Would you buy a used car from Richard Nixon?


Richard Milhous Nixon was born on 9 January 1913 in Yorba Linda, California. The second of five sons of Frank Nixon and his wife Hannah Milhous. His family wasn't wealthy source, but it was animated by an ironclad sense of religiosity. Two of his brothers died of disease in his youth. For this amount of reasons the life of Dick (the nickname was in family) He was always in a rush, the departures lounge and starts uphill to reach their goals. He was a brilliant student, but that doesn't esimette him from collecting his first electoral defeat when he introduced himself as candidate for President of the student body. However he majored in law and not without mishaps bureaucratic devoted himself to advocacy. He served his military service in the Navy and rose to the rank of Lieutenant during World War II while not take a direct part in the fighting. After the war he entered actively into politics by standing in the Republican party. In 1946 He was elected to the House of representatives by defeating the candidate Helen Gahagan Douglas in’ the occasion called him Tricky Dicky (Dick the lazy) nickname that accompanied him all his life and who was to point out the ambiguity of Nixon. His politics and his oratorical talent soon drove him to impose itself as one of the most interesting young American political political and especially of the party. In 1952 He was vice presidential candidate of the United States Dwight Eisenhower. He was a young man with his Vice President 39 years and highlighted for special incaricari showed her dowry oratory and an international relief was from the famous “kitchen debate” all’ International exhibition in Moscow in 1959 where did not fail to point out the great American innovations in the technological field. Then from 1960 began a losing streak before all that at the presidential 1960 against John Kennedy. It was the first tv election clash and was burning for him, in fact, uttered the following sentence “Americans see in Kennedy what they want to be and they see in me than they really are”. Curious was the wall that displayed the Democratic Party to emphasize the lack of trust that emanated Nixon “would you buy a’ used car from this’ male?”. Then in 1962 He presented himself for election to become Governor of his State, California and lost. Another phrase that expressed his resentment and his sense of inferiority that surfaced in the early 1980s 60 was given to the media that they were underestimating “from now on you will no longer have a Richard Nixon to kick around, This is my last press conference” and returned to his legal practice. A curious item which in retrospect made effect was recorded in Texas in November 1963 When Kennedy arrived (where he died a few hours later), Nixon was leaving after a business meeting. In retrospect almost a harbinger of a relay race to the White House postponed, that was then in the 1968 When Johnson gave up a run after the violent polemics about the war in Viet Nam and fate would remove from the race to the White House Robert Kennedy. Nixon won easily in 1968 promising a “Mr peace” in Viet Nam and by focusing on a silent electorate of conservative composition disinclined to movements young hippies with whom she is in contrast. President Nixon was full of important events such as the shipment of’ Apollo 11 the Moon in 1969. Played a role behind the scenes of the Chilean coup of 1973 Pinochet. In 1971 was the protagonist of’ abandonment of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate where they abolished the. Was introduced to the allocation of funds to treat cancer. He was the proponent of normalization of relations with China. He promoted a new environmental policy. Another epochal element was given by’ introduction of the health insurance system. Then came the scandal of Watergate in the 1972 and then resigned in 1974. And’ was the only President of the United States forced to resign. Nixon had gained such power that he abused and this led him to make mistakes and to act naughty. Watergate was a building that housed the headquarters of the Democratic Party in the election campaign 1972. Some men were arrested for having sneaked illegally in’ building, investigations learn that this was not a third-rate burglary as wished to believe White House Press Secretary. It was an operation that involved all employees of Nixon in the hierarchical scale. A’ operation that sought to undermine and obstruct the Democratic Party. After this bitter abandonment of political life spent the latter part of his life to take care of the library that bears his name.

Hector Parker

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The First Lady of the world: Eleanor Roosevelt



Coming from a wealthy family of the bourgeoisie in New York, grandson of the 26th President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt, Eleanor was dubbed "the ugly duckling", because of his physical appearance just graceful.
He met Franklin at a family Christmas party: the two began dating from 1902, and they married on 17 March 1905.
The marriage was not happy, mainly because of the intrusiveness of the mother-in-law of Eleanor, contrary to the Union, and numerous cheating made by spouses. Despite this, Eleanor supported her husband's career throughout his life and his political ascent. During the difficult years of the New Deal, in both positions during World War II, not only the first lady was beside the President, but often their personal contribution in the decisions to be made and strategies implemented.
Eleanor was particularly attentive to causes such as civil rights and the rights of African Americans. Often he was in having to replace her husband, ill with polio and paralyzed in the legs, in official visits, particularly at the front, where supported morally troops and Red Cross activities. Became "the legs and ears ' of the President.
After the death of Franklin in 1945, Eleanor retired to private life: the successor to the White House, Truman, He chose her as the representative of the United States at the Conference for human rights at the United Nations Commission. The Roosevelt occupied this position until 1952, and earned the nickname "First Lady of the World".
After the second world war, played a crucial role in the drafting and adoption of the Universal Declaration of human rights and the citizen, you defined in the famous speech of 28 September 1948 the "Magna Carta of all mankind".
Yet, Eleanor was chosen by John F. Kennedy in ' 60 to head the Presidential Commission on the status of women.
Eleanor Roosevelt is still a revered character in the United States and many first ladies who have succeeded have claimed to be inspired by her figure; certainly Eleanor rejected the traditional role of mere "hostess" and undertaken for the first time social and political initiatives of great importance and successfully. Certainly will be remembered not only for being the Eleanor wife of a President.


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Dante: a purgatory between angels and demons




Always, Purgatory has attracted to its intermediate realm condition: is inside you "plays" in heaven. Born from a paradox, invented by two Greek theologians, Clement of Alexandria and Origen, Purgatory was brought in the wake of the Christian tradition from two giants of Christianity, Augustine and Gregory the great. Until the year 1000, don't you ever conceived of purgatory as a noun (Purgatory), but as an adjective (is Purgatory): It was regarded as a purgatory type fire, that purgava and he cleaned the souls allowing them to ascend to Heaven, or even if their guilt was so serious, to fall to hell. Points were only ever two: Heaven and hell. This duality was the common way of thinking of the medieval society, that everything was duale: good and evil, servants and masters, Pope and Emperor, life and death, Heaven and hell. In the transition from low to high middle ages, society evolves towards forms of thought is no longer duals, but ternary: arise within the company the third orders (There are those who pray, There are those who fight and those who are working). If the feudal world had seen a rigid opposition between servants and masters, between Lords and vassals, now comes a third class, that bourgeois, that settles in the cities; not only, in ecclesiastical circles take the field the third orders, not just secular priests and monks, But even the Mendicant Friars. It evolves as well, therefore also the vision of the afterlife: Paradise, Hell and loci purgatori. There shall be directed toward the belief that the souls, that is not so good to have you deserve heaven, but not even so bad from falling into hell, must be purged somewhere, Yes, but where? Purgatory is conceived as an extension of hell, as an upper floor of the Hells. Was Dante to snatch the Purgatory from the clutches of Satan to bring him back to paradise. The Tuscan poet introduced us purgatory as a real place, determined, evident, represented by a circular mountain composed of seven layers, regions and kingdoms in which souls are the seven deadly sins. The ascent of the mountain by Virgil and Dante is an ascent to heaven, to God: as you reach the top the soul is purged, becoming so lightweight you can ascend to heaven. Despite the pains of purgatory are so harsh, to be almost infernal, the soul endures because looking up sees the light, see the face of God. The soul reaches its perfection, rediscovering the item that was absent in Purgatory, love. This is the great invention of Dante: If hell is a place of pain, Heaven is a place of love, purgatory is a place of hope not only for the dead souls in the afterlife, but especially for the living of the afterlife because they can live their lives without feeling always looming on the burden of sin and with knowledge of a hope of salvation after death. Like Dante could think of all this? Simply, thinking as she thought God: Jesus dying on the cross gave hope to the thief crucified next to him: "Today you will be with me in Paradise".

Roberto Rossetti

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The mafia not only kills in summer


The 6 January 1980 the Mafia organization Cosa nostra kills, in Palermo, the President of the Sicilian region Piersanti Mattarella. The Sicilian politician, Since the youth, dedicates his life to politics trying to fix and heal the problems present in Sicily. After a spent in the ranks of Catholic action, Piersanti enters into the ranks of the Christian Democrats, becoming one of the greatest exponents, sharing the guideline set by Aldo Moro at party. Frank and transparent politician's attitude earned him the nomination before a municipal councillor in Palermo and then, in 1967, a member of the Sicilian Regional Assembly. The activities it carries out first as Deputy and then as head of the region applying for next President, a position he held from 1978. One of the main objectives that plugs into its political agenda of Government Piersanti region is the fight against the mafia: external connection that virtually every Conference and public meeting. The late seventies and early eighties they see within Cosa nostra profound transformations, not only about the arrival on the scene of the Corleonesi mafia clan in Palermo that undermine the foundations of the equilibrium created inside the Organization, but see fight their way to a new form of huge illicit gain, which drug trafficking: not surprisingly, the Sicily will become one of the major centers of processing and refining at European level. The murder of Piersanti Mattarella fits so into the action conducted by Cosa nostra against all those who, members of the policy and law enforcement, You clearly opposed to it.

This reminder of the current President of the Senate, Piero Grasso:

“Piersanti Mattarella was trying to create a new political and administrative project, a real revolution. His radical policy moralization of public life, According to the slogan that Sicily was to appear with the credentials ', He had upset the public procurement system with resounding gestures, never implemented in the island”

Roberto Rossetti

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You turn on the television


Sunday 03 January 1954 at hours 11 were being forwarded, for the first time, the RAI broadcasts. National Program was opened or first program, that is the current Rai 1. The first program after the opening ceremony aired at 14:30, and was "arrivals and departures" conducted by the then very young Italian-American presenter Mike Bongiorno.
The broadcasts originally lasted a few hours a day, and of course not everyone could afford to buy a television set immediately. The cost of a television at the time was up to five times the average per capita annual income, and it was so common, in the evening, gather a group of people at the bar or at a friend's House to see together your favorite program, among all the quiz "double or nothing" born in ' 55.
In 1954 Subscribers to the TV were 24 thousand people: This number grew quickly, and already in 1965 were 6 million people who had a television at home.
What has been the television for the Italians at that time? Definitely a window on the world, the first opportunity to know reality other than its own and things that I had never even imagine. But still, television has been a historic social phenomenon, a radical change in the habits of Italians, such that it is not easy to define if these changes the television was cause or effect.
It is claimed that it was the television to be the true unification of Italy, a century later the political unit, and at least at the linguistic level this is definitely true. However, today, remains the doubt that television, as well as countless other instruments at our disposal for communication and connection, they have instead contributed to the isolation of people in contemporary society and the phenomenon of individualism.


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