The first woman graduate in the world was an Italian woman who lived in the 17th century named Elena Lucrezia Cornaro.
Born in 1646, daughter of Venetian nobles, the parents encouraged in every way education since childhood, When Elena Lucrezia had already demonstrated considerable brainpower.
Nineteen year old, the girl decided to take vows but continued his studies in religious subjects and Humanities, with the aspiration to earn a degree in theology from the University — then "study" – of Padua. At that time it was not common for women make studies scholars, let alone pursue a. The case of Elena Lucrezia represented an unprecedented exception: in 1678 He managed to get, not with little effort, graduated in philosophy. Due to his condition of woman, However, He could never exercise the profession of teacher.
This extraordinary event could occur with the support of the father of Elena Lucrezia, real Maecenas of the era, but also and above all thanks to the keen intelligence and open-mindedness of the girl.
This woman, Italian pride and example for all scholars and not only, is the test of freedom and exquisitely feminine force: Although he was not able to overthrow all existing social rules (his degree was in philosophy and in theology not assigned, how she longed, but also the inability to practice the teaching etc.), Elena Lucrezia paved the way, until then never traveled, the recognition of the capacity of women to think and "intellegere".
Today the figure of Elena Lucrezia remains too little known, Although some have been dedicated Awards, plaques & squares; She was also given a crater on the planet Venus.