Janis Joplin 27 Perl

janis joplin

The 4 October 1970 ended the earthly parable of Janis Joplin. Singer, born on 19 January 1943. Was found between the bed and the bed in a motel room, victim of a heroin overdose. She was a girl, young. With her was the club of 27 in other words all those young people cursed who died all’ the age of 27 years as Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and other. Daughter of an employee and an engineer, He lives his youth with large complexes about his physical appearance and with the rebellion of those who believe not to be sufficiently beloved. He had declared that she'd love to 20.000 people every night to make l’ no idea how she was against anyone who wanted to listen to his concerts, giving them “a piece of my heart“. As reported a song she is a Perl, a Pearl, the greatest blues singer of all time. In the sixties when I was twenty went home, and began his musical wanderings with several bands. He began his travels in parallel with drugs, the heroine, He believed gave a wider creative range. Supplied by the same dealer. The 3 October 1970 ended up being late to record a session of Perl album, and went drinking in a bar with the musicians, she drank much Southern Comfort, drank always very, and also drove his Porsche drunk. He also said he had been expecting some friends that did not come. Frustrated and in need of something, He sought his dealer but not found. Used by another who did not know. The autopsy made it clear then that the fatal dose was of pure heroin to the 50%, and sent her to overdose. His voice hoarse and acute that mixed grief and anger drowned into the abyss of a syringe but continued his enthralling journey in his posthumous album Perl. A voice which allowed it to emerge from mediocrity that surrounded her and that she has inflicted the most intimate and hard penis from which came out sporadically in the space of a song.

Hector Parker

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Janet Gaynor, the fairest of them all




Janet Gaynor, stage name of Laura Gainer, She was born in Philadelphia on 06 October 1906.
In 1929 is the first actress to win an Academy Award for his performance in three films: 7th Heaven (1927), Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) and Street Angel (1928). It is the only actress in movie history to have won an oscar for his participation and performance in three different movies at the same time.
Known to the general public due to some western films, the actress claims for his "anti-vamp" mainly due to the sweetness of the lineaments of her face, in sharp contrast to women more in vogue at the time. Suffice it to say that the face that Walt Disney conceived in the years ' 30 to interpret the figure of snow white was inspired by that of Janet.
The Gaynor is one of the few actresses of the ' 20 's 30 that manages to make switching between silent and sound successfully, thanks largely to the very sweet and musical voice that is associated with female characters often delicate and infantile. The success was not long in arriving here too and won again the Academy Award for best actress in A Star Is Born (1937).
Janet retires from public life in 1938, leaving the scene at the age of 32 years.
He died in 1984 in Palm Spring, in California.


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James Dean, the last ride


The 30 September 1955 James Dean died. He had just 24 years 7 months and 22 days. Only three starring films: The Valley of’ Eden, Rebel and The Giant. Prior 1955 his career was studded with some appearance in the television series dell’ era and in some spot, on the sidelines of this also did Theatre. Already in July’ year after the death of another young actor Robert Francis, and a week later dell’ Actress Suzanne Ball said with the tone of someone who, Rascal, challenge the fate that these events happen in threes and the next he would be. A few months earlier in his last ride home was followed by a Life photographer, Dennis Stock, that begged to be photographed as a joke in a coffin from the local mortuary. The same that would then hosted for real months later. Like other artists cursed loved courting death, get to the limit and challenge himself. A curious fact about his perverse exposing itself was given by the circulation of the photos he took were cadaveric mode, but then, When he died, l’ single shot that circulated was that of her Porche crashed. A Japanese billionaire Seita Ohnishi keeps in his safe shots of James Dean, agonized made by Sanford Roth, come on site of the crash a few minutes later. That day he perhaps unwittingly made a series of last things. At 0.05 his last supper at the restaurant Villa Capri. At 7.20 his last breakfast in Sherman Oaks at 14611 Sutton Street. At 12.15 he saluted for l’ last time his father and uncle at the restaurant Patsy's Pizza, in and around Hollywood. At 14.30 in his last glass of milk he drank Castain Junction. At 15.30 He took his last fine, by signing the minutes, He signed his last autograph. At 17.00 in Balckwell's Corner, he ate his last Apple and drank his last Coca-Cola. At 17.59 He met his death in a collision with a Ford. Fate mocked him one last time while the ambulance took him to hospital, When the driver slowed abruptly dazzled by a’ cars coming in the opposite direction. L’ car behind l’ ambulance in an effort to avoid’ impact swerved but made in time to avoid a mocking Fender Bender. From that point onward he began a second life for James Dean, What is held in memory and in citations to anyone who's met either in person or through the mass media. The story gives us a guy who still had to show to the world and to himself his figure of artist, even though the premises were biting. But James Dean represents more, the projection in ourselves than it might weigh each individual fragment of life flavored by the talent that has been given to us on loan. His legend is undoubtedly the result of the years 50, When the media machine collected l’ event reserving to emotions that it procured the necessary space because they were not mass-, but fragmented and crystallized in the State of mind of each, without anyone could suggest what kind of emotion would have to try.

Hector Parker

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A painful Liberation: ' marocchinate ' // A painful liberation: the “marocchinate”


The historical context is that of the second world war, specifically, the wars of Montecassino. After landing in Sicily on 10 July 1943, the Allied troops had as goal the liberation of Rome and reuniting with other troops landed in the area of Anzio.
The clashes in and around Cassino lasted from 17 January to 19 may 1944. In this place were some of the climactic battles aimed at liberation of Italy from the Nazi-Fascist force.
However, the victory of the Allied troops also had negative implications, and certainly less known: the French General Juin, after victory, granted the Goumiers – soldiers of Moroccan nationality – 50 hours of absolute freedom as a reward for having broken through the German line. Two days of freedom during which the Goumiers committed, on the local population, acts of extreme violence, so shameful that the history books still are silent on this topic.
According to some studies, cases of sexual violence perpetrated by Algerian troops were sure 20,000; Nevertheless, It is estimated that the violence might have been concerned about 60,000 people, including men and children.
A page of history dual, that still does not find space and perhaps the public adapted to be understood, It happens, accepted and mainly transmitted to new generations.


The historical context is the World War II, specifically the wars of Montecassino. After the landing in Sicily on July 10th, 1943, the Allied troops’ goal was the liberation of Rome and to be reunited with other troops landed in the area of ​​Anzio.
The clashes in and around Cassino lasted from January 17th to May 19th 1944. In this area took place some of the most significant battles for the liberation of Italy from Nazi-fascist forces.
However, the victory of the allied troops had also negative aspects, and certainly less known: the French general Juin, after the victory, gave to Goumiers – soldiers of Moroccan nationality – 50 hours of absolute freedom as a reward for having broken through the Germany line. Two days of freedom during which Goumiers committed, on the local population, acts of extreme violence, so shameful that the history books still silent on the subject.
According to some studies, the certified cases of sexual violence perpetrated by Algerian troops were 20,000; nevertheless, it is estimated that the violence could have affected about 60,000 people, including men and children.
A page of history twofold, that still does not find the space and the audience perhaps appropriate to be understood, realized, accepted and overall forwarded to next generations.


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Da Cefalonia senza ritorno


The 23 September 1943 i tedeschi radunarono gli ufficiali e i sotto ufficiali italiani, tutti prigionieri, all’esterno del cortile della casetta rossa, a Cefalonia: a piccoli gruppi di cinque persone vennero fatti accedere all’interno del cortile e fucilati. Le esecuzioni durarono per tutto l’arco della giornata. Dall’esterno del cortile i soldati italiani, in attesa di essere fucilati, they could only hear the sound of German machine guns firing. It was toward evening that an Italian official asked to confer with equal degree of German officers, asking to stop the executions. After a few minutes the German officer stepped outside the courtyard informing the prisoners that the German high command had accepted the request and granted them saves lives. The Italian soldiers were they looked, they embraced and there were, had remained in seventeen.
Following the Armistice demanded from Italy and proclaimed the 8 September 1943, the Germans after conquering Kefalonia, occupied by the Italian contingent of the Acqui Division, killed all the prisoners. Five Italian soldiers were passed for weapons, shot and get drown cooped up inside of the vessels that were sunk; their bodies were burned, thrown into ditches and pits.
The dramatic history of Italians in Kefalonia represented the dramatic history of the second world war led by Italy: wrong tactical choices, a greater coward, confusion in decisions and a high price paid by ordinary soldiers.
The initial intention established by Mussolini, Benito Mussolini, was to "break the kidneys to Greece", the end was inglorious and nefarious that cost from Kefalonia to five thousand soldiers, returned seventeen.


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