Know the history is a good way to learn about our past, understand what we are in the present and have a solid foundation for our future. It is inherent in the human hope for a better future and try to predict in advance: There are those who turn to fortune tellers, to guess, to the stars, the astrological combinations, and those who rely on the past, or rather the story.
The man, life, the Earth and the universe, everything is cyclical: the man in the course of its existence was born, grows, develops, It decays and dies; death is an integral part of life itself, It represents his final cycle. The earth rotates on itself by throwing the seasons which are repeated cyclically, allowing nature to be reborn and bloom in the spring, to develop in summer, decaying into fall and die in winter to be reborn the next season. Scientific discoveries every day allow us to discover a universe in constant evolution, apparently motionless, but never equal to itself, an infinite where echoes that primordial sound and where each constellation and planet bound him to his birth certificate. The history of man is the derivative of all these elements: the man himself that evolved over the centuries, who learned to survive in nature, trying to master it, to live in the world, Discover the universe. What man has lived since he was born he always repeated cyclically throughout history: the facts as wars, PACI, discoveries, and the feelings and moods as fears, anxieties, passions; all this has generated a wealth of experiences that we would speak if only we listened. The Hiroshima disaster helps us understand the destructive potential of the atom bomb, clashes between Jews and Palestinians that blood cries for blood, the Holocaust than can become tiny and mean the human soul, the world wars that war does not solve the problems of this world, that peace begets peace and discord and inequality. Contemporary man advances shipped toward progress, everything around him pushes him towards the future: Tablet, Smartphone, the Internet are the main proponents; colonizing space is the next stop of this trip on the train of progress. Stopping to look at the past has always been branded as traditionalism, conservatism and anti progress.
The man in this life does not have an instruction manual explaining how to live the best way possible, How to avoid the difficulties, the sorrows, the pains and disappointments and what you can do to be happy, loved and maybe even rich; the man, though, for this life, have a catalog of two millennia of history, at a minimum, from which to draw and where some great historians are anxious to tell us about their present because the man of the future could no longer make the same mistakes. This blog aims to tell the story, the facts, the lived, the victories and defeats of the men of our past, because it is from their experiences that we can better understand our present, our future and especially ourselves.
"There is no great difference between man and man. The superiority is to benefit from the lessons of experience "