The 4 October 1970 ended the earthly parable of Janis Joplin. Singer, born on 19 January 1943. Was found between the bed and the bed in a motel room, victim of a heroin overdose. She was a girl, young. With her was the club of 27 in other words all those young people cursed who died all’ the age of 27 years as Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and other. Daughter of an employee and an engineer, He lives his youth with large complexes about his physical appearance and with the rebellion of those who believe not to be sufficiently beloved. He had declared that she'd love to 20.000 people every night to make l’ no idea how she was against anyone who wanted to listen to his concerts, giving them “a piece of my heart“. As reported a song she is a Perl, a Pearl, the greatest blues singer of all time. In the sixties when I was twenty went home, and began his musical wanderings with several bands. He began his travels in parallel with drugs, the heroine, He believed gave a wider creative range. Supplied by the same dealer. The 3 October 1970 ended up being late to record a session of Perl album, and went drinking in a bar with the musicians, she drank much Southern Comfort, drank always very, and also drove his Porsche drunk. He also said he had been expecting some friends that did not come. Frustrated and in need of something, He sought his dealer but not found. Used by another who did not know. The autopsy made it clear then that the fatal dose was of pure heroin to the 50%, and sent her to overdose. His voice hoarse and acute that mixed grief and anger drowned into the abyss of a syringe but continued his enthralling journey in his posthumous album Perl. A voice which allowed it to emerge from mediocrity that surrounded her and that she has inflicted the most intimate and hard penis from which came out sporadically in the space of a song.
Hector Parker