A priest in the resistance: Don Michele Lam


During the years of World War II it is not unusual to see institutional figures – mayors, Masters, priests – who took part to the historical events of the community loud and determined.
It is precisely during the Resistance campaign cuneese, on the slopes of Monviso, who operated a priest who lived day after day the drama of his parishioners and its people, whose name is don Michele Lam. "Chaplain of the partisans", Don Lama was imprisoned four times and was woken up thousands of times during those long nights to try to save someone whose fate was already written.
Don Lam is the author of the book "a priest in resistance piemontese" published in 1977, text that represents today a glossy and clear testimony of some of the facts that struck Revello and neighbouring communities from 1943 at 1945.
The book, written like a diary, He remembers in an orderly manner the salient events that affected the Po Valley and adjacent ones. Imprisoned several times by the Germans, Don Lam held various activities "partisan pro" in the years of resistance, without forgetting however people easier, He suffered the war passively, and that they lost their loved ones during the bombing.
The bombardment perhaps best known, and the effects of which can still be seen today in Revello, is that of the 17 August 1944, as described by don Lam:

17 August 1944 – Cannonade of Revello
German and fascist teams arrive at the Airale: place a row of cannons against Revello and start shooting against the Bell and against that of the Church of San Leonardo. The Bell is struck in part and still carries the marks of howitzers, San Leonardo is hit and the Germans menano credit to passing in the shoot the fascists who shoot against the Bell of "hours" […]. Fearing that the brutal initiative continues, I leave the Rectory and I headed to the firing range […]. However, joint between the military find a freezing cold, I would say snide […]. I went away, but the path for about twenty metres with his face to the military. After taken the road home, However, the Germans and turned frequently to this fear that I got shot in the back, as they used to do, While I won't be shot in the back, but in the chest.

As recalled by the same don Lam, "a bright page of patriotism and charity have written during the liberation priests": When one thinks of the great world events, It's easy to remember the names and actions of the most famous characters; However, narrowing it down as soon as the goal, also lesser known personalities emerge, but that none have been able to defend their fellow citizens, helping them to overcome difficult times, without asking anything in return and leaving a huge inheritance, too often forgotten.


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