11 September 1973 coup in Chile

allende moneda





stadio cilenopinochet







L’ 11 September 1973 the Chilean military leadership headed by General Pinochet voting out President Allende, democratically elected in 1970. The military action was prepared in detail a Sunday home of Pinochet, day he was celebrating the birthday of the youngest daughter. Already in the early morning of’ 11 September news came of an uprising of the Navy, President Allende when he arrived at the Moneda, the Presidential Palace, the is already surrounded by tanks. The final part of’ attack happens with the bombardment of La Moneda with Hawker Hunter. After 160 years of democracy, the armed forces take power through violence. At hours 10.30 Allende delivered his last address to the nation, in which tells l’ attack on the Government that presided over, legitimately elected Government. At 14.45 He was told that la Moneda was conquered by the forces of’ order, Augusto Pinochet is the new President. All told by pictures almost like to show all’ opposition and the world a total victory and fierce. Up all’ last Pinochet had demonstrated absolute loyalty to Allende. There are witnesses who recall how Allende does not expect anything reckless by the head of’ Chilean army, indeed feared that that day was also arrested him. Thousands of political opponents were brought into the stadium Nacional of Santiago. Were tried summarily, some executed, others imprisoned and others made to disappear into thin air. The President Allende was offered to flee into exile with a plane, but there was a refusal. Years later he learned that it would be done “get off” from’ plane still flying. President Allende died that day, probably suicidal. The reasons of’ insurgency are to be found in the deep sentimentisti anti Marxists of General Pinochet and his associates, and as ever ascertained behind the scenes of the United States, worried about a Soviet wire drift in South America.

Hector Parker

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