Sandro Pertini, real man

Sandro Pertini, Presidente della Repubblica 1978 - 1985The 24 February 1990 If it went forever Sandro Pertini. Seventh President of the Italian Republic. He was born in San Giovanni of Stella, Savona on 25 September 1896. Was the President “close to the people”. He graduated in law and social sciences. He was sent to the Socialist Party supported socialism-inspired. Anti-fascist. Fascist squads devastated several times on his study of Savona Attorney. He was arrested for the first time in 1925 for expanding a dossier which denounced the fascist illegality against the Matteotti affair. He was sentenced to confinement in France for five years, in which he was trying to form an anti-fascist action with Turati and Rosselli. He returned to Italy under an assumed name, Luigi Roncaglia and was discovered. Sentenced to ten years in prison and three special supervision. His mother asked clemency for him. Pertini wrote a letter in which he asked that his mother not be played then a grace would have humiliated mortifying his political faith. In 1943 join the partisan struggle, is again imprisoned with Giuseppe Saragat (also a future President of the Republic) and sentenced to death. However with the help of the partisan Brigade Matteotti manages to save himself. He approved the attack in via Rasella against the Nazis. Attack which led to the German known as revenge Massacre at the Fosse Ardeatine. The enemy had to be hit wherever he was. Pertini was for a lifetime pacifist and democratic except when there was talk of fascism. The pain he felt for how the Italian people had been marked and humiliated by fascism begat in him an intransigence without appeal. The 8 June 1946 He married Carla V. Never had a license to move his wife always accompanied him on board an old Fiat 500 Red which was then donated to the Turin Museum. He was the first President who broke with the protocols to show sincere outrage at how the Italian political class was unable to cope with natural disasters and how corruption and mafias were gangrenous pieces of the State. Was at the forefront to bring authentic emotion and participation to those affected by painful events. His speeches hard rough but honest conquered the Italians. As the smile with which he accompanied l’ World conquest in Italy 1982. Its simple communication and his spontaneous act miss them a lot. Pertini human figure and unique moral.

Hector Parker

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The limits like fears are often an illusion


The 1963 It is definitely a year that va paid for many events that have forever marked the fabulous years 60 conditional and those to come. In England the Beatles reached for the first time on top of the hit parade with Please Please Me. In Italy Marks spent l’ the last year of his brief Presidency before illness and Tony Renis won the Sanremo Festival with One for all. In The United States, almost in parallel, He started the last year of life of John Kennedy and l’ Vietnamese hell came closer and closer. In the Vatican by just under a year the Second Vatican Council led to dramatic changes in the life of the Church and his promoter, John XXIII, returning forever to the father's House in June 1963. In the midst of all these great events on 17 February 1963 was born in Brooklyn a boy named Michael Jeffrey Jordan. And’ arguably the greatest basketball player in history. Rattling off records with the record numbers is even an understatement. It is not just a character of sport. And’ a man is measured by himself, has discovered its limits, knew and learned how to overcome them. The first major testimonial of athletic shoes he. The number 23 the Chicago Bulls, He became a trademark. Today other athletes from other disciplines like to show off 23 as a tribute to the great MJ. His sporting legend began in 1984 After three years in North Carolina. Chicago was the target that the fate assigned him and entered immediately in the dualism Jordan-Bird. Became the largest and 1991 at 1998, under the guidance of Phil Jackson, became for six-time MVP, most valuable player of the finals. He paused and then resumed, also because of the tragic death of father, man instrumental in the career of Michael. When in 2009 He was honored at the Hall of Fame said from the stage to her children “I wouldn't want to be in you to bring the burden” and in a way that is peculiarly said what may be the final summary of his career “The limits like fears are often a’ illusion”. A man who taught us to put a goal and then get over it, making a gesture apparently impossible, put a free throw with his eyes closed.

Hector Parker

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The legend of the giant


At two o'clock in the morning of’ 8 February 1931, It was a Sunday, He was born in Marion (Indiana) one child 3 pounds and 600 grams, named James Byron Dean. His parents were Winton Dean and Mildred Wilson. In the 1930s the family Dean changes several times home, before he moved to Fairmount, in 1933, then in Los Angeles in 1936 where his father got a job at the Sawtelle Veterans Hospital. In 1940 Mildred died of ovarian cancer. The father sent the little James by train to Fairmount with his wife's casket. It is said that at every stop James come down from passenger wagon to go the train car where it was placed the coffin of his mother to check it was still there. It was hosted by his uncles and 1947, in the second year of Fairmount High School, got her first major role in comedy Mooncalf Mugford. The 1949 It was an important year. He won first prize in a competition of the National Forensic League State for dramatic declamzione with the monologue The manuscript of a madman of Dickens. He graduated from. the 31 may moved to California where he rose to the father who in the meantime had married again. In August he was given by his father his first car: Chevy 1939. In 1950 He worked as an athletic instructor at a military Academy in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, he enrolled at UCLA. Her first professional role, or paid, for the consideration of 30 dollars I felt to make the appearance in a commercial of Pepsi-Cola. The following year he left the University, She appeared in a bit part player the apostle John in Hill Number One. The girls of the parish founded the only fan club in his honor with him alive, The immaculate Heart James Dean Appreciation Society. He found a small part in The Capitalist by Douglas Sirk. He attended for several months the Actors Studio. In 1954 opened on Broadway with The Immoralist by Gide. A few weeks after he took a major part in Lavalle of Eden by Elia Kazan. During the making of the film had its most important love affair with the Italian actress Anna Maria Pierangeli. Relationship opposed by the mother of her. In fact, a few months after she married the singer Vic Damone. It is said that James positioned himself at the exit of the church doing roaring on the engine of his bike. The first half of 1955 saw him busy on the set of the two films Rebel and The Giant. In July he made a commercial for road safety, and in August, show up for the first time at a Hollywood party with a young actress Ursula Andress. A month later he bought a Porche 550 Spider, nine days later he lost his life in a race in Cholame. He was a boy of few words, It is said that he loved writing and fantasticasse a future as a writer. Loved her look with a beard of a few days, the unkempt hair and patched clothes. Sad eyes hiding behind sunglasses at night. It was a messy type, He said that his house was a basket with walls around. He kept the money in socks rolled up in the closet. He ate bad. He loved to surprise the audience, go over the script, create your very own character every time. James Dean went over, so much that it looks like its always go after her life his legend.

Hector Parker

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Ungaretti, the word that lightens


L’ 8 February 1888 He was born in Alexandria d’ Egypt Giuseppe Ungaretti. Son of Italians; his father worked as a laborer at the Suez Canal and died when Joseph was just two years old for an illness contracted at work. The mother, that the poet recalls as a woman of extreme energy and great religiousness, He ran a bakery on the outskirts of Alexandria. He studied in College, in a Swiss school of Alexandria, It was formed with the readings of leopards, Baudelaire, Mallarmé and Nietzsche. He left Egypt in 1912. Housed in Florence, in Rome and then in Paris. He attended literary artistic environments, with a fondness for the avant-garde: Picasso, Fluffy, Palazzeschi, Boccioni, Modigliani and Marinetti. In 1915 He moved to Milan. In the same year, published on Lacerba his first poems. He served as a soldier in World War I. He fought on the karst and, as later recalled, took advantage of the licenses that were granted him to go where he wanted, He preferred often reach Paris. He remained in the French capital after the end of the war as a correspondent for Gazzetta del Popolo. He also worked at the Press Office of the Italian Embassy. In 1920 He married Jeanne Dupoix. In 1928 made an explicit profession of the Catholic faith, which influenced his poetry. In 1931 He published the work Joy which consisted in the placing of previous works by giving a consistency and a more organic form. Reworks the formal message of symbolists with the experience of war made of evil and death, This point of view were Morning and Soldiers. Meanwhile his poetic language underwent a maturation closest to tradition through Sentimento del Tempo, 1933. He joined the fascism to whom he dedicated the poetry People. Mussolini also wrote the preface to the collection The port buried. His fame spread. He was awarded a professorship of Italian language and literature at São Paulo, Brazil where he remained until 1942. In that Brazilian son died in parenthesis 1939. On his return he composed a rendition of Joy that would eventually be the prologue to the opera A man's life. The Association of writers in late war threatened his purge from the same for its adherence to fascism, but in the end were not taken. In 1947 went out the work The Pain hinged on the premature loss of her son and experience of war. In 1950 following the publication of the work The promised land, Subsequently the collection: A Cry and Landscapes. In 158 He left University teaching. In subsequent years appeared on television reading his verses. He died on 1 June 1970. Ungaretti's poetry has the distinction of being embodied by the word, pure, Creator, capable of revealing in its simplicity the mystery of life. Even the word wrap and the white space of the line supporting the essential meaning and totalizing of Ungaretti's Word. Remains the most famous Italian poet of the twentieth century and main exponent of Hermeticism.

Hector Parker

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The Director who loved women

jules et jim

Paris, the 6 February 1932 He was born François Truffaut. Was a great Director, screenwriter, film producer, French actor and film critic. Marked with directors like Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol, Eric Rohmer and Jacques Rivette film known as the cultural current Nouvelle Vague. That movement was characterized by a’ inspiration from Italian neorealism conjugated to an undermining of the rules of shooting and editing of classic cinema. He had a’ troubled childhood, never knew her biological father and that caused him to have a controversial and uncompromising. Thunderstruck by the cinema, passed throughout adolescence watching movies. The French critic Andre Bazin saved him from several legal woes that he had hunted for the fault of his rebellious spirit by putting it in a circle of film criticism. The young François began to write for film journals and then, Thanks to Bazin, He switched to a magazine founded in those years the Cahiers du cinéma. With the knowledge that he had managed to make the Office Assistant Roberto Rossellini. He met Jean-Luc Godard with whom he wrote the movie Until the last breath, film icon of the Nouvelle Vague. He became interested in a novel by Henri-Pierre Roché, Jules et Jim. This title launched the great French actress Jeanne Monreau. It was the story of a love triangle between two friends and a girl, mixed with the taste for literature and languages. This film remains iconic still through the course on the ponte dei tre. The recurring theme of Truffaut's adolescence made of restlessness, unhappiness and loneliness. Lowered into a path of inner knowing characterized by the discovery of love. The success came with the film The 400 Shots, in 1959. The story of teenager Antoine Doinel that will star even in his later films Love at twenty (1962), Stolen kisses (1968), Don't think it is the… It's just a matter of horns (1970) and Love on the run (1979). His films include portraits of adolescents and women among the most poetic, pedagogical and sociological that cinema had known before. In Fahrenheit 451 in 1966 We find all the love for literature. In 1973 movie night effect brings with it all the love that Truffaut had for the cinema. The story sees the succession of constructing a movie, his difficulties of realization and loves that saw the birth on set. In 1977 He did not miss the experience of actor for Steven Spielberg in the movie Close encounters of the third kind where he played a French scientist. In the same year released The man who anklein women, the story of a man and his sentimental stories, obviously supported by personal experiences of Director. He was an indomitable seducer, He had many women, including his wife Madeleine Morgenstern who bore him three daughters. He died from a serious brain illness in Paris on 21 October 1984. His cinema got stroked two decades, where we also left a key work for movie lovers, the book Cinema according to Hitchcock, the best film book ever written about the long conversations between the two filmmakers on the career of the Director of the thrill.

Hector Parker

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