Woody Allen 80


The 80th birthday of Woody Allen are l’ opportunity to celebrate a movie theater other than the one that Hollywood has accustomed us since the beginning. Allan Stewart Konigsberg, the real name of New York Director, Jew who has exported the irony of Jewish culture in film through a bewildering and often deviant use of’ irony. Allen has touched all registers of cinema from comedy to drama. His ironic target yields flogging the bourgeoisie and capitalism. Among the roads to get to laugh there are literary and musical knowledge, the assiduous frequentation of psychoanalysis also routes from a skills with it for most of his controversial existence. He has said anything and everything, but for his 80th birthday maybe is better to venture into the film sphere by quoting some of his catchphrase often inspired all’ humor of Groucho Marx.

“My only regret in life is not to have been another”

“I think of that old joke, You know, the one where one goes to a psychiatrist and says: "Doctor, my brother is crazy, thinks he's a chicken!”. And the doctor says: "Why don't you inside?”. And that responds: "And then to me eggs who me?”. Well, I think it matches very much what I'm thinking of male-female relationships: that are absolutely irrational, and crazy, and absurd ... But I think that they continue because most of us need the eggs.”

“I always think that for my birthday I make a party with a huge cake which comes out of a naked woman and gigantic. He beat me and then goes into the cake.”

“I was thinking that I must have something wrong, because I've never had a relationship with a woman that has lasted longer than the one between Hitler and Eva Braun.”

“There is then there's that other joke – important to me – attributed to Groucho Marx ... but I think it goes back to Freud, When he speaks of wit and its relation to the unconscious. Says I am quoting from memory ... say ... I paraphrase ... says: "I would never accept to be part of a club that would accept among his associates one like me". That's the key joke of my adult life regarding my relationships with women.”

“The psychiatrist asked if I had a girl, and I said no. And then she asked me if I had ever been in love. Here's, Therefore, Once I believed to be: MI ears, my heart beat, I was all red ... I had the chicken pox.”

"Have you ever taken a political position in your life?”. "Yes, by small I declined the spinach for 24 hours!”.

“I quit smoking. I live an extra week and in that week it will rain coming down hard.”

“Americans don't ever throw away their rubbish. Turn them on television shows.”

Hector Parker


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