"No, never ". Giovanni Falcone


"The thought of death accompanies me everywhere. But, as Montaigne, It soon becomes second nature. Certain, you're on your toes, It is estimated, We observe, There is organized, you avoid repetitive behaviour, is getting away from the crowds and from any situation that cannot be kept under control. But it also buys a good dose of fatalism; at the bottom you die for many reasons, a car accident, a plane explodes in flight, an overdose, cancer and also for no particular reason».

Giovanni Falcone responds in this way to a question about the possibility of an attack against him. As always, in front of the cameras, the judge retains an attitude compounded, a smile politely, not exuding any emotion. Are the years of the maxi trial, difficult years for Giovanni Falcone. The landmark ruling, more than two thousand years in jail for the defendants and nineteen life sentences throughout the Sicilian Mafia Commission, instead of elevating heroes Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino isolated them even more. In 1988 the High Council of the judiciary States that will be Mahesh Mahesh and not Falcone, to replace Calvert. Giovanni is once again rejected, as was the case at the beginning of the eighties, After the death of Rocco Chinnici, He preferred Calvert. Meli the curtain falls on the experience of the pool and returns to the old unsuccessful mafia investigation methods. Borsellino publicly denounces the State of things, Conversely receives the meeting request from C.S. M. alongside Meli. The pool, Although limping, He was put back on feet. This is not helped break the isolation of man more danger for the mafia, for one who has devoted his life to fighting for the State. In 1989 the failed assassination attempt at Addaura represents the pinnacle of the sense of isolation around the figure of Falcone: not just part of the power of Attorney, the same colleagues and the State does not show solidarity with judge, but he is alleged to have procured alone, the attack. It's the beginning of the end, Falcone takes a job in Rome at the Ministry of Justice, Criminal Affairs section. Falcone in Rome are building a super proxy capable of channeling, centralize and optimize the investigations of the mafia. Unfortunately, however, the 23 may the mafia (or not only the mafia, but it was mafia – CIT. Paolo Borsellino, speech at the public library of Palermo, June 1992) He ended the life of John, Francesca, Rocco, Antonio, Vito.

The man who dreamed of defeating the mafia by applying the law died, because that dream I was making. So who cares that Falcone was sleeping only, on the floor, with a gun for fear of an attack at night, He received several warnings that threats, who said that to be credible we must be dead.

The reporter writes down the answers of Falcone, brief and concise, betrayed only by the movement of the mustache. One more question, the last "have you ever had a moment of discouragement, any questions about, the temptation to give up this fight?”

"No, never "Giovanni Falcone.

Roberto Rossetti

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L’ Operation Thunderbolt to Entebbe


Sunday 27 June 1976 from’ Tel Aviv airport took off on Air France flight 139 to Paris with a stopover in Athens. In the Greek capital boarded 58 passengers, took place on the plane without that there had been particularly harsh and effective controls. There were security officers at searches and no attendant at the metal detector. Among them there were also two German terrorists and two Palestinians. It was a commando with a plan prepared for six months, studied in detail and could not fail. After taking off the terrorist group came into action. The German terrorist Wilfred Böse entered the cockpit while the others were holding off passengers. Böse ordered Captain Bacos of head on Benghazi, in Libya. Successful l’ landing operation in Libyan land l’ the plane was surrounded by armored cars that gave food to the prisoners and refueling. Benghazi terrorists release a person, Patricia Hayman, that pretending to be pregnant he procured a cut all’ groin to simulate a bleeding. Convinced so the commando to let her off the plane. Just arrived in London Mrs was achieved by Mossad agents. The Mossad is l’ Israeli Intelligence Agency posed to national security. In that’ meeting took place several information about who they were and how they were armed terrorists. L’ plane shared by Benghazi was led behind l’ imposition of the hijackers at Entebbe, in Uganda. At the head of’ Uganda was the dictator Idi Amin who long before had broken relations with Israel. To welcome l’ There were other hijacked plane Palestinians and l’ Ugandan army. Monday, 28 June 1976 the hostages were taken down from the’ plane and driven to a terminal’ Airport. Idi Amin went personally to the airport and being filmed by a television crew, He tried to act as mediator. His remarks seemed intended to reassure the hostages saying they would be released if Israel had assisted the terrorists ' demands. The dictator consented all’ passing old Dora Bloch to seek treatment at a hospital in kampala. The passengers of flight 139 still hostage were then 244 for most Frenchmen and one hundred Israelis. The commando had sent a list of terrorists in prisons in Israel and France Germany to be swapped with the passengers of flight 139. An ultimatum was set for 1 July 14 After that if they hadn't been accepts requests the terrorists would kill the hostages. Israel found itself in trouble. Tried to save time searching for information through the role of Amin. It was learned that he was trained in Israel years earlier and was named an officer who had known him well, Burka Bar Lev, to begin negotiations. Meanwhile during those hours were also strange situations. One of the hijackers was born in Mexico and one of the hostages recognize him because he had grown up in the same place in Mexico. Wednesday 30 June 1976 47 non-Jewish hostages were freed and boarded an Air France plane. The Mossad achieved from France to gather information from the hostages released. Israeli secret agents acquired valuable information like what part of the’ the airport was built by Israeli company Solel Boneh. The Israeli secret service secured so the plans and began to prepare the plan to intervene. It was necessary a’ action with a surprising effect. Publicly the Israeli Government in the person of its leader Rabin sought the deal, secretly instead was preparing a military intervention. Was asked to Amin, by Colonel Burka Bar Lev, an extension of’ ultimatum that was granted to the 4 July. The latest images were relentless and glided away time of’ Entebbe airport. To this end Israeli agents relied to a former British agent, friend of Israel, who lived in Kenya and he owned a personal aircraft. MC Kenzie Mossad helped a pilot to fly over l’ Airport to take pictures. Command of the’ the Israeli action was given to Dan Shomron and Yoni Netanyahu. Four C 130 Hercules would reach Entebbe and collected the hostages, After refueling in Nairobi would return to Tel Aviv. To accomplish this the Israelis built a life-size model of the terminal and drilled several times on the evening of 2 July. You couldn't go wrong. Each team must know perfectly what it should have done. All’ occurrence the plan was so well planned, often used of mercedes for drive d’ assault. That type of car usually bore political personnel and Ugandan soldiers would be put on the’ careful and would not have opposite strengths. Saturday 3 July 1976 He left the mission. To avoid being intercepted by radar the four hercules flying at low altitude. After eight hours of flight, the planes landed without being noticed near the Bay of Lake Victoria, below the radar range and with the lights off, taking advantage of the particular morphology of the territory of the airport. A slight promontory hid l’ silent procession of Hercules that the pilots shut down the engines. L’ plane approached the terminal always silently. At 23.01 the mercedes came down the ramp and took to the particular point. A Ugandan soldier, however, became suspicious and asked to check. Began the firefight which gave l’ start all’ assault of the terminal. The Israelis killed all the terrorists within 50 seconds. Ugandan soldiers continued to shoot and hit to death Yoni Netanyahu. Under the hail of bullets passengers were taken on’ Hercules. Besides Netanyahu died three hostages. Before taking off the Israeli special forces destroyed Ugandan Mig aircraft still on track. 58 minutes after the hostages were doing back home. Mrs. Dora Bloch, in the days that followed, suffered the revenge of Amin and was killed. Sunday 4 July 1976 passengers of air France flight 139 they returned to Tel Aviv in freedom. The Entebbe operation was one of the most incredible results achieved by departments of the Mossad.

Hector Parker


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4 may 1949


The fog enveloped the Hill of Superga, you said that you saw in 30 meters. The rain was coming down strong. The wind ripped through the silence. It was these three natural elements to witness the tragic end of the Grande Torino. The Torino was returning to Italy aboard an airplane, fiat g. 212, from Lisbon after playing a friendly match. The Portuguese team captain Francisco Ferreira had invited l’ friend rival Valentino Mazzola to play a game with their respective teams. After you fly into Barcelona, a brief meeting at the airport with players of Milan, grenade team resumed the journey to Turin. At 17.05 in the mist, in the rain and wind came the crash with the base of the basilica of Superga. The head coach of the national team was Vittorio Pozzo, and resided in Turin. Winningest coach in Italian history with the world 34 and 38 and the Olympic Games 36. In the years 40 He built the national with ten players of Juventus Turin and one. That day was called him to recognize the bodies of players grenade. Il Grande Torino was gone. To earn that definition just mention that that team won five consecutive championships from 1943 at 1949, without prejudice to the 1945 No Championship. Being essential for networks and game WINS, legendary performance. The historical context in which that Turin was contruibuì to make unique and unrepeatable legend. In 1939 Ferruccio Novo bought the club grenade. In 1941 the war had already started l’ year before and Novo began building the team by purchasing players Ferraris Minds Gabetto Bodoira and Borel he joined Ossola already the club since 1939. The following year they completed the squadron with Loik and Mazzola for stratospheric figure of a million and two hundred thousand lire and the sale of Bodoira and Petron. The soccer players of the series to dell’ mimamente era were not comparable with those of today. Valentino Mazzola every morning he walked in bicycle 30 km from Cassano at Portello in Milan where he was a labourer all’ Alfa Romeo, the evening always cycling came home in all weather conditions. During the war the players were sent to work in the factory and sometimes went to play in the province where were also food supplies. The Championships that followed accompanied the major events that changed l’ Italy forever, the end of the monarchy in 1946 and the birth of the Republic, the new Constitution of 1948. A year after the fatal 4 may 1949. FIFA recently ruled that the 4 may was the world day of football. It was said that a team so could never grow old to surrender all’ eternity by vincente, going over his tragic fate land.

Hector Parker

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Eleven Lions in field: the Invincibles of Grande Torino


With the term “Grande Torino” means the football team Torino F.C., who lived a period of splendor including in 40: Suffice it to say that the Italian national team of those years, were all 10 holders of the Grande Torino except the goalkeeper of Juventus, Sentimenti IV. That of 1941/42 It was a very competitive squad and tested, which participated in the Italy Cup and the race to the scudetto. The challenge was repeated the following year, When the Bull won the first championship of the cycle “Grande Torino”. In 1944, Despite the war, Soccer continued, but with groups divided between North, Central and South. In the first group stage, played in the North, the Grenade were in Group of Liguria and Piedmont. The team defeated for 7-1 Genoa and Biella, for 7-0 the Alexandria, for 8-2 the Novara and to 5-0 Juventus. In the second half of the semifinal., the Grenade faced derbies against teams from Lombardy, arriving a defeat for 1-3 and a tie for 3-3, but then came the victory by winning the final stage to three. The Taurus eventually lost the tournament, accomplice a unofficial meeting of the national. The La Spezia, coming from draw 1-1 against Venice, in the decisive encounter prevailed 2-1, thus making unnecessary the subsequent victory of the grenade to 5-2.

After the war, the 14 October 1945 He left the Championship, with the scudetto sewn on the jerseys of Grenade. For the bull began a March overwhelming in its group, leading him to beat all records. We must also remember the famous Grande Torino “quarter hour grenade”, that was a special moment of the match, because in 15 minutes from the end of the race, Orestes Balcha, a particular fan, sounded three blasts on the trumpet, and from here the bull changed the way you play and tactical planning. The most sensational result was in 1946 the National Stadium, Roma-Torino 0-7. In 1949, It was the last game for il Grande Torino, which went to Lisbon to play a friendly against Benfica. The teams showed a spectacle worthy of their Blazon, but unfortunately the game finished 4-3 in favor of Benfica. Upon returning from Lisbon, the 4 may 1949, the plane carrying the Toro found a thick fog that enveloped the entire city. At hours 17.05, the airplane crashed’ against the embankment of the Basilica of Superga, causing instant death to all thirty-one people who were on board. For the fame of the team, This had a great resonance on the world press. On the day of the funeral almost 1 million people participate to give a last farewell to the boys. So the bull was forced, in their last four League matches, to deploy the 11 the field of youth, and so did opponents on duty. Looking for information about the incident I was impressed to read an article that shows the words spoken by the chaplain of the Basilica right after the accident: "I heard a roar, eerily close, then a shot, an earthquake. Then silence. And a voice outside:” Fell an appliance!».

David Aimar (11 years)

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The black Baron


Michael Wittmann

The Clint Eastwood film “American sniper” where was celebrated the talent ballistic of an American soldier in the latest war in Iraq drew little-known to the general public and distant figure of a German soldier of World War II, Michael Wittmann. He was an officer of the Waffen-SS, and is considered as one of the most effective commanders of World War II tanks. Born in Vogelthal, in Bavaria the 22 April 1914 from a farming family, He entered’ Army in 1934. In 1937 he enlisted in the SS. The physical characteristics and abilities Wittmann tactics enabled him once in the 1° Sturm/92 Standarte of the Elite Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler ", to obtain the right to drive the armored Sdkfz 222 and Sdkfz 232. Later he distinguished himself for the skill with which he led these means arriving at Regiment Recon Company. In September 1939 Wittmann took part in the campaign of Poland in charge of a heavy armored Sdkfz 232. At the turn of the 1940 and the 1941 Michael Wittmann was able to measure his abilities during the Balkans campaign, in command of a platoon of Sturmgeschutz III Ausf A. The 22 June 1941 began l’ Operation Barbarossa opening facing East. In this adventure Wittmann got his iron cross 2nd class since they managed to destroy several Soviet tanks. Subsequent undertakings they will deserve the Iron Cross first class. This was followed by the badge for Fighting with armored vehicles for the enterprise of destroying six enemy tanks in the same action. In 1943 passed from the panzer to Tiger and distinguished himself by destroying two antitank guns and thirteen wagons t. 34 Russians. Wittmann climbing towards new decorations would not. The 13 June 1944, near the village of Villers-Bocage. went down in history when in no time destroyed 21 tanks and other 28 armored vehicles of the British 7th Armoured Division. Michael Wittmann died in circumstances never fully clarified in Caen l’ 8 August 1944. The u.s. and Britain have claimed for decades upon the end of Wittmann. This made even an indirect tribute to German by enemies who recognized the great military value. It is estimated that Wittmann succeeded in’ Enterprise to destroy about 270 military vehicles. In 1983 the mystery found a solution when the receipts were found on a float of the squadron in the Northamptonshire Yeomanry, equipped with Sherman Firefly. Also, his remains were found with large lag, delivering the mystery of Wittmann into history.

Hector Parker

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