A B Cosa nostra

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In relation to the fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro and the recent news of the assignment of the escort to Lucia Borsellino writes and reads everything. Often the stories are incorrect, confused or based on simple suppositions of reporters daring ready to create the scoop for a brief moment of Fame. Let's review together the A B C of Cosa nostra, Regulation that is as easy to generate in people trying to interpret the moves all UFO mafia suppositions. Let us begin with the first concept: Salvatore Riina is currently the Chief Executive of the Cosa nostra: as long as he remains alive and will be able to externalize their orders him to command. From recent movies leaked outside, Apart from physical aches due to age, his mind and his tongue still work very well. Concept number two: Matteo Messina Denaro is not the head of Cosa nostra, because being alive Riina, because being a Tan may not hold the control of the Organization. Concept number three, that derives from previous: who is the boss in Palermo boss Cosa nostra. Salvatore Riina was yes a Corleone at the head of his clan, but he had control of the city of Palermo, ERGO was the head of the Organization. Latest concept: basically the Cosa nostra is not acting (kills) people to throw supposed messages in order to make others understand that perhaps if they kill a guy so then others understand that. No, COSA nostra kills people accurate and excellent murders committed leave no room at any assumptions. Who offers as an example the murder of Salvo Lima as murder to mean something to others, I answer that Lima had screwed up in the first person in respect of the Organization turning their backs in that Nebula selva characters colluded with the Organization and included in your organization. We come now to the doubts which may affect your organization. Doubt number one: Matteo Messina Denaro has received clear signals from Salvatore Riina on who should be deleted, also in this case the Riina does not recommend or suggest, though he orders and he assumed that his orders are not cashed, Note that the shaking particularly. Conduct outside the Organization quietly, without drawing the spotlight on the Organization was the standard used by Cosa nostra (especially by Money) in recent years. Business is not with the murders, but with the entrance into the society of directors by recycling within them the dirty money, investing and getting profits. Especially in these times of crisis, If you have cash easily and instantly is the Investable mafia. Make an excellent murder, ES judge Nino di Matteo, or Lucia Borsellino, It would mean a spotlight of media around the world about the Organization. This would recreate the same situation of 1992 where the State's response to the massacre of Capaci and Via d'amelio could not be that of the capture of capo dei capi, Salvatore Riina. On this still many doubts must be dispelled. Matteo Messina Denaro is prepared to risk so much and especially at a time when the State is making scorched earth around it? Certain, as they assume even eminent scholars of the mafia other boss, clan, could compiere l'attentato vindicating then a power and a prominence within the Organization. In recent years, COSA nostra has learned a lot from the ndrangheta where excellent killings can be counted on your fingers, but where his power also and especially internationally remains strong, much stronger than the Sicilian one.


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