Winston Churchill, the giant you don't expect


They were just uncheck the eight o'clock in the morning 24 January 1965 when Winston Churchill died at his home in Hyde Park Gate in London. Two weeks before had been suffered a stroke. Queen Elizabeth said “We are all poorer”. French President Charles De Gaulle said “Britain will not be the great power that is”. Had 90 years. 56 passed to the side of his beloved Clementine, to which he wrote love notes to an old age. Two years before his death wrote to his wife on the occasion of his 78 years old:

My darling one, This is only to give you my foundest love and kisses a hundred times repeated. I am a pretty dull and paltry scribbler; but my stick as it writes carriers my heart along with it. Your ever & always W

(which sounds pretty much like)

My darling, This is just to give you my most ardent love and kisses repeated a hundred times. I am a hack rather dull and miserable; but my pen while writing carries my heart. Yours forever W

Loved so much writing in the evening, having sipped champagne. He was a history buff. After writing historical works won a Nobel Prize for literature in 1953. Was an officer of the British army. Yes, He was also a brilliant politician, for sixty years, but it would be simplistic to just categorize them as such. In his history he crossed numerous defeats. Especially those elections. Late comedian and had almost taking a cue from their own experience “Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm“. Also unexpected electoral defeats and painful, just like that after the end of World War II. War when he took my hand England savaged terribly by the enemy on the beaches of Dunkirk and led to her resurrection and victory. He crossed those tragic years acting as a single point of accountability. Choosing the bluntness of a harsh language, honest and with the foresight that has always distinguished it bunched up the English people wounded and made him stronger. His political stature found its most popular expression in’ implementation of certain social reforms such as the minimum wage, the eight hours of work, aid to the unemployed.

He saw in communism a just Division of misery, as seen in capitalism an unfair division of wealth. Winston Churchill was a legendary figure for his time. The greatest child that England had, And that, gratitude several people made in the years of his loads I brought the name. For example, a man named John Winston Lennon born nell’ October 1940. When in 1964 the legendary leader left forever from public life the young John Winston Lennon with his musical group (Beatles) hit the first worldwide success with I want to hold your hand, but that's another story.

Hector Parker

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Paul's conversion


Christian liturgical tradition of the Catholic Church, Today we commemorate the event of the conversion of Paul. The fact is one of the most famous and the most mysterious in the history of the Church: Saul or Paul of Tarsus was a tax collector and arch-enemy of the Christians and their persecutor. One day, during a trip to Damascus, along the way, Paul fell (According to some as the painter Caravaggio was falling off his horse and in doing so he painted it) on the ground. Stunned by the fall, a bright light and dazzling wrapped Paul, from the view; God asked Paul why these persecute Christians, inviting them to get up and get into the city. Paul was three days and three nights without seeing and without eating. Paul was reborn as a man of God.

In the first period after the death of Jesus Christ, We are then in the first century a.d., during the years he lived Paul, There was a unitary vision of Christianity. The same Apostles and followers of Christ were different and often conflicting ideas and opinions on how to proceed, especially on how the world should be "scope" the word of God.

It was Paul of Tarsus, miscreant before and first follower then deliver to the Church what was the basis of Christianity and the Christian faith. According to the interpretative visions hostile to the Christian Church Paul created Christianity, that today we know. I believe that, Instead, Paul was the person who was able to better interpret the word of Jesus and, through his letters, spread it to the people of the then-known world. The importance of this character in the history of the Church is essential: unearthly vision of salvation, of faith in Christ and love as a fundamental basis of the Christian life are the three concepts spread by Paul who today form the basis of the Christian faith. Despite her figure may be obscured by that of Peter, appointed by Jesus his successor, and base, or rather stone, of his Church, was Paul the engine of early Christianity. His letters to the peoples of the Earth continue today to be read during liturgical celebrations because at a distance of two thousand years are still that way in which people can convert.

Roberto Rossetti

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Paolo Borsellino, a simple hero


There are two stories of Paolo Borsellino.

Paolo Borsellino was born in Palermo on 19 January 1940. Magistrate committed itself at the forefront of the fight against the mafia, perishes along with officers Agostino Catalano, Claudio Traina, Eddi Walter Cosina, Emanuela Loi, Vincenzo Li Muli and Fabio in the bombing case in via Mariano d'amelio on 19 July 1992, at the hands of the criminal organization Cosa nostra. The ultimate goal of his personal and professional commitment can be summed up in the work of repression of mafia system accompanied by awareness-raising initiatives, participation, the share performance of judges with the Italian public opinion. The purpose of these combined actions was to free society from conditionings and complicity with the mafia system, to let you hear what Banks called the "beauty of the fresh scent of freedom". Companion of this human adventure and employment, as well as his close friend, was the judge Giovanni Falcone, He too siciliano, He determined to leave the company by the mafia, He was assassinated in a bomb attack with his wife Francesca Morvillo and Antonino Montinaro escort agents, Rocco di Cillo and Vito Schifani on motorway A29 Trapani-Palermo up to the ramp to Capable. Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino are considered still national heroes.

This above is the human history of Paolo Borsellino.

This is the story of superhuman Paolo Borsellino.

Paolo Borsellino was born in Palermo on 19 July 1992 in the conscience of all citizens who are recognized by the State, law and Justice. Paolo Borsellino and Giovanni Falcone are risen to mafia or symbols, at a more general level, a symbol of legality. Die for the State, dying to meet up at the bottom of one's duty, die so keenly aware of the far end that were meeting served to awaken the consciences of all people of good will, viewing the legality. First of Falcone and Borsellino not only did not know the existence of the mafia, but it was not even able to choose because there was, in Sicily, a viable alternative to the mafia that would provide hope for the citizens. Falcone and Borsellino this hope they gave and they paid with their own lives.

The thesis that I decided to write about Paolo Borsellino was thanking the judge for this freedom and hope that I rejoice today. The title of the thesis came from if incorporating the words Paolo Borsellino, hero and simple. Paolo Borsellino, a simple hero will also be the title under which will be released on my book that will incorporate my university thesis. Paul lives.


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Warsaw ghetto uprising


Were the 6 the morning of 18 January 1943 When a German column entered the Warsaw ghetto uprising with the aim of raking who resided. The action was to encircle buildings and order the release of the inhabitants. In the months leading up to some youth movements that inspired by feelings of resistance, even the army if necessary, founded a Socialist-inspired group called Zob (Jewish combat organization). The young Polish Jew Mordechaj Anielewicz assumed leadership of the Group. That night the Zob was taken by surprise by the Germans, There was no way to plan for a reaction. The German plan was to reduce the population of the ghetto through moving East of 8.000 Jewish workers, destined for death camps, and other 16.000, intended for munitions factory in Lublin. The operation was carried out quickly. The persons selected were aligned and led out of the ghetto. Travelled the via Kiska in the direction of Umsclagplatz where we would have been the train waiting for them. In those moments Anielewicz organized a desperate action with a dozen men armed with pistol. They infiltrated into the column in motion. Nod decided and every militant opened fire against the German closer. Meanwhile, another group member Zuckermann distracted a group of Germans, diverting them to an apartment, managing to hurt some. The attack signed Zob came as no surprise, the Germans were caught unprepared for the first time. It was the first time a resistant group opened fire on the Nazis in the ghetto. Several Germans were victims of that operation. The men in the column managed to disperse in the chaos. A few moments later, the Germans over how many men and weapons reclaimed their role in those areas. Was undoubtedly a brave and crazy action of Zob, He challenged the rationality. The political result that we can draw from it was an awareness among the Polish Jew that they could fight the enemy stronger. Young Poles were ready for anything and this experience paved the way for the rebellion which occurred a couple of months later.

Hector Parker

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Arrivedorci Hardy


The 18 January 1892 born in Harlem, in Georgia, Oliver Norvell Hardy. Nicknamed "Babe" from friends, Oliver inextricably linked his life as an actor to his friend and colleague Stan Laurel. The comic couple Hollywood's most famous produces together 89 movie, of which 30 films and 43 sound films. Their genuine comedy, based on simple gag obtained from paradoxical situations of everyday life, makes them famous and appreciated worldwide. In Italy is a young actor, Alberto Sordi, that as the voice of Oliver. In spite of the thirties and forties of the twentieth century see to the forefront of comedy actors like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, Laurel and Hardy are able to carve out a prominent role both in films and then in those so-called muti with sound. Ingenious use of MIME, the couple seeks audience engagement using a cinematic gimmick, the "look" that is to look into the room to engage the Viewer, making sure they're staying in the actor's situation: unforgettable expressions perplexed by Ollie when Laurel she plays one of his. The pair continued to work together until the early 1950s when serious heart problems stop Oliver, which disappears on 7 August 1957 following a stroke. Today, at a distance of sixty, Laurel and Hardy's films continue to be transmitted and loved around the world.

You can't close with one of the most popular Hardy jokes:



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