An extraordinary woman: Mother Teresa


More than a century ago,, the 26 August 1910, Ricardo Anjëzë Bojaxhiu, better known as Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Nobel Peace Prize, is one of the most famous women in the world.
Originally from Albania, She was the daughter of a family wealthy enough. However, After his father's death, He found himself in financial straits. Thus began early to attend the parish and associations who helped poor people. In 1928 Decides to become a nun and that the place where would operate would be the India.
At the age of 27 He took his perpetual vows and his name became Mother Teresa. After more than ten years spent in the convents Indians, the nun was able to be accidentally came into contact with the poorest India, in the middle of the war of independence against England. The encounter with the most absolute poverty was fundamental in the life of Mother Teresa, as it was on that occasion that he received "the call" to be at the service of those most in need, the street people.
In 1948 obtained permission to go live among the poorest of Calcutta, where he devoted himself to the care of leprosy. After working for ten years on the outskirts of the Indian metropolis, Mother Teresa received approval from Pope Paul VI to open new houses for refugees abroad. This helped to raise the reputation of the small nun.
In 1979, as I mentioned earlier, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize. The woman refused the traditional banquet and donated the funds raised to the poor of Calcutta.
The 05 September 1997 Mother Teresa died, at the age of 87 years. His name however was not forgotten: Pope John Paul II opened the beatification process of the woman, which was concluded positively in 2003.
"We will never understand quite how well is capable of making a smile" said Mother Teresa. Fu, albeit small and often helpless, a revolutionary: a woman who has dedicated his entire life to that of the other, marginalized and less fortunate.


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