The Queen repudiated: Anne of Cleves


Anne of Cleves was born on 22 September 1515 in Dusseldorf, in Germany. In 1540 She was chosen by Henry VIII King of England as his fourth wife. It was a political marriage, not dictated by love. Henry was already marked by three including loss of spouse, Although very different from each other, and was looking for a little’ peace for himself and his Kingdom.
Anna seemed the perfect candidate for the English monarch and departed then for England. He first met Henry in Rochester on January first 1540, during the new year celebrations. The woman was unable to recognize the King, dressed for the occasion, While Henry noticed immediately the girl who at first impression not struck him minimally. His comment to the trusty Chancellor Cromwell was “I don't like it”.
However, having regard to the agreements made with the German Duchy and scandal that would be derived internationally, the King decided to marry the same married Anna, and this happened the evening of Epiphany of that same 1540, in Greenwich.
The marriage was never consummated, given the lack of attraction of the sovereign in respect of young bride. The King did not fail to blame Anna for the absence of relations between the two: object of discontent of the sovereign was his wife's body, in his opinion so decrepit and flaccid as to give suspicion on the girl's virginity. The question to ask is: what mood should try Anna, completely alien to the world of the English Court, feeling also repudiated by King?
Henry VIII found very soon a new leisure in court thanks to damsel Catherine Howard, future ill-fated Queen of England. As already happened previously, as soon as the King became infatuated girl, He wanted to fix definitively the mistake made by marrying Anna, to tie the knot with Catherine. Citing a pre contract between Anna and double Duke Francis I of Lorraine when both were still kids, and the marriage never consummated, Henry obtained a divorce on 13 July 1540. Anna initially was surprised and stunned by this news, but then with common sense and reluctantly accepted this condition. This behavior very wise was a great help, because if you had turned her against the will of the King could certainly didn't live up to the 16 June 1557, the day of his death, in ease and grace of his Majesty King Henry VIII.


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The birth of a diva: Sophia Loren // The birth of a star: Sophia Loren


The 20 September 1934 Sophia Loren was born in Rome, aka Sofia Villani Scicolone.
Sophia Loren was the first woman to win the Academy Award for best actress in a movie that wasn't speaking English. The prestigious award won through directed by a magnificent De Sica with film "La ciociara", of 1960.
Daughter of Romilda Villani and Riccardo Scicolone, his father recognized his daughter but he never married her mother not, that to overcome the hardship left Rome to return to Pozzuoli, his hometown.
It was there that Sophia lived the difficult years of World War II. In the years ' 50 returned to Rome to participate in beauty pageants, including Miss Italy: on this occasion he created a title for the young woman, Miss Elegance. These competitions were the launching pad for the career of Sophia: the woman was in fact noted by many manufacturers, and thus began his film career. However, the father did not approve of her daughter's career, and tried several times to put a spoke in the wheels, denouncing him even to prostitution.
The actress was able to recite with the biggest of the time: Alberto Sordi, Marcello Mastroianni, Vittorio De Sica are just some of the most celebrated names.
Queen of Italian cinema, his image went higher making internationally, e la sua figura venne spesso accostata a quella delle celebri attrici hollywodiane come Marilyn Monroe e Audrey Hepburn.
Orgogliosa delle sue origini partenopee, l’attrice confermò in un’intervista di non essere italiana, bensì napoletana: un’altra cosa, secondo l’attrice italiana più famosa nel mondo.


Sophia Loren, alias Sofia Villani Scicolone, was born in Rome on September 20, 1934.
Sophia Loren was the first woman to win the Oscar for best actress in a movie that was not in English. The prestigious award has been awarded thanks to the direction of a magnificent De Sica with the film “La Ciociara”, in 1960.
Daughter of Romilda Villani and Riccardo Scicolone, the father recognized his daughter but never married the mother, that to overcome the hardship left Rome to return in Pozzuoli, her hometown.
It was there that Sophia lived the difficult years of World War II. In the 50s she returned to Rome to take part in several beauty contests, including Miss Italia: on this occasion a new title has been created specifically for the young woman, “Miss Eleganza”. These competitions were the launching pad for the career of Sophia: the woman was in fact noted by many filmmakers, and thus began her film career. However, her father did not approve the daughter’s career, and he tried several times to throw a monkey wrench in the works, denouncing Sophia even for prostitution.
The actress had the opportunity to act with the biggest: Alberto Sordi, Marcello Mastroianni, Vittorio De Sica are just some of the most famous names.
Queen of Italian cinema, her image became famed also internationally, and her character was often compared to the hollywoodians famous actresses like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.
Proud of her Neapolitan origins, the actress confirmed in an interview not to be Italian but Neapolitan: another thing, according to the Italian actress most famous in the world.



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Charlie Chaplin è colpevole.



“Are you a comunist?”

"No, I'm not a comunist "

The 19 September 1952, While Charlie Chaplin is on holiday in England with his family, the Attorney General of the United States of America, Peyton Ford, revoke Charlie the reentry permit, without presenting an official statement. Being the actor British citizen and never having applied for American citizenship, without such permission Chaplin cannot come to the USA.

It is from the 1936 the British actor is accused of sympathizing for the Soviets, Since it produces, directs and plays the movie "Modern Times”. The film is a parody of the American capitalist system, highlighting the precarious condition of the mass worker forced to endless hours of work divided off the Assembly line. His speech to humanity, shot in a single take in his next film "The Great Dictator”, enhances this feeling of hostility. The actor in the role of Hynkel invited the soldiers to lay down their arms and men to live in peace. At the time such statements are interpreted by public opinion and by the American press as little patriotism, and subsequent statements of Chaplin in which praises Russians for Valor during the conflict with the Germans they light the fuse. Every press conference begins with the usual question and answer: "Are you a comunist?”, "No, I'm not a comunist ".

Chaplin became the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. And. Hoover, uninvited guest and exit from the country of the actor, in 1952, is the perfect state for him away permanently. Only after the end of the cold war, the United States aware of the error of assessment, will come several times to bring the actor. However, only with the award of the honorary oscar in 1972, in Los Angeles, Charlie is part of the United States.

Oscar night is the day of reconciliation: the public welcomes the actor with a long and warm applause; its unique and moving words are:

"Words are so futile. So weak. "I can only say thank you for the honor of inviting me here.

Oh, you're wonderful. Thanks»


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11 September 1973 coup in Chile

allende moneda





stadio cilenopinochet







L’ 11 September 1973 the Chilean military leadership headed by General Pinochet voting out President Allende, democratically elected in 1970. The military action was prepared in detail a Sunday home of Pinochet, day he was celebrating the birthday of the youngest daughter. Already in the early morning of’ 11 September news came of an uprising of the Navy, President Allende when he arrived at the Moneda, the Presidential Palace, the is already surrounded by tanks. The final part of’ attack happens with the bombardment of La Moneda with Hawker Hunter. After 160 years of democracy, the armed forces take power through violence. At hours 10.30 Allende delivered his last address to the nation, in which tells l’ attack on the Government that presided over, legitimately elected Government. At 14.45 He was told that la Moneda was conquered by the forces of’ order, Augusto Pinochet is the new President. All told by pictures almost like to show all’ opposition and the world a total victory and fierce. Up all’ last Pinochet had demonstrated absolute loyalty to Allende. There are witnesses who recall how Allende does not expect anything reckless by the head of’ Chilean army, indeed feared that that day was also arrested him. Thousands of political opponents were brought into the stadium Nacional of Santiago. Were tried summarily, some executed, others imprisoned and others made to disappear into thin air. The President Allende was offered to flee into exile with a plane, but there was a refusal. Years later he learned that it would be done “get off” from’ plane still flying. President Allende died that day, probably suicidal. The reasons of’ insurgency are to be found in the deep sentimentisti anti Marxists of General Pinochet and his associates, and as ever ascertained behind the scenes of the United States, worried about a Soviet wire drift in South America.

Hector Parker

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The prima ballerina barefoot: Isadora Duncan // The first dancer barefoot: Isadora Duncan


Isadora Duncan photo


The 14 September 1927, at the age of 40, died the famous American dancer Isadora Duncan.
Daughter of European parents, He was born in California on 27 may 1877. He lived most of his life in Europe, specifically in France, between Paris and nice. He had a very busy personal life, made of stormy relationships and bereavement very important, as for his children drowned in the Seine in 1913.
A pioneer of the "free dance", his art did not involve any constraints dictated by Pointe Shoes or bulky clothes: Isadora prefered a more sober style and natural, like the dance in bare feet and simple and light clothing.
Isadora was an artist who had the courage to break with the conventions then in vogue and dictated by academic ballet: movement inspired much to classical Greek art, However, in a sort of natural perfection.
The Duncan died tragically in 1927: the scarf she was wearing remained entangled in a wheel of the racecar that was climbing, reason why she died strangled.
About this fact, the writer Gertrude Stein said: "Certain mannerisms can be dangerous".


On September 14th, 1927, at 40 years old, the famous US dancer Isadora Duncan was dying.
Daughter of European parents, She was born in California on May 27, 1877. He lived most of her life in Europe, especially in France, between Paris and Nice. Her life was very extreme, made of stormy relationships and also deaths very important, like the one for her children drowned in the Seine in 1913.
A pioneer of the “free dance”, her art did not provide constraints dictated by pointe shoes or bulky clothes: Isadora preferred a more sober and natural style, such as dancing barefoot and clothing simple and light.
Isadora was an artist who had the courage to break with the conventions in vogue and dictated by the academic ballet: the movements were inspired by the classical Greek art, like a search of perfection however natural.
Duncan died tragically in 1927: the scarf she was wearing got caught in a wheel of the racing car on which she was going, reason why the woman died strangled.
About this fact, the writer Gertrude Stein said, ” Affectation can be dangerous”.


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