The shame of My Lai


16 March 1968. Viet Nam. The Charlie Company, of the 1 battalion, 11in Brigade, 23in Light Infantry Division, known as the Americal Division under the command of Lieutenant William Calley entered into one of four villages in the Vietnamese village of Son My. That mission was named Search and Destroy, Search and destroy. The village that was the scene of this story was My Lai located 840 km north of Saigon. The main reason why Lieutenant Calley and his men entered the village of My Lai was to avenge an attack the previous VC, retaliation. That morning, though, at My Lai there was no VC, just old, women and children. American soldiers massacred anyone they filled up the front, animals including. They raped women and killed, even those pregnant. The few survivors reported that a pregnant woman's belly was opened, ripped the fetus and launched into a brush. They shot the children to mothers and their grandparents. They threw hand grenades in the huts, they gave fire to the houses and killed livestock around them. A pitiless fury only stop by’ arrival of a helicopter of’ u.s. military reconnaissance, which landed and interposed between the u.s. military and the last survivors of the Vietnamese village. The pilot warrant officer Hugh Thompson, Jr., He faced the heads of American troops and threatened that it would open fire on them unless they stopped. The other two crew members of the helicopter – Lawrence Colburn and Glenn Andreotta – they put their heavy weapons against fellow soldiers who were authors of the massacre. The official report referred to 90 VC killed and zero civilians. But the truth was laboriously afloat: the victims were approximately 347 civilians. The reporter Seymour Hersh brought the massacre to the knowledge of the general public in 1969. Some Colin Powell, then young greater, was commissioned to shed light on the affair, but from his job came up a candeggiatura of news and a minimization of the facts. He was just making up a process in which only the Lieutenant William Calley was convicted. His commanding officer Ernest Medina from which Calley said he had taken orders he was acquitted. Calley was the only convicted, and for him there was worth of’ life in prison through hard labor. A few days after President Nixon, with "infinite mercy”, He ordered his release from prison. Calley served just 3 and a half years of house arrest. Was so closed officially a shameful story of war, that still makes us feel so much layered stinks.

Hector Parker

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Educate to respect woman


The Triangle factory fire occurred on 25 March of 1911 in New York is undoubtedly one of the reasons why today we have international women's day. In that’ fire died 146 people mostly young women and immigrant women also of Italian origin. But the origin of women's day was also traced to the request by the women's suffrage is made by American Socialist Party in 1909. Then we talk about a recognition of the active role, audience, of women in society. L’ 8 March of 1917 some women of St. Petersburg demonstrated to demand an end to the War. Returning to the facts of New York women who worked in the factory and who were victims of’ fire were also victims of degrading working conditions. And the tragic mockery of that day was that the fire ladder gave way, leaving those poor things horrible choice to die falling from the third floor, or burned in the fire that was sweeping through. That tragedy as many others that in history has been more or less silently carry with them reflections and outrage. Remember it doesn't erase the pain and not lightens responsibility, but can shed a light to all women who are victims of violence and abuse. Respect for the woman cannot be imposed by a given, or by a second male, It should slip between everyday actions with the spontaneity of a look. In many parts of the world women are the subject of humiliation that often she herself struggles to recognize for ancient cultural legacies. But closer to home, within the walls of our cities where we have the presumption of having achieved a greater degree of evolution, Here too we often find shame in gruesome and abominable acts against women. The words and slogans with which we'll fill her mouth to tear an applause, throw an adulation should have as an immediate consequence of a shot of mentality. This step can be done with education. Be polite and educate the gratitude of’ importance of women's role in society. A person's value is measured by what it produces and how it produces it, certainly not from a gender difference. Respect for the individual is the basis upon which all human activity. Love without a preceding compared is not love but possessiveness. Respect is freedom and recognize each other as a source of knowledge and human wealth. This education should be practiced every day, at every meeting, and surely we'd all be a little better.

Hector Parker

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The complicated debut of Abraham Lincoln


Washington 4 March 1861. And’ on the day of the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as 16th President of the United States d’ America. And’ one day permeated by a’ gloomy atmosphere, There was tension. In the months leading up to the election, one after another, several southern States broke away from’ Merge to form the Confederation of southern United States. The States were initially South Carolina followed by Mississippi, La Florida, L’ Alabama, the Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. The reasons for this decision were traced all’ election of Lincoln, to the question of’ possible abolition of slavery and other economic. Abraham Lincoln arrived in Washington under the threat of possible attacks in southern array. The outgoing President Buchanan, at approximately 12, He went all’ the hotel where he was staying Lincoln to accompany him in the inaugural ceremony that was held at the Capitol. The Chronicles of the time recount that Lincoln was wearing a new dress, a white shirt, the cylinder hand holding a staff d’ ebony with il pomo d'Oro. Many people gathered near the Capitol. Lincoln appeared nervous also because it was supposed to swear, at approximately 13, in front of the President of the United States Supreme Court, Roger B. Taney. Quest’ last one is remembered for having reiterated, on the occasion of Dred Scott against Sandford, the account written in the Constitution on the status of African-Americans. They were considered inferior and cannot be classified as American citizens. In his speech, Lincoln was very balanced politically. The situation was at the limit. He sat in front of the American people as the President of all the American States, even the southern secessionists. He invited them to desist from separate and not to make things worse with weapons to start a war. He promised to meet the needs of the southern States through reasonable concessions. He wanted to make it clear to have as main goal the permanence of secessionist States all’ Interior of’ Union, paraphrasing the parable of the prodigal son. Back then in the hands of the latter the responsibilities of an imminent civil war. He concluded the speech with a call to brotherhood and benevolence among all. A month later the 12 April 1861 civil war broke out.

Hector Parker

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Beppe Fenoglio, L’ Dawn of the literature of the Langhe

beppe fenoglio

The 1° March 1922 He was born at Sunrise Beppe Fenoglio. Writer and translator. Son of Hamilcar, a butcher's helper and Margaret Affair. He was a very intelligent and thoughtful child. At school proved to be a model student. Her teacher Maria Lucia Marchiaro I started learning English passion. In high school he also had two teachers Peter Nails, Professor of philosophy, and Leonardo Cocito, anti-fascist, Italian teacher who were for him a key reference point. After high school, Fenoglio arrived at University. He enrolled in the Faculty of letters but in 1943 he interrupted his studies in order to attend the course by officials. L’ 8 September changed the tide for him too. Came home. Began the period of the partisan struggle over the Langhe. In the brigades that he joined his high school teachers nails and Chahar. Was among those who liberated Sunrise between the 10 October and 2 November 1944 (Twenty-three days of Dawn). He managed to make the liaison officer at the British mission by harnessing the knowledge of English. After the war ended his partisan experience but was later an important part in his civilian life as a writer. To his work as a clerk in a Winery managed to combine writing. Fenoglio's work is among the most original in Italian literary scene of the last century. His themes were the Guide’ partisan and experience rural life over the Langhe. He used a language suited to the situation recounted, sometimes refined and cultured, other times steeped in dialectal or interlayer English expressions. He loved to linger the harder and harsh aspects of farm life made of hard work and hardship. He read with avidity, sister Marisa remembers eating at the table with his eyes fixed on the book of the moment. Managed to carve out space to write even in some moments at work. Cigarettes and writing were her favorite activities that fit into a particular harmony especially at night. The smoke was often a source of tough comparisons with her mother. He also loved the sport in a competitive way and even if it were just gifted knew how to carve out spaces for swimming, football and basketball. Acknowledged that struggle to write, Sometimes his final words on paper came after they try and weigh through “painful” remakes. He's gone away for good in February 1963 for a complex respiratory disease. His celebrity that followed most of his posthumous handed look more original and directed by an important season of life of Piedmont.

Hector Parker

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George Harrison, the talent more humble


The 25 February 1943 George Harrison was born in Liverpool. Guitar of the Beatles. Childhood friend of Paul McCartney took the same bus to school. In 1957 Paul introduced him to John. He made a bizarre audition for the Quarryman's photo of John one night on the top floor of a double-decker bus. The piece played was l’ drum solo Raunchy track R&B by Bill Justis, all’ time in second place on the hit parade. John was impressed by the skill of the young guitarist and caught him in the band. He was the most gifted on guitar. However at first suffered the charisma of the duo Lennon McCartney. It took a while for his pieces were included in the records of the Beatles. But as soon as he emerged all the talent of George. "I need you", If I needed someone, Taxman, I want to tell you. To switch to the finest tracks like Long long long, Savoy truffle, While my guitar gently weeps, "Here comes the sun, Something. He had the opportunity to learn to play the sitar from Ravi Shankar (father of Nora Jones) and it showed in the beautiful Norwegian Wood. Very sweet melodies that shy and delicate character of George riflettavano. His song Something It was held by Frank Sinatra the most beautiful love song that has ever been written. Like the other three Beatles in 1970 He embarked on a solo career. Always one step behind the duo Lennon McCartney. In 1971 organized the first benefit concert of history in favor of Bangladesh. He participated in the production of the album Imagine by John Lennon. He returned to prominence with the controversial song "My sweet Lord", for whom he had a long legal dispute over charges for him of plagiarism unaware. The last decades seen the success of the song All things must pass, "Got my mind set on you. At the end of the 80 He was a guest in Sanremo where he presented the video of the piece "When we was fab. Subsequently undertook the project with the Traveling Wilburys group that included greats such as Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne and Roy Orbison. In the years 90 the project The Beatles Anthology was the sum of all the history of the Beatles. The three survivors reunited to record an unreleased John Lennon Free as a bird. From 1966 accomplice sitar music experience set out on a spiritual journey that accompanied him until death occurred on 29 November 2001. Came to Hinduism and Eastern philosophies. The song "Living the material world of 1973 It was also the title of a recent and pluri-praised documentary produced by Martin Scorsese. George Harrison remains in the hearts of all Beatles fans, but especially like one of those four boys in years 60 they changed the music and youth fashion. Thanks to artists like him music experienced a degree of planetary evolution never found.

Hector Parker

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