Hi Campionissimo



“One man is in command of the race, his Jersey is white-light blue, his name is Fausto Coppi”

So Farney opens commentary of the third stage of the tour of Italy of 1949, The Wedge – Pinerolo. That day Fausto Coppi will travel solo 192 km climbing five Alpine passes: the Colle della Maddalena, the Col de Vars, the Col D'izoard, the Montgenèvre and Sestriere. That day the cyclist Piedmont wins the tour of Italy,to enter the legend. From that day will be the great Fausto, the champion. When a person enters into the history of the myth the boundaries of space and time will fade, then no longer count the titles, the pink jersey, Yellow magic, counts only the image of a man who only, in the mist, scale its mountains. That runner, in the mist, Fausto was you could perceive that breath unlike any other runners, produced by the distorted ribcage that guaranteed him greater oxygenation and then from that nose so grim during maximum effort that comics were better than reality. Only, Coppi climbing a mountain after another in memory of the struggle of the young champion raised by Biagio Cavanna, from that coach to whom nature had taken away the gift of sight, but given a feel great and thanks to those hands, touching the legs of Coppi, discovered the sample. Coppi is today an emotion, the same emotion that postwar Italy that, At last, Thanks to cycling could return to dream big, to win, Thanks to them. Coppi e Bartali, Fausto & Gino. Getting their, always before, always first, always friends, forever rivals, getting together to the mountains that count. Bartali, now elderly, He said that God allowed him to go on living just to keep reminding the world who was Fausto Coppi. Gino tells us how a shy man, reserved, No lover of fashionable life, Spotlight, a man from whose hands he could recognize his past and his family from peasant, a man who has always fought, each meter of each stage of every round. Only, Coppi climbing a mountain over hand, in another memory, the end of the war, when riding an old bike he sailed up the Italy home, When a truck the bike wheels are deformed and he straightened up with shots of stone, We went up in the saddle and came home. Only, Coppi climbing a mountain over hand, in memory of the shame of those laws that have punished his adultery and love “White Lady”. Only, Coppi climbing a mountain over hand, in our memory that we can only get up from that Heavenly white sweater-in see get the Curbstone” and scream “Go Fausto”.

Roberto Rossetti

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The 2015 sporty 10 stages


Here's a way to remember all the sporting successes in 2015!
Let's start with the awarding of the Golden Ball, won by Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid player), the 11 January in Zurich.
The 8 February, Instead, the Ivory Coast won the African Cup of Nations.
The 26 February the bull beat Athletic Bilbao at San Mames winning 3-2: with this victory, the bull, is the only team to have won in the historic Stadium.
Always in February held the FIS, started in the U.S.. and followed up in Falun, in Sweden.
The 5 August Juve celebrate the League title for the fourth time in a row. Remaining in the football theme, on the night of 6 June Barcelona win its fifth Champions League beating the same Juventus for 3 networks to 1.
From 24 July to 5 August in Kazan, in Russia, dispute world swimming.
The 12 September to play the final of the u. s.. Women's tennis open, won by Flavia Pennetta against Vinci: After that game the Pennetta retires from racing career.
From 5 at 20 September do you play basketball championships, won by Spain.
In The United Kingdom, from 18 September to 21 October the rugby world cup which they see as winner the Irish team.
We close the year 20 December, with the FIFA World Club Championship that sees the winner in Barcelona that stands out 3-0 on the River Plate.
I hope that this 2016 be a year of happiness and luck!

David Aimar (11 years)

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The cinema is born

The 28 December 1895 the brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière screened for the public at the Salon Indien of the Grand Café Boulevard des Capucines in Paris a series of shots including the exit of workers from their factories in Lyon. This incident marked l’ beginning of cinema as we know it until today, that is how popular show and commercial. Closer study film is son of other inventions, like the phenakistoscope, a device consisting of a rotating disk that were applied with drawings. Putting in rotation that disk, He leered from a window on the images that were on the move. The fathers of this device were Joseph Plateau and Simon Stampfer. Then Thomas Edison invented the Kinetoscope, that is, a gizmo that allowed for one person at a time to watch from a peephole of a piece of film that was moving at a light. By then the shows multiplied and spread across Europe. Stretching out the timing of the movies were born the stories and the cinematographic language that allowed the film to be a vehicle for messages beyond mere entertainment.
Hector Parker

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Die for an idea: Willy Jervis


William Jervis, known simply as "Willy", was born in Naples in 1901 from a family of British mariners. He graduated in engineering in 1926, After a few years in the army he was hired by the Italian company Olivetti. Fu, always, an active exponent of the Waldensian community and avid mountain climbing. After the September 08 1943, Armistice Day, Willy joined the partisan movement in the area of Ivrea, where he could take advantage of both the knowledge of English, maintaining relations with allies, both his skills as a Mountaineer. Given the climate of suspicion towards all those who had not deployed openly in favour of fascism, on the advice of Mr. Olivetti, Jervis moved to val Pellice, in the province of Turin, where he still resides the largest Waldensian community of Italy and where Willy was able to continue its activities in the resistance.
The March 11 1944 Willy was arrested, randomly, by s. s.. near the bridge of Bibiana: the military understood immediately that you have in your hands a major exponent of the partisan struggle, because of the material of sabotage and military documents that Willy was carrying. Once translated into prison exposed him to atrocious tortures. Despite the suffering, Jervis did not leave out any type of information, that could jeopardize the companions and the partisan struggle. It is important to remember that at that time Willy was already husband of Lucilla and father of three young children, Giovanni, Gladness and Paola, that makes it even more stoic human behavior.
Pending the order of shooting, Willy lived for five months suspended between life and death, poised between monstrous upcoming executions and tortures. During this period, Jervis, Thanks to a prison guard compliant, entertained secret correspondence with his wife. The letters were collected, today, in a book entitled "a tenacious wire". Here are some lines, representing the photograph of those moments of pain and sorrow:

I'm afraid he's played my last hour. Faith does not abandon me and my last thought will be for you my dear! I was taken with other, put the wall, tied hands. Then they put me in a cell waiting. I make no illusion and I pray to God to give me strength to you consolation. I am calm for me but what anguish for you! How many things I want to say. You know my love for you and the kids. God bless and look! We are sure that there”.

On the night of 4 and the 5 August Willy and other four partisans were transported, by German soldiers, in piazza di Villar Pellice and shot: Jervis's body was tied to a chariot and dragged through the streets of the country; Finally, his body was hanged to a tree and left her there for days, for public ridicule. The Nazi action was a warning to the villagers to stop, immediately, every action and form of resistance. This did not happen, Indeed the example of Jervis convinced partisans to insist in the resistance, actively supporting the allies.
The last words of Jervis, found engraved with a PIN in the Bible, single piece of comfort during suffering in prison and for this evidence of the recognition of the corpse, were: “Not piangetemi, don't call me poor; I die for serving an idea”.
To the memory of William Jervis are now dedicated two huts, one in alta val Pellice. Willy Jervis was awarded the gold medal for bravery. of him, today, remains a faint tracing in texts dealing with Resistance, too little for someone whose life has been devoted to ideals such as freedom, Defense and homeland and for which he sacrificed his own life.


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The 24 December 1223 the Crib



The 24 December 1223 was born in Greccio the Nativity scene, by the will of Saint Francis of Assisi: It was the first historical representation of the Nativity of Jesus. This event was the representation of the Nativity scene, tradition that has lasted until today. Francis felt strongly the need to visit the "sacred" places of the Holy Land, Jerusalem between all. Actually, This need lies in the European interest of reappropriation of those territories who told the story of Christian origins, before the old and then in the new testament. In those years, among the 1217 and the 1220 took the fifth crusade, convened by Pope Honorius III involving many European armies and had as its Palestine. However, because of internal strife between the Crusaders, the campaign proved a failure and the capture of Jerusalem was only an unfulfilled dream. The 13th century is located in the medieval age, in an era that saw the rise of mendicant movements, including Franciscans and Dominicans, the so-called "third order"; they stand between the clerical order and the monastic order, carrying around Europe ideals of poverty and mendicancy, required for a true Christian life. In this rut stands above all the task of the "poor man of Assisi". One of the most impressive and effective ways for these bearers of ideals was not only to preach in European markets, but to represent through images what was Christianity. What better way then to depict the Nativity of Jesus, to live again "live" the foundational event of Christianity.

The Staff of Coffee and History takes this opportunity to extend to you all our best wishes for happy holidays!


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