The cinema is born

The 28 December 1895 the brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière screened for the public at the Salon Indien of the Grand Café Boulevard des Capucines in Paris a series of shots including the exit of workers from their factories in Lyon. This incident marked l’ beginning of cinema as we know it until today, that is how popular show and commercial. Closer study film is son of other inventions, like the phenakistoscope, a device consisting of a rotating disk that were applied with drawings. Putting in rotation that disk, He leered from a window on the images that were on the move. The fathers of this device were Joseph Plateau and Simon Stampfer. Then Thomas Edison invented the Kinetoscope, that is, a gizmo that allowed for one person at a time to watch from a peephole of a piece of film that was moving at a light. By then the shows multiplied and spread across Europe. Stretching out the timing of the movies were born the stories and the cinematographic language that allowed the film to be a vehicle for messages beyond mere entertainment.
Hector Parker

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