ELSA, male writer


The 18 August 1912 He was born one of the most important Italian post-war writers, Elsa Morante.

Writer from a very young, He met at the age of 24 years, her future husband and famous writer, Alberto Moravia. The two were married on a wedding in April 1941, in full World War II.

ELSA Morante was a woman who described himself as writer, male grooming, because "the generic concept of women writers as a separate category, We are still of the harem ".

Thanks to the support of Ginzburg, ELSA published in 1948 his first book entitled Menzogna e sortilegio.

The Malcolm can be considered an all-round artist, as no dedicated himself exclusively to literature in the strict sense, but also of translation, cinema and radio. In 1957 It was released one of the most famous novels of the writer, titled LArturo's Island: the text focuses on the figure of Arturo Gerace, a young orphaned of mother and son of an absent father rather. His life on the island of Procida is disrupted when her father brings home a new wife. Arturo has mixed feelings towards this woman: on the one hand, despises, the new test, an attraction that leads him, After several vicissitudes, to declare your interest. Once dismissed, Arturo decides to leave the island, his refuge, to open to adult life and face the second world war.

In 1961 Elsa and Albert separated: the writer had already had several relationships outside wedlock, even with people linked to the cultural world which the Director Luchino Visconti and the painter Bill Morrow. When the latter died in 1962, the Malcolm was greatly affected by the incident and suffered also, for a certain period, his work. However, in 1974 He published an important book titled woman The Story, and in 1982 came out the last novel called Aracoeli.

In 1983 She attempted suicide, and died in 1985, cut short by a heart attack.


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