Claretta Petacci: When love overcomes reason


Clara Petacci, for family Claretta, was born in Rome on 28 February 1912. Since I was a child, in full fascist regime, Clara idolizes the duce, they meet by accident at the age of twenty. While heading to Ostia with family in April of ' 32, the car of Alfa is exceeded the then fifty Petacci Benito Mussolini: the girl manages to attract the attention of the duce to a roundabout, exchanges a few words with the most powerful man in Italy and is able to obtain a first private audience. Thus began a relationship between the two: Initially it is mostly of countless letters and cards of Claretta the duce, written by which the woman tries to get favors for your family and especially tries to have a chance to review the duce; most of these letters remain unanswered, until Justin is contacted by phone from duce the 10 November 1932 and she was invited to the palazzo Venezia: the two begin to look increasingly, so much so that they become lovers in 1936, a few months before the separation of Clara from her husband. The Petacci proves a mistress rather “understanding”: Despite being madly in love and jealous of “Ben”, How to use call his adored in correspondence today partly published and doesn't pretend that the Italian Prime Minister let his partner officer, his wife donna Rachele; pretend though, on several occasions, that Benito may stop attending the many lovers of which surrounds, what the duce he can never do everything. Betrayal with lovers, as one with the Sarfatti and the one with the Rajneesh, exacerbate in Claretta a sense of possession in respect of the beloved, who is obliged to call the woman every half an hour to put her mind at ease and let her know your trip. The relationship between the two has an obsessive character, and come to a junction in the 1943, When Justin exhausted because of the constant betrayals of the duce bursts into a nervous breakdown; Mussolini, alarmed by this attitude and increasingly continue gossip about it, Decides to end it all. But this is not a final decision, so much so that in July of the same year, before the fateful meeting of the Grand Council on the night of 24 and the 25, Benito needs to call his beloved, probably to inform her of what was going on. The proximity to the duce attorney to Clara Petacci's family and of the most important economic benefits and visibility, such a great mansion bordering villa Torlonia, the home of Benito. However, It would be shortsighted and probably wrong consider the bond which United Claretta Mussolini just from the point of view of profit and loss: This wouldn't explain the excruciating end to which the girl has gone meeting just to stay to the end with the man loved and praised, end of which Clara had a lucid awareness. Justin was a fascist convinced even before Mussolini's mistress. There are more theories that revolve around the woman figure, one of them believes that Petacci was a spy or German. Probably we will never know the whole truth about this character so controversial, or maybe, more simply, There is nothing more to know: Justin was a woman who died for love, a woman for whom their lives, without you beside Benito Mussolini – man and politician, would no longer have any sense.


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Stefania Belmondo: a golden girl



And’ the 21 February 1992 When the Winter Olympics of Albertville, in France, the Italian cross country skier Stefania Belmondo won the Olympic title. The then 23-year-old Piedmontese crosses the 30 km of proof 1:22:30:1: a unique result, for the one who will become “Snow Wren”. An epic win today, nearly twenty-five years later, takes fabulous contours: a young and shy girl, from slim physique that, coming from a small village in the Valle Stura, province of Cuneo, He managed to defeat those who had given the giants of the Fund. In that March of 30 km between trees and snowy forests, Stefania demonstrates a strength and courage from Lalani, gaining victory. She puts into practice what was the true spirit of sport, especially in strenuous competitions like cross-country skiing, i.e. seriousness in training, Intelligence when pouring in forces, without of course making use of performance-enhancing drugs and a lot of heart, but so much, but just as much. Yes, It was because now that spirit we've lost: seriousness in training, “cleaning” sports and morals are terms into disuse in most sports now: from skiing to cycling, passing through the gear and going so far as to athletics. Frequently there are new scandals about discovering new doping substances that were supposed to bypass the controls, followed by as many awkward excuses by athletes who have taken or mea culpa so much useless as sad. The slogans now are to win at all costs, by all means, obtaining the maximum visibility to increase the number of sponsors and raising their income. Doing so will erode the spirit of sport (We let Miss the important thing is to participate, not winning) and then it happens, as on this occasion, that when we mention athletes who have made extraordinary and unrepeatable sporting achievements so reflected a sense of bitterness at that time not be back.

Roberto Rossetti

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Hello Pirate.



The 14 February 2004 Marco Pantani is found dead in his room, at a motel in Rimini. The Champ Rahman has died of a heart attack following a cocaine overdose: the body is lying, resting your head. The room is upside down with writing on the walls and on each corner there is a minimum space to restore a thought, ID card included. What mark writes are not thoughts, but screams remained deaf, shout out to a lonely man looking for help, but abandoned by the world, even from himself. Only, As always, as again, as the last in that anonymous motel. Just as when riding his bike climbing the peaks of the tour and the tour, that the consecrated to the Olympus of cycling. For the bandana he wore to protect his bald head from the Sun, the fans gave him the nickname pirate: all, but everyone, they know that the pirates are fearless and brave men, the first to join the fray, to want everything. Pantani was a pirate, but atypical: fragile, shy and withdrawn, He blushed even to sing his "Romagna mia". The frailty of man was compensated by the tenacious athlete, on which had made lever several times to overcome the most difficult moments: as that incident to the Milan-Turin in October 1995, decreed by doctors as the end of his career. Marco trained day and night and came back stronger than before. The first time I went riding made him his home garage, in Cesenatico, with these parents and a friend who filmed the event with a video camera: around the perimeter of the garage was enough for him to hear of new old ones feeling that only the bike he knew to try, "You have seen that I can still ride a bike". The pirate came back to win it all, Giro and tour in the same year. In 1999 another shot, This time fatal: in Madonna di Campiglio, Marco Pantani is presented to the world as a doped cyclist, a corrupt, exposed to public ridicule; escorted by police outside the hotel commented ruefully: "I fell so many times and I've always raised, but this time I shall rise again ". He was right, Pantani remained there, Madonna di Campiglio, at that rate of hematocrit of 52, He had paid for it myself, for an entire world that, a few years, turned out to be even worse, between blood transfusions and taking performance-enhancing drugs. Then it was realized that Pantani had paid for it myself and too, but it was too late to retrieve the sample. But cycling is made up of sensations, of love and passion and the best memories of Paddy are those cultivated by the fans in the memory of our country: the champion at the foot of the climb was watching the opposing warriors, dropping the bandana, controlled the bike gear, moved in the hands on the handlebars, He gets up on the pedals and took. Today for Marco and Marco stays are so much sadness and pity for one man, exploited at the height of his career and then abandoned. Gotti won the giro in 1999 with merit, but on the streets did not feel what you felt:

“The strongest emotions I tried them along the streets, When I heard the people screaming so much Paddy that I was being a headache”

Marco Pantani

Roberto Rossetti

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The incredible story of Devil Commander


The 7 February 1909 was born at Piacenza Amedeo Guillet, by Alfredo, Colonel of the Royal Carabinieri, and Frank Gandolfo. His family was aristocratic backgrounds source Piedmontese House of Savoy. The Baron Amedeo Guillet was educated at’ Modena Military Academy and became a brilliant Cavalry officer. He led a carefree life that led him to important international social groupings. While training with the Olympic team of horse racing for the Olympics 1936 l’ Italy began his colonial expansion in’ East Africa. The sense of duty and loyalty to the Crown and a fervent patriotism departed the luxury of a comfortable life to venture into a path without certainties. With l’ landing in the Horn of Africa in’ August 1935, for Amedeo began its history in that continent that lasted eight years. The 3 October 1935 began the colonial war and Amedeo was put in charge of 200 Libyan fighters called spices, mercenaries arrived with their horses, armed themselves and paid 10 livres per day. To be able to command realized that she should know the’ Arabic, then joined the Koranic school children and learned l’ Arabic. With these basics, He was able to establish a relationship of mutual respect with his militiamen. He never lost a chance to underline his proverbial luck. He distinguished himself in hand-to-hand combat on’ plateau Selaclacà, saved by a bullet strayed from his saddle, He was injured hand but also acquired its first medal winner (fresco). While in may 1936 the Italians came to Addis Ababa and conquered l’ Ethiopia Amedeo was called to go to Libya. He was hired by Italo Balbo tasked to train horses for the ceremony on the occasion of’ arrival in Libya by Mussolini. In the second part of the 1936 He had to return to Italy to be operated with one hand. He would have had to spend ten days became then a month's convalescence to Naples where he met Beatrice, a beautiful girl fell in love. He wished to marry her, While fascism had introduced the matrimonial law. If Amedeo was married would be automatically increased by grade. In order not to fall into the’ misunderstanding of a wedding to do this, He preferred not to marry her despite his feelings. Guillet decided that full military honours would have been able to get to the merits of the war and not behind a woman, for this reason in’ summer of 1937 went to fight in Spain at the head of a team of daring. L’ Spanish adventure marked the first in a series of camouflage that characterized the life of Guillet. Wearing breeches and boots Amedeo Guillet changed identity becoming Alonso Gracioso and led the’ assault on San Pedro del Romeral, which paved the way to the conquest of Santander. Francisco Franco that firm awarded him medals and decorations, wounded in the leg but then had to return to Africa. He was seen in a hospital in Tripoli where he met a Libyan student of medicine, but being a Jew for new racial laws would have to leave his studies. Amedeo found intolerable this solution and it activated successfully at Italo Balbo to save the girl. Meanwhile within him began to question the dogma of’ Fascist Italy in the name of a higher justice. It was the time to participate in person at a very delicate mission in Eritrea. The Duke d’ Aosta gave l’ commissioned to create a militia to defend the population from the phenomenon of banditry. One day he helped villagers find of livestock stolen and as a sign of gratitude the chieftain received him into his hut. There he met the boss's daughter, Khadija, of sixteen. A very determined young man. Amedeo broke into the girl's heart. When he took his leave from the village chief some followed him to fight with him, among them Khadija. For a time he was rather refractory to gestures of affection of girlfriend. One day one of the spices a good friend of Guillet died in a fight and at night was overcome by sadness. Khadija cried with him and went back to bed while Amedeo, the girl took place on the carpet. Softened, the brought in her bed. Thus began a romantic relationship between the two. Meanwhile the war leading departed from his principles assimilated into general Academy and his beliefs began to falter. He had to fight against rebels led by Negus d’ Ethiopia, and l’ order from Rome was to kill them once captured. He heard her to comply with that order and proposed to captured to fight at his side. His speech was very clear, who wants to come to, but who betrays will be killed. And even on that occasion had the’ approval of the Duke of’ Aosta. In two months also provided an armed gang on horseback. Meanwhile, the 10 June 1940 the Italy went to war. The situation in Africa was made for complicated, the British were having the better of the Italian troops. Nell’ April 1941 the situation in Italy was already hopelessly compromised. The Italians defeated left Asmara to Britain. Lieutenant Guillet no more orders and references from his superiors unexpected decisions. Despite the Commander-in-Chief had signed the surrender Guillet did not stop. His idea was to drive the enemy. Resist for tying up the part of the’ enemy army and not let it go to Libya to fight against the Italians on that front already devastated. Feeling abandoned by the high military hierarchy for Amedeo came time to switch identities. He undressed the Italian military uniform, to dress Arab dresses. Changed name to Ahmed Abdallah Al Rachatamethee, to explain his presence in Africa said that a Yemeni stuck there after the collapse of’ Italian Empire. He was also a spiritual transformation, believe in God and pray with the Catholic ritual or indifferent to Muslim. For he was made the comparison with a figure of legend Lawrence d’ Saudi. Then came the moment when Amedeo decided a steep maneuver. Hidden his troops in a dry river bed Creek attacked by surprise the English infantry knowing that the enemy tanks they couldn't respond so as not to affect his infantry. You came to create such a mess that the battle lasted several hours and won. From that moment began to circulate the news that enterprise, the press began to speak of the devil Commander, his nickname. The British secret service in the person of Max Harari were fascinated by the report on Guillet although began hunting all’ man for Lieutenant in Italian 1941. Maj. Harari took to gather information on any aspect of Guillet. His size was a thousand pounds. Amedeo always disguised as Arabic was deftly English headquarters to denounce the Lieutenant Guillet, to mislead and pocketed the money of his own size. One evening hearing an Italian music Amedeo was seized with homesickness, but his home had been already been surrounded by British troops. Amedeo leaped from the window and began fleeing to the Hill, Despite the howls of the English that the intimassero to surrender. A shot in the air and then a Sergeant English took aim, but to save his life he was a farm worker saying that’ man was only a Muslim deaf that he was going to pray. Amedeo felt everything and came up the Hill and collapsed bowing in prayer. Wounded and tired in those days knew he couldn't continue the staging. Recommended by its decided to dissolve the gang to flee to Yemen, neutral country friend of’ Italy. He had to leave even through tears Khadija. Only one of his men accompanied him, the Yemenite Daifallah. Reached Massawa you put in a slum and start to do menial jobs. Did l’ waterseller, He sold l’ water at a penny the ghirba Bernardo, and curiously succeeded in making friends and earning more than from second lieutenant in Italy. In a short time could be paid so the transfer in Yemen. Guillet and Daifallah agreed with smugglers for a ride, but after a day of browsing the smugglers for fear of being sued by two for a round of guns stolen and hidden on the ship, they threw the two at sea. Slipping past the sharks the two reached by swimming Buri peninsula and deep into the desert. Tired and thirsty landed near a well where they encountered nomadic shepherds instead of helping them beat them and left them bleeding under the desert sun. Desperate continued their journey, losing the route. One night thinking I was close to death and convinced they have a mystic Vision tried salvation. It was not quite so. Al Sayed Ibrahim al Yemani was a merchant who went to town. As a good Samaritan rescued the two, turned its back and took them to his house. Fed them and proposed to marry her daughter and live them Guillet. For a moment he was tempted after all the pain suffered, but then from Piedmont stubborn decided to apportion. In Massaua posing as a Yemeni mental patient, he achieved a smooth passage for the Yemen. In December 1941 He arrived in the port of Odeida. There he realized he could do the Yemenite in Ethiopia but not in Yemen. Port officer became suspicious and sent him to jail accusing him of being a British spy. Ironically it was the English to save his life. Just became aware of’ arrest of Guillet asked Yemen to extradite him immediately. Yemenis you became suspicious about why that prisoner squashed was so important to the British. The King of Yemen, l’ Imam Yahya, You intrigued and invited him to the Palace by being tell his story. The King was impressed and his horse's ability saved the life. Not only freed him by giving him a special tasks, “Great Blacksmith at Court”, but struck a friendship with the young Italian and appointed him tutor to his children. Amedeo remained one year employed by receiving a salary from Colonel. The urge to leave was still the best. The Italian Red Cross at that time provided a ship to reach’ Italy. Reached Massawa and once again had to try to escape to the British. His friends of the harbour had not forgotten him and helped him sneak furtively on ship. The captain of the ship at first believed to be Arabic did not want him, then Amedeo explained the situation and then got to hide in the asylum of the ship all the way. The 2 September 1943 arrived in Rome. L’ Italy was different from what he had left. The first thing he did was to reach the army command in Rome, but here he discovered that in the meantime by Lieutenant had become Greater and who had sought in vain to tell them without finding it. At that time Amedeo maintained its presence in Italy hidden to the family and to Beatrice, He wanted to keep the promise he made to his fellow soldiers in Africa. He chose the most amazing, to continue to fight. The war Office authorized Guillet in his plan, or reach’ Ethiopia and lift people to him and continue the war. A few days after the’ Armistice changed that, the British became allies of’ Italy. And then it all ended. Went looking for the King who in the meantime had moved to Brindisi. The King received him and after having thanked him for his service left him to civilian life. Since then Guillet felt face an appointment too many times postponed, the one with Beatrice. The first thing he did was to tell her about his past relationship with Khadija. Beatrice cried, but he also acknowledged that maybe she wouldn't have been able to do the same good African girl. The 21 September 1944 Amedeo and Beatrice married in Naples, they had two sons Paolo and Alfredo. Only 37 years Guillet was promoted to full General. He agreed to cooperate with military intelligence. He was able to save some important files to end of war. At the end of 1945 for work he returned to Eritrea, but he also had an assignment given to him by his wife. The request was to revise Khadija and giving her a bracelet with a solitary to thank her for all she had done for him, and recognizing that if the African girl had come first in the life of Amedeo deserved her spot. The two met in a tea room, It was a very intense moment. Both aware that this was l’ last time you would be seen. Stetterò few hours holding hands without speaking, then Khadija clenched his bracelet and greeted him without looking back with pride and dignity. The really of Guillet isn't over. In the 1950s, Amedeo Guillet leveraging l’ experience gained became a diplomat. Ambassador d’ Italy in Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Morocco and in India. Fortune continued to accompany him as when he survived unscathed in two crashes on the same day. It was a direct witness and unharmed of two coups in Yemen and Morocco. The Mission for him became to promote dialogue between Christians, Jews and Muslims. Curious aspects of his life we must mention the fact that Amedeo had in his house the relic of a thorn from the Crown of Christ, and he owned in his stable l’ last descendant of Muhammad's horse. In Italy he was almost a stranger, While in England he was honored even by those who fought as the major Max Harari. L’ British secret agent Vittorio Dan Segre, who gave chase to war became over the years, his friend and biographer. In November 2000 Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, conferred the highest Italian honour, the Grand Cross’ Military order of the Republic. In 91 years Amedeo returned to Africa to retrace some steps of his war. Eritreans welcomed him as the first Patriot dell’ Eritrean independence. He was received by the President of Eritrea with the honors of a head of State. Then came the time to revise a key man for him. The merchant Al Sayed Ibrahim al Yemani. The man did not recognize elder Italian and Heartsick for the collapse of the well could not buy him a drink. Nevertheless told him a story that over the years he has repeated to anyone who had encountered, or when he saved from the desert two Yemenis dying, How became attached to one of them. He concluded by stating that for him were sent by Allah that often tests the faith of his followers laying on their journey special meetings and miraculous. Amedeo is immediately recognized in that tale, but he did not want to destroy the portrait of two drifters sent by God. Amedeo told him that sooner or later the two pilgrims would reappear perhaps to adjust its well. He finally retired paid workers who that same night they fixed the old pit. Amedeo Guillet died on 16 June 2010 in Rome. His legend remains unknown, Ironically, in his own country, l’ Italy. A man who was soldier, guerrilla, secret agent, diplomat, longshoreman and Ostler. A man who has gone through a century with courage passion and a lot of humanity.

Hector Parker

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Deviant culture: the problem of female circumcision



The 6 February marks the international day against female circumcision, or female genital mutilation.
The term comes from the Latin female circumcision fibula, brooch. It is a practice that has exclusively cultural origins and non-religious, Although it is mostly common in Islamic countries.
Infibulation is practised on girls in adolescence, often without any type of anesthesia. The operation consists in exporting of clitoris, the labia minora and part of the labia majora, and ending with the seam of the vulva; It is "torn" only at the time of marriage to allow sexual intercourse and childbirth. After birth, the vulva is sewn up.
The history of this practice is very ancient and shrouded in mystery; born probably in ancient Egypt, It was also practiced in Rome as a measure to control the sexuality of the slaves. They were and are the women to practice female circumcision to other women, This is essentially a practice that is passed from mother to daughter. Mostly it is lived as a kind of initiation rite, and mothers, Although they have tried to turn physical and psychological pain that involves this operation, they want their daughters will be subject because otherwise they would not be accepted by the company, because it would be considered "impure" beings, Unable to marry.
In the world are more than 100 million women who undergo this treatment, in more than forty countries, and with peaks that reach the 100% of the female population in Egypt and Somalia. Even in large western cities registering hundreds of thousands of women infibulate, and only in Italy are more than forty thousand.
Even proponents of multiculturalism can remain indifferent to this custom and tradition so little justifiable, whose meaning is synonymous with only the loss of individuality and of their fundamental rights, In addition to countless sacrifices and sufferings.


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