Sandro Pertini, real man

Sandro Pertini, Presidente della Repubblica 1978 - 1985The 24 February 1990 If it went forever Sandro Pertini. Seventh President of the Italian Republic. He was born in San Giovanni of Stella, Savona on 25 September 1896. Was the President “close to the people”. He graduated in law and social sciences. He was sent to the Socialist Party supported socialism-inspired. Anti-fascist. Fascist squads devastated several times on his study of Savona Attorney. He was arrested for the first time in 1925 for expanding a dossier which denounced the fascist illegality against the Matteotti affair. He was sentenced to confinement in France for five years, in which he was trying to form an anti-fascist action with Turati and Rosselli. He returned to Italy under an assumed name, Luigi Roncaglia and was discovered. Sentenced to ten years in prison and three special supervision. His mother asked clemency for him. Pertini wrote a letter in which he asked that his mother not be played then a grace would have humiliated mortifying his political faith. In 1943 join the partisan struggle, is again imprisoned with Giuseppe Saragat (also a future President of the Republic) and sentenced to death. However with the help of the partisan Brigade Matteotti manages to save himself. He approved the attack in via Rasella against the Nazis. Attack which led to the German known as revenge Massacre at the Fosse Ardeatine. The enemy had to be hit wherever he was. Pertini was for a lifetime pacifist and democratic except when there was talk of fascism. The pain he felt for how the Italian people had been marked and humiliated by fascism begat in him an intransigence without appeal. The 8 June 1946 He married Carla V. Never had a license to move his wife always accompanied him on board an old Fiat 500 Red which was then donated to the Turin Museum. He was the first President who broke with the protocols to show sincere outrage at how the Italian political class was unable to cope with natural disasters and how corruption and mafias were gangrenous pieces of the State. Was at the forefront to bring authentic emotion and participation to those affected by painful events. His speeches hard rough but honest conquered the Italians. As the smile with which he accompanied l’ World conquest in Italy 1982. Its simple communication and his spontaneous act miss them a lot. Pertini human figure and unique moral.

Hector Parker

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