A priest in the resistance: Don Michele Lam


During the years of World War II it is not unusual to see institutional figures – mayors, Masters, priests – who took part to the historical events of the community loud and determined.
It is precisely during the Resistance campaign cuneese, on the slopes of Monviso, who operated a priest who lived day after day the drama of his parishioners and its people, whose name is don Michele Lam. "Chaplain of the partisans", Don Lama was imprisoned four times and was woken up thousands of times during those long nights to try to save someone whose fate was already written.
Don Lam is the author of the book "a priest in resistance piemontese" published in 1977, text that represents today a glossy and clear testimony of some of the facts that struck Revello and neighbouring communities from 1943 at 1945.
The book, written like a diary, He remembers in an orderly manner the salient events that affected the Po Valley and adjacent ones. Imprisoned several times by the Germans, Don Lam held various activities "partisan pro" in the years of resistance, without forgetting however people easier, He suffered the war passively, and that they lost their loved ones during the bombing.
The bombardment perhaps best known, and the effects of which can still be seen today in Revello, is that of the 17 August 1944, as described by don Lam:

17 August 1944 – Cannonade of Revello
German and fascist teams arrive at the Airale: place a row of cannons against Revello and start shooting against the Bell and against that of the Church of San Leonardo. The Bell is struck in part and still carries the marks of howitzers, San Leonardo is hit and the Germans menano credit to passing in the shoot the fascists who shoot against the Bell of "hours" […]. Fearing that the brutal initiative continues, I leave the Rectory and I headed to the firing range […]. However, joint between the military find a freezing cold, I would say snide […]. I went away, but the path for about twenty metres with his face to the military. After taken the road home, However, the Germans and turned frequently to this fear that I got shot in the back, as they used to do, While I won't be shot in the back, but in the chest.

As recalled by the same don Lam, "a bright page of patriotism and charity have written during the liberation priests": When one thinks of the great world events, It's easy to remember the names and actions of the most famous characters; However, narrowing it down as soon as the goal, also lesser known personalities emerge, but that none have been able to defend their fellow citizens, helping them to overcome difficult times, without asking anything in return and leaving a huge inheritance, too often forgotten.


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Misericordiae Vultus



The Jubilee of mercy opened the 8 December 2015, the Christian feast day of the Immaculate Conception. Pope Francis I declared openly: This special jubilee will center the man and you will have to stand on two pillars: Grace and mercy. The extraordinary nature of the event arises in the wake of the difficult situation of man in the world: poverty, pain and suffering are oppressing over one billion people. In celebration of yesterday, Bergoglio recalled the primacy of grace and, above all, how it has “wrapped the Virgin Mary, making it worthy of becoming the mother of Christ”. One more time, as happened in the past with Pope John Paul II, Mary is given a key role: not only to the mother of Christ, but as intermediary between God and man. The feast of the immaculate conception is the day when you can combine Grace and Mary: the fullness and the greatness of God's love, that can turn men's hearts. Through God's grace and love everything is transformed: the beginning of the story of the man who was born into sin is transformed into salvific love. All this is possible because God is no longer building waiting to be searched by man, but it prevents, anticipates and saves man. The encounter between God and Man is, symbolically and spiritually, through the passage of the Holy door. According To Pope “pass through the Holy door means discovering the depth of the father's mercy”. Here's the second pillar. Still Bergoglio turns to the man saying is “must precede the mercy to judgment, rediscover those feelings of genuine love and tenderness”. And’ in the mercy and the mercy that man can find himself and live for himself, in the community with the brothers: to do this, I need to go back to basics, the simplicity of a Christianity lived in poverty, not forgetting that wherever there is man, there is also the Church.

Roberto Rossetti


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Apollo XVII, the Moon for the last time



The 7 December 1972 the last American Mission to the Moon: is the Apollo XVII. His three astronauts, Commander Eugene Cernan, Ron Evans and Harrison Schmitt, and the two pilots, are the last humans to set foot on the face of the Moon. Main purpose is to analyze the oldest Lunar Highland material produced as a result of impact with an asteroid: the collision created a deep and wide Groove, named by Nasa as the Mare Imbrium (Shadow sea or Sea of rains). The Mission in addition to be successful as it completes all its goals also sets several records, including: the longest tenure by a mission with humans on the Moon, extra vehicular activity time and the longest mission ever stay with humans in lunar orbit. In addition, for the first time in the Apollo missions, the rocket is launched at night, at hours 05:33, by John F. Kennedy Space Center. However, as a result of the high costs related to Moon exploration missions, later missions, Apollo respectively 18, 19 and 20 were cancelled. During his journey to the lunar orbit, the crew of Apollo XVII snapped one of the most important historical photographs: from a distance of about 29.000 They photographed the Earth in darkness of astronauts km universe.

Roberto Rossetti

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Nino Di Matteo, a judge without a State


Antonino Di Matteo is a Sicilian magistrate who, at the Palace of Justice in Palermo, investigates the events stragistici of early nineties, be Able to Via d'amelio, who sunk the Italy in an atmosphere of terror and desolation. He is currently conducting, as Prosecutor, also a process called journalistically "negotiation State-mafia" borne by those members of the institutions that, right at the beginning of the nineties, they tried to establish a deal with Sicilian Mafia organisation Cosa nostra. Following the results achieved and the judicial findings that are bringing to light date, events and names of these characters, belonging to the State and what our, the magistrate was declared in danger of life. The threat, or rather the death of Nino Di Matteo, It was decreed by the boss Salvatore Riina in November 2013 from the Opera prison, where is currently held and submitted to the prison regime 41 bis. The statements by the head of Cosa nostra have resulted in an intensification of the protection system around the magistrate, restricting his freedom of citizen. The alarm reached the maximum level when a repentant has subsequently declared that the TNT had already arrived in Palermo, 200Kg. Not only, the repentant confessed the two plans to kill By Matthew: detonation of explosives, such as the TNT, via (Maybe) the use of a car bomb; the plan bis, skulking through the use of heavy weapons. The State, to date, did not know such security to the magistrate that they guarantee full freedom of movement and operation of its proceedings. Is an institutional isolation to which before him other magistrates and men of the State were subjected. How can we forget the figure of Giovanni Falcone, a man professionally always defeated: rejected in 1984 as the successor of Rocco Chinnici, rejected in 1988 as the successor of Antonino Caponnetto, failed in an attempt to access the CSM (The Superior Council of Magistracy), and it would have been rejected even the Super power of attorney if, a few days before, in that 23 may not been killed in the tragic massacre of Capaci. The paradoxical situation which today we are witnessing is that turn out to be the same citizens accompanying the magistrate: during the events, the manifestations, During his daily activity. Are ordinary citizens to allow a magistrate to carry out its duty to protect citizens and guarantee their equality before the law. Yet, having called to depose senior members, or former members, of the institutions it created a sort of nuisance with regard to the action of the judge, proving once again that the law is not equal for everyone and that it, in some cases, You can subtract. Despite this difficult climate in which it operates, Nino Di Matteo continues its action in search of truth, along that path started by Falcone and Borsellino, which at the cost of their lives showed the path of legality, Justice and citizenship, the way of doing their duty, without going to untold chords, rejecting any compromise and living within the laws and the rule. The path Of Matthew is taking is difficult and treacherous, but alongside him walking so many honest citizens because remembering what Giovanni Falcone: "... you can kill men, but not their ideas and moral tensions, because they will continue to walk on legs of others ... ". Today these ideas walking on legs by Nino Di Matteo.


Roberto Rossetti

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Foundation and History of the bull



The Torino Calcio was born in 1906 in the beer Voigt, in Turin.

The Foundation took place with the collaboration of some Juventus dissidents led by Alfred Dick, He later became President of the neo-Toro. The new company, in the beginning, use different colors by opting for that then grenade.

The first official match was played against Pro Vercelli, won by grenade 2-1. In 1912 the “Toro” He also stood for a tour in South America, which ended with six wins in as many games.

In the years ' 40 came il Grande Torino, able to win five consecutive league titles and win in a year the scudetto and the Coppa Italy.
In 4 may 1949 the bull played a friendly match against Benfica in Lisbon, but on the way back, due to severe fog, the plane carrying the bull went

bumping into the embankment of the Basilica of Superga, so all players del Toro died in a late afternoon, more precisely to 17:03.

To this great tragedy followed very difficult years, with the bull that returned to serie B going then, the year after, to win the Cup Italy.
In 1976 the bull returned to win the Championship thanks to the splendid attack pair of Graziani and Pulici.

The challenge was repeated the following year, where the bull finished second behind Juventus, at one point away.
In the Championship 1989-90 the bull returned for the second time in Europa League, conquering the final but “losing”, in a manner of speaking, against Ajax: Gianpaolo Ormezzano the remembered how a “night without God”.
In the Championship 1990-91 the Bull won its first Mitropa Cup.
In 2005 the bull failed due to financial problems , so the bull departed from serie B thanks to President Urbano Cairo. The 26 June 2005, the bull, celebrated their return to serie A.
After the 2005, though, the bull was relegated twice more, but in the season 2014-15 the bull returned for the third time in the Europa League coming up to the round of 16 against Zenit, losing 2-0 the first leg, but winning 1-0 the return.

For me, today, become a fan of the Bull also means knowing how to suffer, because it is not easy to root for this team; It also means encouraging and supporting the grenade until the end, to bring home a win.

David Aimar (11 years)

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