This consideration, of all staff obviously, stride heavily with manifestations of violence that fanatical groups exert against ordinary citizens because they have offended their God. This is not a manifestation of belief: It wasn't the Act of yesterday, nor were the Crusades a thousand years ago.

Stride strongly thinking about the fact that a higher being may have created a harmonious world where nature is perfect for thousands of cycles and then this same God created man with the sole purpose of killing in the name of the same God that created it. Avoiding all demagoguery and trying to reduce the issue in simple terms: killing in the name of God is not doing the will of God, but the opposite, is spreading hatred and death. When we were created I think (or rather I suppose in such a way as to be consistent with the above) that the weapon that was given by God's love: There's nothing to do, at these words you can smile, believe strong and above, real tough guys without feeling, but for this we were created, to love. Man is not an animal that has evolved to be alone but to live in community and to breed, all this through love and no matter what their sex or the opposite, but it is only love that counts. This someone before us had also realized and had mentioned it in simple words:

"We're trying to understand love, There is something more important?”

CIT. Paul VI

"Love is the last limit of humanity and to it we must strive"

CIT. Mahatma Gandhi

"Every good deed is charity. The well-being of a man in the afterlife is what he does in this world to his fellows "

CIT. Muhammad

Roberto Rossetti

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City Lights



In January 1931 Charles Spencer Chaplin works in what will become one of the best films directed and interpreted by the Director and actor, City Lights. The film seems to overshadow than masterpieces entered the pantheon of world filmography Modern Times and The great dictator, shows they consecrated the immortality of Chaplin. However, is precisely the movie that you do not expect, City Lights, to tell you the story of Charlie, and it is in this film that he mostly acknowledges.

The story tells of a blind girl who one day, down the street, meet a man, "the tramp", She believes to be an aristocrat; "the tramp" falls for a young girl, with that comes an intense friendship, and tries in every way to raise funds so that she could operate. The tramp meets a very rich man who overnight, When you're drunk, accepts as a friend the "tramp", While by day, sober, the divorces. In weird ways Charlot manages to find the money and the girl, through the operation, will regain sight; the two will surely cross once again and the young will recognize from his hands the "vagabond" she finds out so don't be rich. With this story, Chaplin is told. First of all the contrast between wealth and poverty. He was a poor boy and lived in one of the most degraded of London, become one of the world's richest people and uses for his films, like his character, a poor tramp dressed in rags, but who always wears a tie as a sign of dignity. Secondly the relationship with his mother, the most important person in her life. Hannah Hill suffered from lifelong mental illness and the young Chaplin, not having the money to make her treat, He was forced to have her committed to an asylum; only several years later and achieved success could have the money you need for essential care, but she unfortunately not healed. Finally, the relationship with the girl, which once discovered that he is not the aristocrat who she imagined abandons him to his fate, by vagabond precisely, Although he did understand all her love; surface sign that wealth is one of the ways that they can lead more easily to love. Chaplin once again abandoned by yet another woman leaves with her limping walk step open, with stick and hat to be his companion. Although the film is dumb, the emotions he evokes are intense: the close-ups on the faces and on the looks of the actor and the girl tell the story more than it can make words, they almost seem inappropriate and out of place, almost will ruin the harmony of the silence of those looks. The final scene where the Tramp and the young are hand in hand and look in your eyes, It's one of those scenes that would stop in time, print, framing and hanging in our hearts because there's all the beauty, the greatness, the tenderness, love and the emotion of the tramp, by Chaplin and our.

Roberto Rossetti

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Early spring of Prague

primaverapragaPrague, The 5 January 1968, Alexander Dubček was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia from 1955 He was a signatory of the Warsaw Pact with the Soviet Union and other Soviet bloc countries. Pact that put the allies of the USSR in a State of subordination. DUBČEK was replaced by Antonín Novotný, associated with the Soviet Communist Party, kicking off at “new course”.
He began the spring of Prague. The new course that Dubček proposed to establish in Czechoslovakia was the realization of a process of democratization of the country. The realization of the “socialism with a human face”. This necessity reformist left from afar. In previous years had developed a certain discontent arising from an unsuccessful third five-year plan of conduction 1962. This caused a decrease in national income in the next year. To heighten the State of crisis was the knowledge that the guidelines set were dictated mostly by Moscow. This was the assumption that the production process was already a considerable retrenchment in the previous decade always to meet the needs of the country guide, the Ussr. This situation opened a split in the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. A soul's filosovietica antagonizing fracture determined by and a reformer of Slovak mold. Also the question of Slovakia became ever more urgent since it emerged the lack of harmonisation between the Czech and Slovak team. The latter complained about a penalty at the economic level and an unfair political repression. This scenario favoured the entry of Alexander Dubček, former Secretary of the Communist Party of Slovakia. The reforms were essentially three aspects: introduction of forms of market and private initiative in certain areas; progressive demolition of censorship through an early form of freedom of the press and critics; greater protection of the person by the State Socialist. These actions were initially look at very carefully also by the same labor movement who feared a potential capitalist drift. But the road is the concrete participation of workers in the management of labour and economic planning. In the following months there was the abolition of censorship. It also followed the election in the factories of delegates no longer appointed from above. These acts led to concern in the USSR and other countries that threatened to intervene militarily. The danger of the Soviet invasion was decisive. Workers and students rallied around the reformist Government. Although Czechoslovakia was a reformist initiative led by representatives of politics and not a popular protest as occurred in 1956 in Hungary, He did not wait for the brutal reaction of the Soviet Union and freedom-. This repressive action did not produce the desired effects actually brought out most vulnerable aspects on which the USSR founded his mastery over the satellite States. The insane fear Soviet state of freedom of others.

Hector Parker

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Hundred steps between the mafia and freedom

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Peppino Impastato was born on 5 January 1948 in Cinisi, in the province of Palermo; He died at the age of thirty years for opposing and for denouncing the mafia system present in their territory. Peppino was a young man who refused to align with the conspiratorial climate in Sicily of the fifties and sixties, never accepted to be silent in front of the apparent corruption and mob clans in the province of Palermo conducted in areas of the province, never accepted to remain silent in the face of oppression and violence of the mafia against those who, few, dared to rebel, never accepted to lower his head and kiss the hand to the boss of the country, never accepted to consider lost his lonely battle for Justice, freedom and condemnation of the mafia. Peppino denounced the Mafia bosses, including that in your country, Don Tano Badalamenti, and the mafia attitude of his countrymen, Sicilians and anyone who while seeing, even knowing, turned his head to see, don't feel, not knowing, doing so the game Cosa Nostra. Peppino struggled every day to liberate their land from the mafia. I believe that everything you need to know about the life of Peppino Impastato is this. There is, However, a second biography that I would like to bring to light and that seems to bring together so many other boys, men and women, Magistrates, Commissioners of police, Police officers and men of the escort, died young at the hands of the mafia: Rosario Livatino (38), Calogero Skullcap (27), Roberto Antioch (23), Ninnì Carolina (38), Beppe Montana (34), Antonino Montinaro (30), Rocco Dicillo (30), Vito Schifani (27), Claudio Traina (27), Eddi Walter Cosina (31), Emma Lane (25) Fabio and Vincenzo Li Muli (22) and many others. They were United by the belief that the law should be good and evil mafia, only in their own land and among his people, considered to be deluded by defeating an opponent too strong and powerful, considered awkward to not stay in place, silent as everyone else. I like to remember Peppino and these guys in their 30s as people who courageously chose to say no to mafia, they've decided to stay on the good side in spite of evil was stronger, they chose to fight to change minds by their example, they breathed that “fresh scent of freedom” that made them free to refuse “the stench of moral compromise, the contiguity and therefore of complicity“. And’ Thanks to the sacrifice of Peppino that people had the courage to put up a poster that said that Peppino had not beaten and then killed himself, How brilliantly they had immediately reported the police and local press organs, but that Peppino's killers had a name: “Mafia”. And’ State thanks to the sacrifice of the young Sicilians Peppino had the courage to take action, even on the day of his funeral and mass scortarne the coffin, to take to the streets and to express openly its disagreement to the mobsters. Hundred steps separated the House of Peppino from him who made him kill, Don Tano Badalamenti. The boss of Cinisi did not understand ever Peppino, said it was getting more uncomfortable than dangerous, surrounded by a few friends harmless: Don Tano including only the day of the funeral of Peppino, When his order addressed to citizens of Cinisi not to participate was not heard, When he saw people in the streets to demonstrate against the Mafia, What was great Peppino and what he had been able to engage people without weapons, money or power, only with the force of his ideas of right and justice.
Hundred steps that grew from that day in thousands of young steps which still walking together to shout, How did Peppino, that the Mafia is a pile of shit.

Roberto Rossetti

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