George, The Best

george best

The 25 November 2005 professional footballer George Best died. Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the 22 may 1946. Before talking about his palmares suffice it to mention that it was l’ only football player that was dedicated to an airport and that his country's State Mint has released the effigy on a banknote. He was singled out by McFarlane, Glantorane's reserve coach. While he was coaching the Cregagh, the team of the District of George, was told McFarlane that the little he started walking at 10 months and to dribble at twelve. McFarlane, after it is done playing, I signaled to Bob Bishop, Observer of Manchester United in Northern Ireland. Bishop organized a game to test its quality, George was fifteen years old and was kept hidden that the other guys had eighteen. He overcame brilliantly proof and Bishop contacted his friend Matt Busby, coach of Manchester United, telling him simply to have found a “Genius”. Manchester United has a tragic connection with il grande Torino, underwent both a plane crash which killed their players. Unlike the Turin to Superga where everybody died, Nell’ accident in Munich makes United survived only Bobby Charlton and Bill Foulkes and technician Matt Busby. In that’ accident Busby lost his protégé Duncan Edwards who received him at the United right at a young age. Perhaps driven by the emotional burden of those events that you decided to know the young George Best and recompose the team to go to win the European Cup. George Best was not a model student, thought only to play football. After some initial uncertainty along came his moment on 14 September 1963. The Jersey number 7 It was his, little by little he began his own climb. Speed dribbling and shooting left and right, was l’ only player that spared restrictive tactical directions Busby, since George hardly would agree. George liked to dribble almost the entire opposing team, Porter embodied and get you in the door with the ball. In those years everything was changing, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones they were remodeling the music, fashion and media riscrivevano social codes. George threw himself fully in all this flurry and became the first footballer fictional story in the game. He was a beautiful boy and had affairs with married women and thousands of other girls, the protagonist of partying and drinking, too many drinks. Cars purchased with l’ greed by an inexhaustible collector. Meanwhile continued to score and to win. Then after two English Championships won, He arrived in 1968 the European Cup and the Golden Ball. Reached that level began the parable descendant of George Best. The debauchery lived with him to pronounce his sentence symbol to a waiter that he delivered yet another Dom Perignon. In a hotel room as he lay with the beautiful round George holding money from La Mancha said “I spent money in alcohol, women and cars, the rest I just squandered”. Now football is not the excited me as much as before so much so that took episodes as not not showing up at a game with Chelsea preferring a weekend with bella Sinead Cusack. Played, in a manner of speaking, up all’ age of forty worldwide but now being l’ hologram of himself. He went to bed with two miss world, He was married twice and had one son. Ran away from anything that would put uncomfortable, How could a kid, but never managed to escape from the’ alcohol. A few days before she left, in hospital, He photographed the destroyed saying “Please don't die like me”. Lived a life that you can't live, where his talent emerged bully in his best time before being killed himself. His legend but flutters in the hearts of his fans that he, in spite of everything, will always remain The Best.

Hector Parker

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