The Church in the storm



The corruption of the clergy, especially that Roman, It is a phenomenon now bi-millennial. It derives its origin from the ancient practice of the aristocratic families before Roman only, then the various Lordships italiane, to place a family member within the Roman curia, or even lead him to pontificate. How can we not remember then, in this regard,, two key members of the powerful and prestigious Florentine family of doctors who ascended the papal throne: Giovanni di Lorenzo de ' Medici, Pope under the name of Leo X and Alessandro di Ottaviano de ' Medici. Although in the middle ages and later in the Renaissance, the Papal power was reduced to the control of Lazio, part of Campania and Tuscany, similar to other local Italian Lords, his spiritual power was so great and important to influence not only the Lords themselves, But even the foreign conquerors, for example the French. The drift of the corruption of the clergy came with the sale of indulgences and reduced to mere economic payment of remission of sins, the salvation of the soul and of the place in paradise. Just a few Popes, strong spiritually and that was interested in the good of Christian souls have tried, during their period of Church Government, to stem these drifts by so many spiritual and little more clerical Bursars. Even today the fight is tough and, as shown by the latest happenings inside the Vatican show, no holds barred. Today that Christian message disclosed by the early Apostles remains a faint thread of spirituality which enables the Church to continue its journey of faith, Although limping. How are current today those words that Paul of Tarsus wrote in 1st Corinthians as a warning to the first Christians lost the way of Christ and as a guide to rediscover the path of true spirituality: “…faith, hope and love, but of these, the most important of these is love ". These three virtues were the three chosen by Paul as a foundation to build the Church of Christ. Pillars that today as in the past a marshy soil too unhealthy and sinking. Innocent III he dreamed that the pillars of the Church were failing and that it was now on the verge of collapse when he saw a man, a poor dressed in rags who steadied him the same pillars and lifted the Church, Innocent III clearly saw Francis in that poor. Today another Francis tries to revive those pillars, strong of faith, hope and love, at least its.


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