The Munich massacre 1972


5 September 1972, Munich, Olympic Village. At 4.30 a Palestinian commando approached the fence of the Olympic village. The commando was composed of Luttif Afif, group leader and negotiator. He was given the nickname “' Isa” and became famous for images on TV that portrayed with their faces covered with shoe Polish, sunglasses and a White Cap. A native of Nazareth by a Jewish mother and Palestinian father of Christian religion. Graduated in Berlin, He had worked as an engineer on the construction of the Olympic village in Munich. Yusuf Nazzal, known by the nickname “Tony”, identifiable in the photographs and filming for the cowboy hat. He had worked as a cook at the resort during the construction of the same. Afif Ahmad Hamid, known as “Paul”. Khalid Jawad, known as “Salah”. Ahmad Shiq Taha, known as “Abu Halla”. Mohammed Safadi, known as “Badran”. Adnan al-Gashei, known as “Denawi”. Jamal al-Gashei, known as “Samir”. This terrorist group was named “Black September”. The head of this movement there was Abu Dawud. Days before had brought the weapons in some bags by plane. In five suitcases were contained six Kalashnikov assault rifles, two machine guns and several magazines and in the following days other two Kalashnikov submachine guns and some hand grenades. Security evidently was not effective, It said it already’ the airport had only checked the first bag containing female underwear. At that time came from the street a group of American athletes who had spent the night in Munich. Expecting to be confronted to other athletes, the Americans helped terrorists to climb over the fence with bags containing the weapons. The terrorists raided in’ apartment housing the Israeli athletes. Nell’ Act to force the front door killed two Israelis Moshe Weinberg, coach, and Yossef Romano, specializing in weightlifting. Subsequently seized nine other athletes. At hours 4.47 a cleaning lady, just arrived at work, on hearing the shots called the police right now. Preliminary examination of the situation there was no dialogue with terrorists to explain its intentions threw him into the street the body of Moshe Weinberg. At 5.08 l’ intent of’ terrorist action was clear: two sheets of paper were thrown from the balcony on the first floor and collected by a German policeman. What was required was the liberation of 234 detainees in Israeli jails and the German Red Army faction terrorist Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof, inmates in Germany. The order should have been completed within the 9.00 in the morning. Otherwise, Issa, the one who proposed it as a negotiating partner, threatened that any time spent in vain would be killed a hostage and that corpses were thrown on the street. At 8.15 the race riding planned at the Olympics were held regularly. The President of the International Olympic Committee, Avery Brundage informed of’ happened decided that the Olympics would not stop. Meanwhile had departed the negotiations. The ultimatum of terrorists underwent changes from hour to hour until 17.00 . Television stations had had plenty of time to aim their cameras on the number 31 by Connolystrasse. The media echo was enormous. The last request was a transport plane to Cairo to continue negotiations. At hours 21.00 It was a further ultimatum that was respected: two helicopters landed near the’ building in the Olympic village and transported the terrorists and hostages all’ airport of Fürstenfeldbruck. The German task force had meanwhile organized an expedition by a team of police, improvised with little enough decision about what to do. Landed all’ Issa and Tony premurarono airport to patrol the plane, not trusting. Found it empty. Fled and an agent opened fire. There was a confused firefight that lasted an hour. He was killed a German agent. Finding no way out, Issa fired its prisoners and threw a hand grenade in’ helicopter. The hostages died. Issa himself then fled but was wounded by shots of German agents. The dynamics of the second helicopter are still unclear, But even there the hostages were murdered. In the last four terrorists left alive were arrested. The 1.30 It was all over. Time after Golda Meir with Mossad staged a long revenge which resulted in all’ locating all Palestinian leaders, According to the Mossad, and its elimination in much of’ Europe.

Hector Parker

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Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus: La riforma di Francesco



In his apostolic letter Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus issued issued "Motu Proprio", Pope Francis applies the canonical process reform in cases of annulment of marriage in the code of Canon law. This reform, According to the basic premise, was suggested and stressed by the demands of the secular world and the need of the Church to be present in the world and represent yet have a safe connection for the souls of the faithful. The reform continues in the path traced by the teachings of Paul VI, which you uttered forcefully during his pontificate on care and salvation of souls according to the divine plan of the Trinity, whereby all its institutions should aim to communicate the divine grace and favour the good of the faithful ". With this reform Francis intends to promote not the nullity of marriages, as erroneously was read in several articles published on the subject, but the speed and simplicity of processes so that "the hearts of the faithful awaiting clarification of their State is not burdened with the long darkness of doubt". The Bishop's role is central in this reform: He shall judge "finally to be translated into practice the teaching of the Second Vatican Council in which it was decided to make clear that the bishop himself in his Church's pastor and Chief Judge among the faithful". In addition, He must accompany the spouses not only during the trial in judge, But even in the next path in their lives in the role of pastor and confessor. Among the circumstances that may allow the case of nullity of the marriage by means of short process include: lack of faith, the brevity of married life, abortion, the extramarital affair, the concealment of infertility or a serious illness, physical violence inflicted to wring consensus. One is inclined to doubt the ability of the Church to be "present in the world", to be linked to concepts or old dogmas and now exceeded, not understand the faithful, not to be abreast of modernity, When no one realizes its ability to live in the world. Live doesn't mean necessarily accept and adapt, means to understand and confront herself, its tradition, belief and trace the journey of the faithful.

Francis chose a pontificate "horizontal", to share with the faithful, to understand with them what the path that God has reserved for the Church, with only one great certainty, Faith.




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1870 – 1943: quando la storia d’Italia passa per l’8 settembre


The 8 September 1870 the General of the Kingdom of Italy Raffaele Cadorna, in command of an Army Corps, He testified on the outskirts of Rome; the Commander-in-Chief gave the Vatican representative a letter addressed to the Roman already Pontifex Pius IX. In the message the King of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele II, the Pope announced the imminent entry of the Royal Army in the Roman city. It was the final act of the Italian unification process: Rome, the Holy City, Italian would become the 20 September 1870. The Kingdom of Italy would have made this his capital. The 8 September 1943 at hours 19:42 the Italian army General Pietro Badoglio announced, with a radio message, the unconditional surrender to the American ally. Was, even this, the last act of a war waged at the side of the former German ally; It was the beginning of the end of the Kingdom of Italy. In 73 years of history the unification of Italy went from his territory achieved thanks to the ardour of his leader, Giuseppe Garibaldi, the humiliation and destruction of World War II.

The 8 September 1943 the Italy not only subdued its sovereignty to the new American ally, but he delivered part of their territories to the new German enemy which, before beating a slow retreat, plundered, killed and destroyed everything he encountered on his journey. Americans in the South, the Germans in the North, Rome, open city: the Italy as a nation no longer existed. It showed its weakness of young State: a House Director on the run, a dictator overthrown, an army in disarray, a population abandoned to itself.

“The Italian Government, recognized the impossibility of continuing the unequal struggle against overwhelming opposing power, in an effort to save more and more serious woes to the nation, asked for an armistice to General Eisenhower, Commander in Chief of the anglo-American allied forces. The request was granted. Consequently all acts of hostility against the anglo-American forces should cease on the part of the Italian forces in every place. However, they will react to attacks by any other sources”. Pietro Badoglio, 8 September 1943

One more time, as almost always happens throughout history, the repercussions of war and the burden of rebuilding passed through the sacrifice of Italian citizens. W the Italy.


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Uno spirito forte, un cuore tenero: Sophie Scholl


It's a cliché quite widespread belief that during the years of Nazism in Germany no one was aware of the injustice that the regime was making. This cliché is obviously wrong, Since it is known that were numerous groups of passive resistance to the dictatorship. One of these groups was that of "white rose", made up of young students from the University of Munich.
Sophie Scholl, a young German woman averse to Nazi ideology, joined together with his older brother Hans the "white rose". He worked to prepare and disseminate leaflets that incited nonviolent resistance against the Reich.
The 18 February 1943 Sophie was seen by a Nazi janitor while distributed leaflets at the University of Munich, and together with his brother Hans was arrested. Followed four days of tough questioning by the Gestapo, at the end of which the young woman was accused of treason.
The 22 February 1943 Sophie and her classmates attended a show trial and were sentenced to death by decapitation. The performance took place the same day.
Sophie was a very brave young woman. During interrogation he stated without hesitation its responsibility. Faced with charges of treason for having disobeyed Nazi laws, declared:
"Laws change, the consciousness remains ".


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