Nino Di Matteo, a judge without a State


Antonino Di Matteo is a Sicilian magistrate who, at the Palace of Justice in Palermo, investigates the events stragistici of early nineties, be Able to Via d'amelio, who sunk the Italy in an atmosphere of terror and desolation. He is currently conducting, as Prosecutor, also a process called journalistically "negotiation State-mafia" borne by those members of the institutions that, right at the beginning of the nineties, they tried to establish a deal with Sicilian Mafia organisation Cosa nostra. Following the results achieved and the judicial findings that are bringing to light date, events and names of these characters, belonging to the State and what our, the magistrate was declared in danger of life. The threat, or rather the death of Nino Di Matteo, It was decreed by the boss Salvatore Riina in November 2013 from the Opera prison, where is currently held and submitted to the prison regime 41 bis. The statements by the head of Cosa nostra have resulted in an intensification of the protection system around the magistrate, restricting his freedom of citizen. The alarm reached the maximum level when a repentant has subsequently declared that the TNT had already arrived in Palermo, 200Kg. Not only, the repentant confessed the two plans to kill By Matthew: detonation of explosives, such as the TNT, via (Maybe) the use of a car bomb; the plan bis, skulking through the use of heavy weapons. The State, to date, did not know such security to the magistrate that they guarantee full freedom of movement and operation of its proceedings. Is an institutional isolation to which before him other magistrates and men of the State were subjected. How can we forget the figure of Giovanni Falcone, a man professionally always defeated: rejected in 1984 as the successor of Rocco Chinnici, rejected in 1988 as the successor of Antonino Caponnetto, failed in an attempt to access the CSM (The Superior Council of Magistracy), and it would have been rejected even the Super power of attorney if, a few days before, in that 23 may not been killed in the tragic massacre of Capaci. The paradoxical situation which today we are witnessing is that turn out to be the same citizens accompanying the magistrate: during the events, the manifestations, During his daily activity. Are ordinary citizens to allow a magistrate to carry out its duty to protect citizens and guarantee their equality before the law. Yet, having called to depose senior members, or former members, of the institutions it created a sort of nuisance with regard to the action of the judge, proving once again that the law is not equal for everyone and that it, in some cases, You can subtract. Despite this difficult climate in which it operates, Nino Di Matteo continues its action in search of truth, along that path started by Falcone and Borsellino, which at the cost of their lives showed the path of legality, Justice and citizenship, the way of doing their duty, without going to untold chords, rejecting any compromise and living within the laws and the rule. The path Of Matthew is taking is difficult and treacherous, but alongside him walking so many honest citizens because remembering what Giovanni Falcone: "... you can kill men, but not their ideas and moral tensions, because they will continue to walk on legs of others ... ". Today these ideas walking on legs by Nino Di Matteo.


Roberto Rossetti

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