The Srebrenica massacre


In the days of July 1995 on the lower floors of a factory of Srebrenica, cities of Bosnia, was one of the most heinous crimes against humanity since the second world war. In 1991 Bosnia, one of the six Yugoslav republics declared independence as first Croatia and Slovenia had made. The Serbs of Bosnia and Serbia all opposed’ era still registered as Yugoslavia sent his troops. A bloody conflict between Bosnian Croats and Serbs leaving the terrain 250 thousand dead. Yugoslavia which is the land of the Southern Slavs fell apart after the 1980 After the death of Marshal Tito, in the 1990s this trial ended in the most tragic way possible. In those days of July l’ UN controlled Srebrenica through a contingent of Dutch troops. Which do not care at all to prevent the militias of General Ratko Mladic to the slaughter of almost 8000 Muslim men in this Drina Valley known as the enclave of Srebrenica. In support of General Mladic were also the so-called Arkan Tigers of Željko Ražnatović. Women of all ages were brought on the first floor of the factory and raped in every brutal possible manner. The men were all but exterminated, even today a lot of people hope to find the remains of loved ones. The United Nations failed to coordinate an action to prevent the massacre and were scorned by the Bosnians with the inscriptions on the walls United Nothing. The walls of the factory were horrifyingly depicted the violence to women and the epithets against the’ ethnic group massacred. Even today the perpetrators and the instigators are to bring to justice, Although l’ Hague has ruled that the massacre there was, Despite attempts by Holocaust deniers.

Hector Parker

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The last weekend of Ayrton


Ayrton Senna came to Imola on Thursday 28 April 1994. Three days before the fatal Imola Grand Prix, 1 may 1994. That day filed a bicycle bearing his name, the affairs were taking a substantial portion of his time. Then he moved to the racetrack for the Grand Prix. That year the Seine was not satisfied with his car, the Williams. The year before Williams had led to the triumph on his eternal rival Alain Prost who then withdrew from racing. Inside the circus Ayrton became the number one, the favorite. Until then she had won three world titles, 65 pole position record by then , 41 WINS. The goal was to conquer the world with the fourth strongest machine. The beginning of the world 1994 However, it was the mark of a young Michael Schumacher. Ayrton never ended a race before Imola Grand Prix. There was a lot of pressure on him. In the first day of practice, Ayrton was commenting in real time a lap for a French television initiative. At that time in the audio connection passed Prost and told him “a special hello to my dear friend Alain, We miss you!”. It was a surprising exit given the fierce rivalry between the two. Within hours began a nightmare weekend. Barrichello flew with his car against a wall, Luckily you saved. Ayrton went immediately to ascertain the condition of his friend rider. The doctors told him that he secretly at the hospital over a cleared two meters. In the second day of practice, there was a second and more devastating accident, that led to the deaths of Ratzenberger, Austrian pilot friend Ayrton Senna, unknown, It was at the beginning. Ayrton was heartbroken, shaken. Two hours later he went to the hospital, He understood that to Ratzenberger was over. Did not speak, was released from the hospital for to pit and saw him cry. The next day, on race day, 1 may, Ayrton was very serious, not behaved as usual. Estranearsi from the race seemed imminent. Immediately after a collision between two cars stopped the race, some debris struck the spectators in the stands. They left behind the safety car. On the sixth lap to the curve of the tambourine Ayrton Senna with his Williams ended up against the wall. They passed Schumacher and Berger. A elicotterò after a few minutes he landed on track to bring the Brazilian in hospital. The race continued, but it happened a new incident : a car leaving the pits lost a wheel ran over and injured three mechanics. The Grand Prize was won by Schumacher, According to Lagarde, third Hakkinen. Ayrton died in late afternoon. The cause was traced to the steering column which snapped and caused the slip with the following crash against the wall. In a piece of metal pierced his skull helmet's suspension entrandogli. Ayrton Senna's death led to a sea change in Formula1. Safety became a priority over the sport performance. In Sao Paulo, where he was buried on the tombstone it says “nothing can go away because of the love of God”. To understand the human dimension of Ayrton Senna instead species include a memory of his childhood. Ayrton was of a wealthy family, a teacher noticed that everything was so weak and that at recess did not eat ever like his comrades. Then became curious and summoned his mother, the who said that every morning he delivered the afternoon snack small Ayrton. Then they named Ayrton who said “When I come to school every morning I walk past to those children who have nothing and then present them my Twinkie”. The current Foundation that bears his name is striving for those children who protected and loved to Ayrton.

Hector Parker

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The file rouge: from Portella della Ginestra to Pio La Torre

The 1 may 1947 at Portella della Ginestra are brutally slaughtered a group of workers, women and men, gathered to protest the failure to allocate lands. Was in progress, In fact, in the postwar years in Sicily a tough fight among poorer residents, and the large landowners: the first asked for the assignment of the feudal lands, the latter claimed to keep the lands and so the poorer residents; among them is interposed ne figure of g: those who on behalf of large landowners sought the labour force among poorer residents in Exchange for a loaf of crazy.
History has shown who was or who were really the instigators of the massacre, but a statement we can highlight with almost absolute certainty: the Bandit Giuliano was not the instigator of the massacre. But as he was with the poor, He who had joined the separatist movement, He who (According to the inhabitants of Mountain Hare) he stole from the rich and give to the poor, He slaughters his own with villagers. Enter Sicily in an international context and in a bigger game than her, in a battle between United States and Communists appears risky scenario, but not quite so much unlikely, If it's our medium in Italy Christian democracy. The A.d.: It was situated between two fires: between the need to pursue the dialogue with the United States, the big movers and “manipulators” the referendum of the victory of the Republic at the expense of the monarchy, and Communists, which in Italy were rising sharply as their ideals had a strong appeal on the Italian population, which after the war was reduced to poverty. For d.c.. When faced with the deal “Portella” It was easy to blame to Giuliano, dangerous and elusive Bandit. Were not conducted investigations, interrogations and there were no witnesses. But a strange game of historical references back Door always topical: the massacre of poor innocent always resurfaces with greater force. It happens that in doing away from the Italian historical memory we try in 1982, the 30 April's murdering barbarously Pio La Torre. To this slaughter I have in mind the barbarous murder: a volley of shots so powerful as to throw the body of Italian politician on the driver's seat, While his foot dangling from the window and was exceeded. The mafia kills Pio La Torre. From prison during a hearing Salvatore Riina blurts out: “I.. to those… with Pio… the favor I have done ...” Now wait for Riina explain in detail what has happened appears unlikely, unless, as is happening in the last few months, He doesn't want to become a sharer of his amazing adventures of one big boss.
From Portella della Ginestra to Pio La Torre passes the historical memory Italy mafia facts, and not, for which most likely will never justice. From the point we must leave and that reminded me of Purse with the massacre of Capaci: “I can't say it's the mafia and only the mafia, but the mob was still”. Moving still listen live testimonies of those who, now nonagenarians, they say their to Portella there were and we would return, there those who have worked with Pio La Torre and every day carry on the struggle for a more just. Remember “Portella and remember Pius” It means remember our historical memory of Italians.11174873_954726651213414_3978589387622859147_n 11206062_954726844546728_3346271647030741520_n

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The disaster at the Bay of pigs

baia pigs

April 1961. In the night a group of divers landed on the beach of the Bay of pigs. Soon would start reporting operations to ships unloading locations. Landing that would count 1.453 men Cuban exiles with l”aim of dueling with the ordinary Cuban militia and persuade the people to overthrow the Government of’ Havana. A Communist Government led by Fidel Castro. A truck at the somozzatori reconnaissance mistook for fishermen and did not intervene. The divers have frightened the Government generally explode of gunfire and triggered the tussle. He had immediately beginning the landing. Filoamericane trovarano troops waiting for the Cuban army. They fell to the ground more than 250 people its two fronts. All others were arrested. The landing was a tragic epilogue. Khrushchev President of the USSR the following day threatened the intervention of the army the Cia directed by Allen Dulles had prepared a plan already since the Eisenhower administration. Kennedy inherited and endorse reluctantly, so much so that he did not want to include the u.s. Army in operation. The result was one of the most disastrous and embarrassing militaristic operations in the Americas. Worsened the gap between Washington and Moscow and prepared the ground for the Cuban missile crisis the following year.

Hector Parker

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Robert Kennedy collects the torch of MLK

martin luther king

At 18.01 of 4 April 1968 James Earl Ray had aimed his rifle on the balcony of the room 306 the Lorraine Motel. We at Mulberry Street in Memphis. In those moments he looked in Martin Luther King. Ray boomed a shot. King shot in the head fell. He died an hour and a half after. Ended at that moment the earthly parable of Martin Luther King. After that all hell broke loose on the streets of America. Robert Kennedy was in full campaign for the primaries, in Indianapolis. Was himself to inform those who had come to hear him. Improvised a speech on’ emotional wave that swept. He climbed onto a truck and uttered the following words:

“I have some very sad news for all of you. And, I think, sad news, for all of our fellow citizens and for peace-loving people all over the world.

And they are that Martin Luther King was shot and killed tonight in Memphis, in Tennessee.

Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and justice among humans, and died in advancing this fight.
In this difficult day, at this difficult time for the United States is perhaps appropriate to ask ourselves what kind of nation we are, and in which direction we want to proceed.
For those of you who are black, Since it seems clear that the perpetrators were white [the assassination], you might find yourself full of bitterness, of hate, by desire for revenge.
We could go in that direction as a country, toward an even greater rift, Blacks with blacks, whites with whites, filled with hatred for each other.
Or we can make an effort, How did Martin Luther King, to understand and to understand and replace that violence, the blood stain that has covered our country, with an effort to understand, with compassion and love.
For those of you who are black, and is tempted to let go to hatred and mistrust of whites, for the injustice of this gesture, I can only say that I can feel in my heart that kind of feelings: someone in my family was killed, and he also hands a bianco.
But now we have to make an effort in the United States, We must make an effort to understand, to overcome these difficult hours.
My favorite poet was Aeschylus. He wrote:
“Even in his sleep the pain that does not forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, as long as in our own despair, without that we want, received wisdom, through the majestic grace of God.”
What we need in the United States, It is not Division.
What we need in the United States, don't you hate.
What we need in the United States, It is not violence and rejection of the law, but is love, wisdom, and compassion towards each other.
And a sense of Justice for those who still suffer in our country, whether they are white or black.
We can do well in this country. We will have difficult times. We've had in the past but we're going in the future.
It's not the end of violence. It's not the end of the rejection of the law. It's not the end of the disorder. But the vast majority of white people in this country and the vast majority of black people in this country want to live together,
want to improve the quality of our lives, and want justice for all human beings that dwell in our land.
Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks called this way many years ago: tame the selvaggità of man and make gentle the life of this world.

Let us dedicate ourselves to this. And let's say a prayer for our country and for our people. Thank you very much”.

CIT. the translation from

Hector Parker

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