Schumacher eyes


The 3 January 1969 He was born in Hermülheim Michael Schumacher. Pilot of motoring. Winner of seven World Championships in formula 1 through the conquest of 91 Gare. Record. The pretext of his birthday enables you to lay your eyes on a particular aspect of the life of Schumacher. eyes. Millions of eyes followed it in twenty years when she sped by on the tracks of formula 1 around the world. Eyes that have admired, opposed and envied. Our eyes that have seen him grow from 1991, debut year with yellow Jordan. We admired its evolution, on his way to impose themselves on opponents. Since in 1994 He began his athletic glory with the first world championship win, just when it ended the earthly glory of Ayrton Senna, handing the Brazilian champion to the myth. On the track he owned the constant performance of Prost, the meticulousness of Lauda. Someone joins the skill of driving in the wet than the great Ayrton. A duel took unfortunately a couple of Grands Prix. Maybe it was fate that Ayrton were only having like opponent Prost. Millions of eyes that saw Michael's tenacity that often resulted in manoeuvres to limit, How is the life of a pilot. The eyes of the wife who admired him as he jumped on the top step of the podium. The eyes of someone who doesn't speak English instead of forgiving the Italian. Michael's eyes that cried after winning the Grand Prix of Monza 2000 When he began to feel that maybe it was good to win the Championship, After some disappointing races. The eyes of those who received his charity in secret, and of those who witnessed his charities instead through public events. The eyes of the young Vettel who had the honor of watching Michael's eyes, his legend, congratulate on her first worldwide success a few years ago. A great man who has courted the limit whenever the sport became race, even with himself. Now Michael has hidden to our eyes, rightly, dignity comes first. The Chronicles tell us that his words his gestures are mysteriously catches in his eyes. Sometimes he happens to be moved with his loved ones. He even years ago before a movie, When it seemed impossible that a German so squared may have a tender heart, noble and generous. And’ consoling to think that our eyes have been toying with are still there in his eyes and he is accompanied. As the sword of a warrior to his most important battle, We hope to celebrate a new victory.

Hector Parker

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Wittemberg, Li 3 January 1521


Wittemberg, There 3 January 1521
On the morning of 3 January 1521, three hammer blows they nail the door of Wittenberg Church the Papal Bull “Decet Romanum Pontificem” of Leo X. And’ the sentence defined promulgated by the Church of Rome to Martin Luther, considered now a heretic, along with all those who consider themselves followers of his doctrine. It will be the same German theologian to take notice of excommunication by burning the Papal Bull. The game that the Church of Rome and Luther were playing on the same Exchequer is over, the Schism started. To move the Church in its foundations are served 95 thesis, posted on the door of the Church itself five years earlier by the same Luther and some simple powerful concepts: predestination, direct reading of Scripture, salvation by faith alone, uselessness of the sacrament of confession. Luther's struggle was a battle against the indulgences that the Catholic Church of the time not dispensed according to the will of God, but according to private economic interests of the various popes who followed one another throughout history: one of the era's most famous sayings, coined by an Archbishop was “just a coin tossed in the alms tintinna, a soul flies away from purgatory”. Ideas spread by Luther found so perfectly with the discontent of the German princes and the Church's malpractice averse population: the birth, the development and the full existence of the Protestant Church are full testimony. Luther was a personality that is hard to understand, maybe even for himself: He avoided the extremes, against the Catholic Church, where degenerated John Calvin and maybe at the end of his life he tried, According to legend, a reconciliation with the papacy, asking to take the priestly dress. Of course some of his thoughts make us realize how his thinking was ahead for its time and, maybe even for our:
“Superstition, idolatry and hypocrisy perceive rich rewards, While the truth goes around begging”
CIT. Martin Luther


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For some more Lion

sergio leone

The 3 January 1929 He was born in Rome Sergio Leone. Italian film director and producer. Son of art, his parents were film director Roberto Roberti (alias Marie Lamb) and l’ actress Bice Valerian (Edvige Valcarenghi alias). Raised in Trastevere, He studied a wide Roman humanity is then entered massively in his films. He was a great admirer of John Ford Westerns from which he obtained a precise semantic distance: the characters of John Ford gazed with hope the open spaces, Leone's characters were afraid to receive a bullet between the eyes. His first appearance back at the age of fourteen with his father, in the movie Mouth on the way. His second experience is by De Sica, where did the Assistant and played the part of a young priest in the film The bicycle thief. Afterwards he worked with directors such as Gallon, Dressing rooms, Soldiers, Bal, Comencini and De Sica. When Hollywood came to Rome to turn Peplum films (costumed stories taken from the Bible) He worked with directors such as William Wyler and Mervyn LeRoy. He directed the chariot race scene in Ben Hur. He collaborated on Quo vadis and other American films. This experience allowed him to develop a very personal style which was then imposed internationally. Great narrator for images, Lion could give thickness to the characters with the first few floors on looks. His rule was spectacular in every scene. A long shot and a first order were designed with the same attention. His first film as a Director was The Colossus of Rhodes. With the western A fistful of dollars and For a few dollars more gave evidence of manic scene composition. Made use of details often on weapons used by his characters, thighs of horses, the blatant zoom. Bernardo Bertolucci and Dario Argento were the writers with him There was a time in the West. Movie The Good, the bad and the ugly was inspired by a film of Kurosawa Yojimbo. We can identify two Trilogies in his works, the first one of the dollar (A fistful of dollars, For a few dollars more, The good the bad and the ugly). The second trilogy time and memory (There was a time in the west, Keep your head down and once upon a time in America). Stanley Kubrick said that without the films of Sergio Leone would never made A Clockwork Orange. Quentin Tarantino elevates it to master and every movie is stuffed with Leonine quotes. Clint Eastwood was discovered by Leo in the television series Rawhide. Clint Eastwood's first film director to take an oscar was Unforgiven. Clint at the beginning of the film poses the inscription in honor of’ friend and teacher “to Sergio”. The partnership with Ennio Morricone, second only to the combination of Lennon and McCartney, made possible the development of a common element to film and music and transpose into film story masterfully, the time. A man who is told as gruff and serious in appearance, but good and thoughtful soul. Possessed sense of’ irony that mingled with the cynicism in an exceptional balance. His latest film Once upon a time in America developing a storyline that steeped in melancholy he tied his favorite themes: friendship, betrayal and memory. Crossing different genres detective noir psychological thriller and sentimental drama. The Melancholia that pervaded then anyone is passionate about cinema of Leo. Leaving us forever 30 April 1989 to those who love him still today one wonders what would “for some more Lion movies″.

Hector Parker

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Discover our tracks in the future


Know the history is a good way to learn about our past, understand what we are in the present and have a solid foundation for our future. It is inherent in the human hope for a better future and try to predict in advance: There are those who turn to fortune tellers, to guess, to the stars, the astrological combinations, and those who rely on the past, or rather the story.

The man, life, the Earth and the universe, everything is cyclical: the man in the course of its existence was born, grows, develops, It decays and dies; death is an integral part of life itself, It represents his final cycle. The earth rotates on itself by throwing the seasons which are repeated cyclically, allowing nature to be reborn and bloom in the spring, to develop in summer, decaying into fall and die in winter to be reborn the next season. Scientific discoveries every day allow us to discover a universe in constant evolution, apparently motionless, but never equal to itself, an infinite where echoes that primordial sound and where each constellation and planet bound him to his birth certificate. The history of man is the derivative of all these elements: the man himself that evolved over the centuries, who learned to survive in nature, trying to master it, to live in the world, Discover the universe. What man has lived since he was born he always repeated cyclically throughout history: the facts as wars, PACI, discoveries, and the feelings and moods as fears, anxieties, passions; all this has generated a wealth of experiences that we would speak if only we listened. The Hiroshima disaster helps us understand the destructive potential of the atom bomb, clashes between Jews and Palestinians that blood cries for blood, the Holocaust than can become tiny and mean the human soul, the world wars that war does not solve the problems of this world, that peace begets peace and discord and inequality. Contemporary man advances shipped toward progress, everything around him pushes him towards the future: Tablet, Smartphone, the Internet are the main proponents; colonizing space is the next stop of this trip on the train of progress. Stopping to look at the past has always been branded as traditionalism, conservatism and anti progress.

The man in this life does not have an instruction manual explaining how to live the best way possible, How to avoid the difficulties, the sorrows, the pains and disappointments and what you can do to be happy, loved and maybe even rich; the man, though, for this life, have a catalog of two millennia of history, at a minimum, from which to draw and where some great historians are anxious to tell us about their present because the man of the future could no longer make the same mistakes. This blog aims to tell the story, the facts, the lived, the victories and defeats of the men of our past, because it is from their experiences that we can better understand our present, our future and especially ourselves.

"There is no great difference between man and man. The superiority is to benefit from the lessons of experience "

CIT. Thucydides

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