See the present through the past: the secret agreement of Sykes – Picot


In 1916 a secret agreement was signed between the Governments of the United Kingdom and France, called the Sykes-Picot agreement, to define the respective spheres of influence in the Middle East following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I.
The victory of France and England on the Ottomans was possible thanks to the help of the populations residing in the Empire, mostly Arab Muslims. If success was their promise, as a reward, the construction of the great Saudi, a great Islamic State and panarabico, even today most rebel groups main goal as Al Qaida and ISIS.
The agreement however was not truthful, and were instead created the small States under the direct influence of English and French: the United Kingdom took control of areas including Jordan, the Iraq and a small area around Haifa, While France had the power in the South-East of Turkey, the northern part of Iraq, the Syria and Lebanon.
The Division of power was studied theoretically, without taking account of the population who found himself separated from Limes politicians impassable, In addition to not having the opportunity to choose their own destiny historian and politician.
In these areas, Europe has exerted its dominance in direct form, with the presence of officials sent by continent, until the end of World War II, When a majority of the States of the Middle East declared independence.
Turning our gaze to the past, the inevitable question is: What would be today in the Middle East, If Europe had been less greedy and desirous of power, Since the secret agreement of Sykes-Picot?


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Women priestesses: the right to equality in ecclesiastical circles


The 11 November 1992 the General Synod of the Anglican Church met to decide upon opening the priesthood to women. The result of the vote, later on live television, He was in favour of women's ordination.
As is known, women priests in the Catholic and Orthodox religion is excluded. John Paul II had already made known its position in this regard in the Apostolic Letter Ordinatio sacerdotalis of 22 may 1994, and even the Pope expressed himself on the subject: “with regard to the ordination of women, the Church has spoken and said no. John Paul II has spoken with a definitive formulation, that door is closed. But remember that Mary is more important than the Apostles bishops, and so the woman in the Church is more important than the bishops and priests”.
The church maintains that there are no adverse reasons against women priests, However the doubt rises spontaneously. What prevented the Church, over the centuries, open to women a chance to be a part of Holy orders? Meets John Paul II: “the fact that the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, did not receive the proper mission of the Apostles nor the ministerial priesthood, clearly shows that the non-admission of women all’ ordination cannot mean a reduced dignity or discrimination… The female role in the life and mission of the Church, Although not related to the ministerial priesthood, It remains absolutely necessary and irreplaceable”.


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John Fitzgerald kennedy, the day I became President


Tuesday, 8 November 1960 John kennedy was in Boston. It was election day, and he was the Democratic Party candidate. His Challenger was Republican Richard Nixon. Kennedy stood at 7.30 You poked bracing and swallowed two tablets of amphetamines. He was suffering from terrible backaches time due to two serious injuries, a reported by Guy in a football game and the second in an act of war in World War II. His wife Jacqueline, married in 1953, was eight months pregnant with their second child and joined him in Boston to go to vote. After voting they returned at the headquarters of the kennedy family in Hyannis Port, precisely at the’ Home of Robert Kennedy. The election results were expected during the night of l’ 8 and the 9. In the Kennedy family and its collaborators meandered much agitation. John Kennedy flaunted a certain detachment and showed silent. About three o'clock in the morning it was clear that the poll focused on his behalf with 261 electoral votes, it lacked 8 for the win. In Los Angeles he resided on Nixon's headquarters, at l’ Hotel Ambassador. The Republican candidate appeared on television very disappointed and his wife Pat in tears. Pierre Saliger, Kennedy's spokesman, He invited John to present themselves to the media but received a solemn denial. John was eating a sandwich, It was too late for him and went to sleep. His brother Robert instead stayed up all night to monitor the various responses of those elections. Kennedy won with 303 electoral votes against 210 Nixon's narrow victory in the American system in terms of popular votes, the margin was tighter in history until the elections of 2000. In 1960 that gap was 112.881 ratings. Kennedy woke up at 9 of 9 November 1960, had breakfast with his wife and daughter Caroline and went for a walk on the beach. On his return, the news came that he was elected President.

Hector Parker

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The Church in the storm



The corruption of the clergy, especially that Roman, It is a phenomenon now bi-millennial. It derives its origin from the ancient practice of the aristocratic families before Roman only, then the various Lordships italiane, to place a family member within the Roman curia, or even lead him to pontificate. How can we not remember then, in this regard,, two key members of the powerful and prestigious Florentine family of doctors who ascended the papal throne: Giovanni di Lorenzo de ' Medici, Pope under the name of Leo X and Alessandro di Ottaviano de ' Medici. Although in the middle ages and later in the Renaissance, the Papal power was reduced to the control of Lazio, part of Campania and Tuscany, similar to other local Italian Lords, his spiritual power was so great and important to influence not only the Lords themselves, But even the foreign conquerors, for example the French. The drift of the corruption of the clergy came with the sale of indulgences and reduced to mere economic payment of remission of sins, the salvation of the soul and of the place in paradise. Just a few Popes, strong spiritually and that was interested in the good of Christian souls have tried, during their period of Church Government, to stem these drifts by so many spiritual and little more clerical Bursars. Even today the fight is tough and, as shown by the latest happenings inside the Vatican show, no holds barred. Today that Christian message disclosed by the early Apostles remains a faint thread of spirituality which enables the Church to continue its journey of faith, Although limping. How are current today those words that Paul of Tarsus wrote in 1st Corinthians as a warning to the first Christians lost the way of Christ and as a guide to rediscover the path of true spirituality: “…faith, hope and love, but of these, the most important of these is love ". These three virtues were the three chosen by Paul as a foundation to build the Church of Christ. Pillars that today as in the past a marshy soil too unhealthy and sinking. Innocent III he dreamed that the pillars of the Church were failing and that it was now on the verge of collapse when he saw a man, a poor dressed in rags who steadied him the same pillars and lifted the Church, Innocent III clearly saw Francis in that poor. Today another Francis tries to revive those pillars, strong of faith, hope and love, at least its.


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The Great War


From the ruins of defeat of Caporetto Italian rescue is born: We win in Vittorio Veneto, We release Trento e Trieste, the Austria-Hungary signing the Armistice, the 4 November, the war is over and a few days later we force the Germany to sign the Armistice. The young Italian State, poorly organized and even less equipped, wins the first world war. Factors of this success can be found not in the preparation of the war, as usual underestimated by the General command; certainly not in the power of one was born from just fifty years, but torn apart by internal conflicts: had become the Italy, but not even the Italians; certainly not in the country's domestic economic and political resources: the Italy having always been at the mercy of foreign conquerors was sacked that conduct toward progress. It remains then to consider the human factor, so present in the verses of songs that evoke the World War I. Words like sacrifice, humility, Piave, victory, Italy were on the lips of all the soldiers who were preparing to go to the front, even those ragazzi del ' 99 (1899 means), After the defeat of Caporetto, just fifteen to sixteen years were enrolled in the ranks of the army. Were those ideas and those feelings were born in the nineteenth century by those revolutionary movements, that brought Italy to turn himself in Was, to push those same Italians to defend that same young home. The 4 November 1921, picked up the body of a soldier who died during the first world war and did not know the General information, It was erected in Rome the monument to the unknown soldier and was laid inside the coffin of this soldier. The intent was to keep alive the memory of those who gave their lives to defend the homeland, But today we remember more.


The war against Austria-Hungary which, under the guidance of s. M. The king, Duce supremo, the Italian Army, bottom number and means, started on 24 May 1915 and with unshakable faith and dogged unbroken led value and without rest for 41 months is won. The gigantic battle on 24 last October, and to which took part in cinquantuna Italian divisions, three British, two French, a Czechoslovakian and an American Regiment, against seventy-three Austro-Hungarian divisions, is over. The lightning-fast and advanced audacious XXIX Corps out of Trento, barring the way of retreat to the enemy armies of Trentino, overwhelmed by the troops of the 7TH army in the West and to the East by those of the, Vi and IV, determined yesterday total opposing the putrefaction brow. By the irresistible ELAN of the Brenta Tower XII, the 8th, the tenth army and cavalry divisions, increasingly pushes back the fleeing enemy. In the plain, S.A. R. the Duca D'Aosta are advancing so fast at the head of his unswerving armed III, longingly of returning on the positions which it already successfully conquered, that never had lost. The Austro-Hungarian army is annihilated: it suffered severe losses in the fierce resistance of the early days and has lost an awful lot of material quantity in the pursuit of all sorts and almost in full its warehouses and deposits. He left so far in our hands about three hundred thousand prisoners with entire staffs and not less than five thousand cannons. The remains of what was one of the most powerful armies in the world back in disorder and hopeless valleys, they had descended with prideful safety.

Armando Diaz – Supreme Command, 4 November 1918, hours 12

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